Today's Intern: Andreaaaa
Boooooooooo! Ha!: Heyyyyyyyyyy there everybody! Ravey and Greg had never heard our morning song Will Smith - Nightmare on My Street. Even I have heard that. We had some "great" Halloween jokes. Who is the most popular rapper with ghosts? Gooolio. What city in Washington state has a very large ghost
population? Spookane. What Presidential candidate has the most ghost votes? Boooobama. What kind of tie does a ghost wear? A Booootie. Gettttting that. You'll notice that Menace isn't here. That's because Woody has once again talked him into making an ass of himself. Menace is going to be the first trick-or-treater. Yes, this 29 year old wigger with a fo-hawk in a bay area hoodie who goes by the name White Menace will be going door to door at 6:40 am asking for candy. I stand by what I said to Woody before the show, he is going to get his ass kicked. Anways we have an Email from Aaron in San Jose - Feels Greg and Woody about how adults go trick - or - treating. His girlfriend buys a pumpkin every year and he thinks she's too old considering she's 24. Is She? Woody seems to be the only one who thinks that she is too old. I think that carving pumpkins is a pain in the ass so my vote doesn't count. Everyone feels that they are surrounded by weirdos. Gavin Newsom is coming in today and taking phone calls. On this show, that can be lethal. Brutal Obama Joke: Obama is in Heaven at the gates and St. Peter goes "who are you?" Obama says "I am Barak Obama, I am the first black President of the United States. St. Peter goes: WHAT?! When did this happen?! Obama goes: 45 minutes ago. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AMAZING. :0) Good brutal joke Woody.

Guess the State: Authorities say a man tried to steal several bags of frozen shrimp by shoving them in his pants. The cop approached him and orded him to stop. The man promised to put them back, then he ran. The cop tackled him and arrested him for theft, resisting arrest, and assult of an officer.
#1. Nick in Turlock - Eh, Lets go Florida... - Ding Ding WINNER!

News With the Haunted Greg Gory:
> Bout a 1/2 inch of rain is expected with this first rain
> EXXON seems to be the only company who is always fine. They are fine when things are good and when the economy bites it. Woody and Greg had a slight debate about how we can or can't get by without EXXON. You'd have to listen back, I got a little confused.
> A 61 year old who was a staff member of Washington University. He covered himself in gasoline and set himself on fire.
Music and Entertainment Report:

> Rock N Rolla - Pretty good reviews, its a very guns, thick accents, and bloody movie
> The guy who released the 9 guns in roses songs is facing charges for a mistaminer.
> Courtney Cox is planning on returning to TV she will be in a new 30 minute sitcom called "Cougar Town"
> Courtney Cox is planning on returning to TV she will be in a new 30 minute sitcom called "Cougar Town"
> I missed the rest because of the phones. Sorrrry my friends!
Dumbass Contest: Fact or Crap
#1. Patrick or Rick in Alamo - Winner
> We got to ask lots of questions. Let's see if I can catch the majority of this segment.
> 109 year old Amanda casted her vote this week for Barak Obama, she said she did it because her father was a slave and the first time she voted she had to pay a poll tax for being a minority.
> Calvin in Richmond calls in - Has a lot of respect for Gavin Newsom. Wants to know about how serious the idea is of a Prop against inter-racial marriage? Scary thing is there actually is a chance that it could happen.
> Woody is pissed about the plastic bag ban. He just wants to be able to drape 10 bags over his arms and walk home. He is now letting Gavin know that he is now the reason that Woody uses his car to go to the store.
> What is the deal with cigarrettes not being sold?? Chips and candy aren't healthy, are you going to get rid of those too? We should get rid of the pharmacys in Safeways and places like that because they sell cigarrettes. Pharmacys sell rubbers and sandwich bags.
Jan Wahl is in the Building:
She did some OH movie talk. I was a little pre occupied with helping Menace and dealing with Mr. Drunk Kevin again.
> Jan is going to be Mustard Bottle for halloween hahaha.
Friday Song Challenge:
Ravey: Pink - So What 7.5%
Greg: Glen Cambell - Sing 24.7%
Tony: Rehab - Sittin in a Bar 8.9%
Menace: Kanye West - Love Lock Down 24%
Woody: Flo Rida - In The Ayer 34.9%
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