Today's Intern: Jessica

4 of them on their asses. Woody wants to add something to the ballad---Screw Encores. We know that they are coming back. Why cheer? Ravey was showing some hardcore irritation at how boring Woody is during shows. We heard some drunk Tony and Menace audio. Tony is all about "Washing a Bitch", and is a loud sloppy drunk all the way back to the hotel (or just in general) When they got back, Jen and Ravey bailed, this then results Woody and Menace double fisting these Hand Grenade drinks. They got HELLLLLLA wasted, and apparently Woody is a fighter when he's drunk. They sat in front of the hotel and started talking hella smack. When they got over the fighting concept, and decided to try to offend someone. Menace told a homeless lady that he wanted to "F her dog" Menace then got hexed. Haha. Menace needs to give his brain a rest. All he did was Twitter the whole damn time. This then led to Woody's story that was a US Army warning. Apparently twitter is for terro
rists. 8:00 am this morning we will announce the line-up for NSSN 2008. Get excited.
Our story will come from one of the states we are f
rom. Woody: New Jersey
Tony: Missouri
Ravey: Pennsylvania
Greg and Menace: California
Some students are facing possible disciplinary action. They did a prank that ended in a girl being slapped in the face. This prank was called "Hit a Jew" day. So the prank was to walk around smacking Jewish kids.
Josh in Modesto - Guessed Missouri and Wins!!!!
News with Greggils:
> The "Anchorage Daily News" that is the biggest paper i
n Alaska endorced Obama.
> Last Tuesday, John McCain's brother called 911 while stuck in traffic to find out what was going on. Really?!?
> According to a new survey - about 50% of doctors give out placebo medications - to mentally help their patients.
> JC Gallenburg - just gave birth to triplets - JC is 56 - and it turns out that the kids are actually her grand kids. JC acted as a surrogate mother for her daughter and her husband. Creeeepy
Product announcement: Woody bought pancake batter that is ready-made. Its called "Batter Blaster" Helllla tastey.
Happy Happy Story Time: Last Wednesday, a 19 year old named Samantha and her friend were walking their dogs. Her dog got loose and got hit by a car. When Samantha went out to direct traffic around her dog until help got there. A 50 year old man then hit Samantha and killed her.
Do You Love "Pony" - Covered by the band FAR???? Get it HERE!
#1. Vanessa in Sunnyvale - Winner!!!!! $250!! l
NSSN 2008 - December 11
5 Things a Guy should Never Admit
1) Conquest Number
2) Strip Club Experiences
3) Weirder Fantasies
5) Cheating Past
We added one. 6) Don't Call Your Shoe Guy
Menace stepped in a sand/mud puddle in New Orleans
and THAT NIGHT he called his "Shoe Guy" to tell him that he needed new sneakers. Oh God Menace, I'm embarrassed for you right now. Just stop your crying.

Text Poll: Is Menace a Bitch?? text yes to 36105 (notice how I left "no" out of your text options)
Yes: 89.6%
No: 10.4%
News With Greg...Again:
> Police in Chicago are investigating a murder of Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother, and nephew. Her mom and brother were shot. The suspect is William Balfour.
This was a sad series of stories. We had some callers. Tony and Menace are A-holes.
> In Wisconsin a man got back at his room mate who wouldn't have sex with him, by peeing on her dog.
> In CA an officer has been arrested for stealing a dog and abandoning it about 15 miles away.

Nicki brought us cupcakes. She made us cupcakes. They are DELICIOUS. Ohhh my god I like daht and you have to check her out!!!!
What We Learned:
Ravey: Twitter is the cause of all evil
Menace: If you like clean shoes, you're a bitch
Greg: Menace finds humor in murdered people but recovering from dirty shoes is impossible
Tony: Wants batter blaster in his belly
Woody: Tony can wash a bitcc, but its not ok for Menace to wash his shoes.
Katie: Menace isn't the guy on the street hollering at girls, he's the one hollering at dogs.
Tony's Just a Headline: "Jamaica Puzzled by Theft of Beach"
1 comment:
Katie, YOU ROCK! Thanks for being SOOOOO nice! Too bad I can't just hang out and gossip with you all morning!
--- Nicki
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