I'm back this morning! I'm 95% better and hella excited about it. On a sad note, the douche at Starbucks told us we couldn't get our coffee because they were opening at 6 this morning. ugh.
Today's Intern: Lauren again. She is freaking awesome.
Chittt Chattting Hella Early: Menace is the new Jan Wahl! He has no idea about anything in radio. Greg called Jan a bitch and it was funny. Ravey is on meds for an inner ear infection and she is trippin balls. Woody needs a regular doctor because the whole going to the ER when he doesn't feel good isn't working for him. Woody is healthy which is good. Menace thinks that Ravey wants to bang her brother. They are always texting and talking. Weird brother and sister stuff. We want Ralph Nader to just STOP please just STOP. Lots of questions to be answered. Is Woody's bite still on his leg? Yes. It itched like hell this morning. Is Homeless Jose still in front of Ravey's house? Yes, and there is evidence of needle usage. We're going to get Menace down there to interview him. What is the update on Ravey's ring? They haven't contacted her since last week. They said they "Know who probably, might have, maybe have done it." and that person "doesn't work there anymore and they are trying to track them down." Douche bags. They have until Friday to contact her with a plan, or else our Woody Show Army will be all over them, not just Friday, but everyday until she is compensated. There is a program that gives homeless people cell phones. Wow great use of our $$.
Today's Intern: Lauren again. She is freaking awesome.

Emails from the Peeps:
> Luke from Berkeley: Thinks we should contact the Marines as our Security Guards for our Berkeley appearance.
> Natalie - Doesn't think that we need security guards. And her husband is working at Top Dog. Holy hell I likeDahhhht
> Kara - She was overwhelmed by meeting the celebrities like us. She was super shy, and said that Ravey was her favorite. This girl seems super sweet! Thanks Kara
> John - Was wondering if the dude on the bus in a hoodie and glasses as Menace. Wow. Hillllarrrious.
> John - Was wondering if the dude on the bus in a hoodie and glasses as Menace. Wow. Hillllarrrious.
> Lindsay - Was a Menace hater once upon a time. However she doesn't seem to hate him as much, she even AGREES with him sometimes and wants to congratulate him on his contribution to the show.
> Rick from Santa Rosa - 6 ways to be more politically correct about women.

**We had some talk about how creepy the whole Ashton Kutcher, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, and all the kids look together. I guess its a good thing that Ashton and Bruce are friends considering that Bruce's kids went to highschool with Ashton. Ha! Gross....**
News With Mr. Greg:
> SF's ban on tobacco sales in places with a licenced pharmacy has gone through. Tobacco is no longer allowed to be sold in places like Longs, Walgreens, etc. because they are "Health Centers"
All Kinds of Sports with Ravey:
> Kiffen is no longer the head coach of the Oakland Raiders
> Sharks went into overtime last night for the win
Dumbass Contest: Tony-oki:
#1. Darren in Los Gatos - Black Holes and Revelations No Win
#2. Ian (I called him Dean) Los Gatos - Starlight Muse WINNER!
**Tony is going to make some ring-tonys and we played tony-oki for a couple minutes, it was awesome**

Douche-Bag of the Day: Some guy was spray painting some graffiti up on a billboard and he fell. HaHa. Loser.
Redneck Douche Bag of the Day: Johnathon in Oakland who we love sent us this. Some anti Obama made a lawn sign and wrote "Obama Half Breed uslin" (meaning to write Muslim) Commee Onn.
Music and Entertainment on LIVE 105
> Cold play is going to release a digital EP of left over material from Viva La Vida
> An animated series called "Good Vibes" by the writer from Pineapple Express will air soon.
> CBS had 4 shows in the top 10 shows.
> ABC had 12.3 million viewers this week
> America's Got Talent will crown its winner tonight!
> With direct TV get an early look at Friday Night Lights on channel 101
Final Word: Lars from Metallica - "Listen, there is nothing up with the audio quality. That is how we make records. We want it to sound lively, and we want it to jump out of the speakers. I have been listening to it for the past couple days in my car and it sounds effing smokin."
Final Word: Lars from Metallica - "Listen, there is nothing up with the audio quality. That is how we make records. We want it to sound lively, and we want it to jump out of the speakers. I have been listening to it for the past couple days in my car and it sounds effing smokin."
Doug Benson is here!!!
I love this guy and I'm hella stoked he's here!
Last time that Doug was here, he wasn't planning on coming in but he stopped by to say hi and Woody brought him into the studio. He had to split because he had to appear at The Bone. Apparently they just made him wait and wait and he didn't even get on the air! Those Douche Bags!!! They were going to make it all better by having some guy go to the show last night and interview Doug for The Bone's Website. Funny thing is that guy called in sick and that didn't even happen. Hella Classy.
Story out of Portland: Mail man was busted for distributing pot on his mail route. Talked about Oaksterdam and a Movie called Smilyface.

Doug Benson at the Punchline
Wednesday-10.1.2008 at 8:00 pm
Thursday-10.2.2008 at 8:00 pm
Thursday-10.2.2008 at 8:00 pm
Love Doug as much as we do?! Check out some of his stuff and buy his CD at
We're Back With Doug Benson!
Stories that make you go "Man, That Sucks":
>A guy had claimed that he had 4 credit cards stolen. The bank found 3 of them but couldn't track the 4th. That 4th was tracked eventually and found that it had child porn charges on it. The guy who had his card stolen was arrested and was eventually found innocent.
> This girl named Twinkle (no joke) has a condition where she bleeds through her pores up to 20 times a day. Instead of sweating she bleeds. Her favorite band is "blood sweat tears"
> This 20 year old chick got treated in intesive care. She was going to dye her hair but had an alergic reation to the hair dye, it made all her hair fall out and it wasn't going to grow back, so she killed herself.
> A couple started going to marriage counseling at their church. The priest advised them to start doing individual sessions each week. The priest developed feelings for the girl, the couple then filed for divorce, the priest and the girl fell in love, the priest left the priest hood, the girl and the ex priest moved in together, and now the ex husband is suing the priest and the church.
> This guy got in a crash and his foot was cut off. It was a clean enough cut that it would have been easy to re attach. Instead of handing it over to the paramedic and what not. The firefighter stole the foot. wtf?
> A couple gets in a horrible horrible car accident. The rescue people come in, get out the jaws of life, get the couple out, and get them into the helicopter and to get them to the hospital. The helicopter then crashes and everyone dies.
News Round Dos with Dr. Gory:
> Amber alert bill boards that you see on the freeway are now going to be used for ads when there is no amber alerts.
> http://www.juicycampus.com/ is a college drama/gossip blog cite that is upsetting quite a bit of people.

The New and Improved Got Game with Steve Masters:
Remember to check out http://www.gotgame.com/
> Hells Highway sounds like a sweet game! It is a true story game that has amazing graphics and it is almost a storyline that you need to play through.
> Menace bought his Wii, his Wii Fit, the Mario Kart game w/ steering wheel (which he's too retarded to work)
> This weeks big release is Silent Hill
> Lego Batman is out this week as well.
> Warioland Shake it and Rockband 2 are also out this week.
> Call of Duty World at war comes later this month on October 24.
Tony's Just A Headline: "Officer Honored for Finding Penis"
Does this blog get that many comments?
Not enough!! We want more!!!!!!!!!
Sucksss it
I dig the mid-area of the blog. Too lazy to read the huge ass inro paragraph. Maybe make bullet notes...?
Always great though!
NO bullet points. Keep it detailed Katie!
Still pissed I had to miss the Falafel stop. Can't wait for next visit to the south bay!
sorry you're too lazy dewey, thats how i do it. :-)
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