Today's Intern: My main bitch. Sarah from the B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L Half Moon Bay.
What it do nephew?: Gooooood Morning. There was a story a while ago about a guy who was on death row and complained that he was too fat. Ya well he's going to die today. Woot Woot. There was no call from Hotel Lumiere.... So you know what that means. Here We Go Woody Show Army : 1-314-881-7777. Call, but be nice. What are they going to do to compensate Ravey's ring?! It's been a month and they think that we've forgotten. Ohhhh no Hotel Lumiere...you are so wrong. Within 2 seconds of us announcing this our phones blew up. The Hotel Lumiere is just hanging up on our army.....oh HELL no. If you want more info on the crappiest of crap crap poop caca crap hotels -- this is the website http://www.lumiereplace.com/ . Menace has taken the crown for being the biggest cry baby. There was a huge "bitch" fest. Menace is about to cry....I'm trying not to laugh. The Hotel Lumiere is so screwed right now. Good. They suck. BIGGGG TIMEEE. Madden was bitching about us yesterday. "Everything Woody hates he gets all his sheep to hate too." wah.
6:46 am - Hotel Lumiere Update: They called back and proceeded to give Ravey the, "This isn't how we usually do customer service." Ravey then told them to stop giving her that line. They then said, "Well we will certainly give you a full refund for your stay." REALLY?!?! Over a month later, dicks!!!!

News with Presidential Candidate, Greg Gory:
> The Goverment is going to buy stock in 9 large banks to help the economic situation.
> We talked about stocks and props. I learned something here: Numbered Props are State and Lettered are SF. Sweet.
> A guy didn't get picked to play on The Price Is Right, tried to sue the game show (Over a Year Ago.) and decided to go into the lawfirm who rejected his case, and create a bomb threat.
Sports with the Wayyy too nice Miss Ravey:
> Rays beat the Red Sox
> Missed it.... Bagels in the house!
> Aaron from Dallas - 5 reasons you listen to the show too much
1. You say Hella More
2. You act Gangsta
3. When you meet someone with an accent like Jan Wahl you tend to say "ohhh"
4. You tend to tunnel people a lot more.
5. You live, life, and party and have that as your ringtone.
> Troy in Canada - Used the Live Life and Party song at the entrance of their wedding! You Rule Troy!!!!! Thinks Menace needs radio lessons. Thinks Tony has an expert degree in stupidity. Greg pisses them off. Wants to hang out with Ravey and watch football.
Dumbass Contest: How Much Pie? In the course of 90 seconds during his pie tangent, how many times did Obama say "pie"?
#1. Alan in Hayward: 6 times
#2. Janet in Daily City: 12 times
#3. Steven in San Jose: 10 times
#4. Richard in San Jose: 13 times Winner! Obama said it 14 times!!!
Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> Keane releases their album today
> Travis Barker can now move his fingers on his right hand. There are new pictures on his myspace.
> The Season Premire of Eli Stone
> Sex Change Hospital starts tonight
Tattoo Talk:

Tattoos You Should Never Get: (from http://www.askmen.com/)
-Tattoos on your face
- Guys with Lower back tattoos
- Super hero emblem
- Tribal Bands
- Norcal Stars
- Drug stuff ex: pot leaf
- Names of people who you AREN'T blood related to.
- Iconic Faces
- Chinese Symbols
- Dumb Quotes
News Round Two:
> Sarah Palin's daughter's boyfriend is clearing things up. He says that he is excited about the baby and that he has known he was going to marry Palin since he was a freshman in high school. (which was 2 years ago)

Crap On Celebrities:
> Marie McCormick wrote a book about how she survived being a hard core slut
> Jessica Simpson denys the rumor about being engaged to Tony Romo
> Lindsay Lohan will be Sarah Palin for Halloween....great. Who cares.
Crappy Birthdays
> Usher - 30
>David Lee Roth - 54
>Kurk Cameron- 38
>Luke Perry - 43
Porno Birthday: Julia Ann - 143 fine films including "Clam Smackers" - She is 39
What We Learned:
Ravey: Ravey will laugh at anything including a dead mountain lion and 19 year old
Menace: He learned he's a bitch.
Greg: When it comes to analyzing hoodies, he sucks.
Tony: We're #1 with stupid Canadians.
Woody: Ravey's ring is lodged up Menace's butt.
Katie: The key factors to Obama's campaign are Pie and thinking he's a comedian.
Tony's Just a Headline: "Smoking Ban Reduces Smoking"
1 comment:
It's nice to see the half hour morning recap there, to refresh my mind of what has happened as I am hitting the snooze on my alarm clock. Keep it great Katie!!!
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