Today's Intern: Mike
Whats up Yalllll: Good Morning! Menace has a zit in his nose and he's claiming that he is sick
Tony likes to interupt right when we are saying a link or something important. Greg gave a sad speech. New song is going to be Queenie McG. This was a hilarious start to the show. It's going to be a great show!! Rachel from Hayward calls in and told The Woody Show that they are classy. That's funny.

News With Queenie McG:
> The last debate took place last night. It was about the man named Joe the Plumber.
> A Judge in Nebraska has put out a lawsuit against God.
> A turtle named Butch is 150 years old. He dissapeared. This raises the question...How do you lose a turtle?
Sports With Ravey, Who poops in the shower.:
> Phillys are in the World Series
> Tony Romo wants to play Sunday, despite the fact that his pinky on his throwing hand is broken.

> Rangers lost to the Buffalo Sabers
> Sharks play in Aneheim tomorrow
> Lambo Field in Green Bay got rated #1 stadium!
Happy Happy Story Time!!!: Some kids made a zip line where they can hold onto the cable so they could zip from tree to tree. In the process the kid got his hand severed. Gross.
Music and Entertainment on LIVE 105:
> Rise against and Oasis both appeared highest on sales for their albums
> Tool guitarist says that they decided to work with Guitar Hero
> CBS has given a full season order for the Mentalist
> CBS has almost returned to #1 status thanks to CSI
Final Word: Hayden Panetari "I love using the F Word it's great"
Non Stories:
> Menace passed out at a blood drive advertised by The Woody Show before Menace was on here. Funny.
> A 13 year old kid was arrested of child porno charges because he had a naked picture of his 13 year old naked girlfriend.
There was a huge wasting water fest. Now Greg is effing pissed. I am saying nothing and staying out of it.

Dumbass Contest: Menace Theatre
He Butchered this by the way.
> #1 Mike in San Jose - Says "Cady Shack" CORRECT! WINNER!!
News Round Numero Dos:

> A mom got a bunch of people pissed at her for carrying her gun to her 5 year old daughter's soccer game.
> In the Travis Unified School District a teacher who was Ms. Smith came back after the summer as a man. So Mr. Smith is Ms. Smith.....Sweet
> We're surrounded by crazies. Last November a girl died. Instead of having a funeral, they cooked her in the backyard bbq. They kept taking her checks for retirement and SS and made a necklace out of her skull. Gross. They face life in prison.
Crap On Celebrities:
> Guy Richie and Madonna are getting divorced
> Gayle Harrell from Desperate Housewives, he is in critical condition after a motorcycle accident
Crap On Wah.
> The 5 year reality career of Lauren Conrad, may be coming to an end.
> Gossip Girls Layton Ethire , who was born in prison, thinks that being born in prison makes her a better person.
> The 5 year reality career of Lauren Conrad, may be coming to an end.
> Gossip Girls Layton Ethire , who was born in prison, thinks that being born in prison makes her a better person.
> Page Davis - 39
> Emril - 49
> Tim Robbins - 50
> Tim McCarver - 67
> Tonya Roberts - 53
> Emily Proctor - 40
> Simon Cowell - 49
Porno Birthday: Trisha Cole - 45 fine films "Santa is C*ming All Over Town" - 44
What We Learned:
Ravey: We're classy
Menace: Greg is going to be his new facebook friend. He screwed this up.
Greg: Learned that retaliation against Woody and Tony ends in retaliation against the earth.
Tony: Water waste turns on Gregs water works
Woody: If Woody had his way Ravey would be afraid of Porno
Katie: There is no better way to say "I love you" than a Zod Gory clock.
*Woody blessed us with this oddly deep and intelligent quote:*
"The Harder The Truth To Tell, The Truer the Friend That Tells It."
Wow Woody, Touching.
Tony's Just a Headline: "Rabbit Invasion Shuts Down Museum"
doing a good job! poor greg...oh hey, can you get someone to fix the podcasts? when they download, itunes says the files are corrupt or something.
Yeah, can't wait till tonite. I'll be outside at like 7:30. Ha, Bitches at bars. Lates.
Hella nice seeing you guys tonite! Too bad I didn't get to see you Katie...
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