Today's Intern: Andrea from the 415

*6:38am We heard from Menace, He got stuck on Treasure Island, he's on a bus, he'll be here soon.*
-No blowing up the Hotel Lumiere today, they called and told Ravey the same thing they told her last time. Douche Bags.-
Emails from the People:
> Pebbles - is pissed at us. She's a red head. "So you think I'm butt ass ugly?" She then lists off a bunch of red heads who are gross. "A face w/o freckles is like a face w/o stars"
> Miles - Came to Suck it in 08 and said that Ravey was super intimidating and that Greg is hot (no homo)
> Denis in SF- Loves our show, thinks we have great conversations on great topics and we got his vote for the Best Effing Morning Show.
> Ann - We have her vote for the Best Morning Show. We are the best of the best and no show compares. Aw that was sweet!!
> No one walks in LA- wants us to go to the North Bay!! We're poppin our North Bay Cherry on Nov 6 - Thursday
Dumbass Contest: Katie's Woody Show Evaluation (Aw Crap.)
> Heather in Antioch for the Win. Thanks for having faith in me!! :-)
*There was the Douchiest of Douches at Blakes last night. He was outraged at the fact that we were doing our campaign on the night of the debate. Wah. It's called DVR or Tivo. Welcome to 2008.*

http://www.woodyshowfans.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=519 <-- Click to get the Framing Hanley song.
News With Woody:
> Last night was the VP Debate. Biden took this as an opprotunity to bash on McCain. Saying he is way too much like Bush. Palin is slipping a little.
> Larry Flynt has filmed a porno with a Sarah Palin look a like.
Email from Jill: Thinks we are brainless, uneducated, not funny, have tanked ratings, irrisponsible, pin heads, idiotic, and that we're PLAYING stupid. Well Jill, you are right about all of those except our ratings. Learn how to spell and suck it. Bitch.
__There was some redneck gibberish. So Funny. Dun durrr deeer dun dammit__
> Uribe Manuel is the worlds fattest man and he is getting married!!! He once tipped the scale to 1230 but he lost a lot of weight and is now abou 670. skinny bastard.
Guess The State:
Story #1: A man used a cigarette lighter to cyphen gas and was arrested for it.
We gave away 3 pairs of tickets to Monica, Justin, and Medardo/Alex/Whatshisname.
Music and Entertainment Report:
> Appapalooza is coming out this weekend
> Flash of Genious will be reviewed today
> Nick and Noras Infinite Playlist their ratings
> Curt Cobains ashes were not stolen
> Jan made a CaCa joke. ha....ha....
Final Word: Fall Out Boy is trying to raise money to stop the turn of prop 8
Jan Wahl is Here.....Yaaaayyyyy.
> She talked movies duhhh.
> She talked Caca
Its time for the Celebrity Birthday Game:
> Sean William Scott - 32 Ravey Win
> Gwen Steffani - 39 Ravey Win
> Al Sharpton - 54 No Win
> Mario LeMew - 43 Ravey Win
> Effren Rameriez - 35 No Win
> Tiffani - 37 Greg Win
> Kelly Rippa - 38 No Win
> Randy Quade - 58 No Win
> Eric Stolts - 47 No Win
> Andrew Dice Clay - 51 No Win.
Porno Birthday - Kaylen who has been in 293 fine films - 31 No Win.
Friday Song Challenge:
Woody: 1995 Dr. Dre - Keep their heads ringin Winner
Tony: 1995 Bone Thugs and Harmony - Crossroads 22.1%
Ravey: 1987 Aerosmith - Dude Looks like a Lady 11.1%
Greg: 1989 Guns and Roses- Welcome to the Jungle 12.1%
Greg: 1989 Guns and Roses- Welcome to the Jungle 12.1%
Menace: 1998 Wyclef John - Gone til' November 11.4%
What We Learned:
Ravey: Although Tony pays a lot of attention to his banananait is still rotten
Menace: Learned that he shouldn't drink on the week days
Greg: Katie doesn't care about anyone on the show
Tony: Ravey's dad has more pubes than Woody's
Katie: I lost my paper. My origional one was a lot better.
Katie, you bombed on the quiz. Just sayin'
But your blog posting is tougher than tuff actin' tinactin.
Katie i love love love your blog. From beginning to end it Rocks* Love the verbiage and the random yet relevant pics.
Today was a bit off your normal fantastic game...but we'll survive!
That's a nice cheery little pic at the beginning!!
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