Today's Intern: Jessica is in the House!

> Debate #3 was last night. The main topic was the economic crisis. Both candidates are criticising each other, huge surprise. McCain looked like he was going to die up there. My friends, McCain didn't do too well for himself last night.
> Do you know what Democrats and Republicans like on their pizza?
-Republicans - Pay with Credit Card with oven baked sandwiches on the side. Pick their pizzas up
- Democrats - Pay with Cash with bread sticks on the side. Deliver.
> Palin got lots of heat for not answering questions. A lady from the audience asked "What would you like to know that you don't know already?" Obama then answered with, "Well if my wife was here she'd have a list, but what I do know......" Idiot.
> There is a controversy at a high school in texas. Some cheerleaders dressed up in Cowboy suits and pointed toy guns at the other cheerleaders and did skit where they killed the other cheerleaders. The funny thing is that it is the STUDENTS who are pissed.
> 2 teenagers went out for 3 months and broke up. The mother of the daughter said to the boy "I know you shared naked pics with my daughter, if you don't get back together with my daughter they will be everywhere."
Would you be Pissed or Proud Poll:
68.1% Proud
31.9 % Pissed
**I missed sports because I am on a damn Pizza Hut pasta goose chase.**
**I missed sports because I am on a damn Pizza Hut pasta goose chase.**
Dumbass Contest: Name that Noise (This Contest is crap.)
#1. Sal in San Leandro 0 for 2 No Win
#2. Richard in San Jose
#3. Menace: Loser
#3. Menace: Loser
#4. Justin in San Jose: 2 for 2 Win!
In N Out WAS having their 60th Anniversary!!! Hamburgers 25 cents, Cheeseburgers 30 cents, Fries 15 cents, and Drinks for 10 cents. Too bad this isn't happening. Suck it In N Out!
**We just started the Show over at 7:30 am**
Good Morning!!! We have lots of exciting stuff for you!!!
> Tallest man in China who is 7'9" just had a baby boy.
> The Worlds Shortest man who is 2'5" was standing with the girl who has the World's longest legs which are 4.5 feet long
> Movie bowl lasted for 72 hours
> Some lady got 25 snails to stick to her face and she leaned forward for 10 seconds.
> In Georgia, in a small town they are trying to set a record for scarecrows.
> Menace blesses us with this sweet joke:
-Why did the Scarecrow get a gold medal?
- Because he was the best in his field.
......really Menace? Honestly.
We had a bad joke session. I think we are trying to set the record for the worst jokes ever all in a row
Woody can't win. He got a sweet paper cut yesterday, then he burned his hand by grabbing the oven rack after the mit slipped off. Slick.
Breaking News!!!!! : Heidi from Dallas, Texas, Pizza Hut Corporate Office called and offered us our Pizza Hut Mac and Cheese!!!! Oh I am SO excited!!!!!
Got Game With Steven Earl Masters Jr.:
> Pure Racing Demo can be down loaded on your PS3 now!!
> Woody still needs a PSP for his Air Traffic Controller Game
> Fracture - Based in 2161 so it's a futuristic first person shooter. Sounds sick!!!
> Far Cry 2 - in multi-player you can't load the gun freaking fast enough but other than that it is a blast.
> Gears of War 2 - if you are a Gears of War fan definitely a good buy!!
What We Learned:
Ravey: Ravey must have some deep buried anger against Menace.
Menace: Learned that we have more fans in Dallas than in our own building
Greg: That wieners can be set to boner.
Tony: Woody is in the Guiness Book of World Records for being the World's biggest fuddy duddy.
Woody: Todays show was as enjoyable as a Berkeley protest.
Katie: All the people in San Leandro better get excited because we're coming to San Rafael.
Tony's Just a Headline: " Mermaids Protest Fish Abuse"
Silly Joke segment RULED!!!
"What do you call a sleeping cow?"
"A BULLdozer!!"
"What do you call a bee that makes produces milk?"
I spit up a lot of water at that one.
Haha, the San Leandro peeps better get ready for you not to be there. Haha. Nice thing to learn Katie.
The real worst show ever. haha.
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