Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's dark and early. I'm getting excited for tomorrow!! I have a spelling bee against Menace today. If I lose, I'm going to kill myself.

Today's Intern: Sarah

What's Crappin-en??: We're crunkin it this morning again. It was so insensitive of us. Tis the season for cut backs and they are making them around here. Everyone at KFRC got let go yesterday and they took our talk radio and are putting them on FM as well. We were hoping to pick up their signal but that didn't happen. General Neck Nuts, (our general manager who has the deepest voice ever) asks if anyone has any questions. At this point Woody's hand rockets up and Neck Nuts says "Let the corpse cool Woody" (Woody's question was going to be if we can have their studio) That would RULE. That studio is SO nice. We're thinking a stripper pole and some signage would be a nice touch. Woody and Menace are going to go down to KFRC and look around as if they are looking at an apartment together. At the end of the meeting, Neck Nuts says that Woody might want to re-think the way he acts when something doesn't work. (hinting at Woody's little fit with the 3-hole punch and the broken CD player) Peter from Oakland calls in to say sorry to Ravey for almost running her over with his bread rack on Saturday. Ravey is a Butt Slut for Bread.

CROGAN'S - 1387 Locust st. Walnut Creek 6:00-8:00 pm

News With Greg Gory:
> Support is building for another economic stimulus plan.
> A family who had a "Yes on Prop 8" sign on their yard got their sign stolen. So they replaced it with a bigger "Yes on Prop 8" sign. This caused quite an uproar and the family has been receiving phone calls from both angles.
Don't forget to check out our Woody Show Stuff at:

Happy Happy Story: This one comes from Oregon - A 57 year old named Rodney and a 28 yr old were both driving on the same free way, one going east one going west. They both didn't seem to notice the Bull Elk standing in the middle of the road. They both struck the Elk on opposite ends at the exact same time and ripped the elk in half. Rodney's car went off the road and he died. HAVE A NICE DAY...YAYYYYYY.

Everyone on this show has a boner for stuff in slow motion.

Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> New CD from ACDC tomorrow
> The Strangers hits the shelves today
> LA Ink and Family Guy seasons hit today
> Metallica starts their Indoor arena tour this week
I missed the rest of it because the phones blew up. Get the rest of this crucial information at:

Dumbass Contest: Katie vs. Menace Spelling Bee....ohhhh crap.
I destroyed him. Suck on that Menace. You cry baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#1. Kyle who chose Me - Winner
#2. Herb got a prize out of pitty.
Words that Need to Die in a Fire:
- Cougar
- Uber
- Tween
- It is What It is
- Vegas Baby
- (my word didn't make it) - Shawty
- My Bad
- You Know
- Whatevs
- Moving Forward
- Preggers
- Thats tight
- Kewl
- Izzle Talk
- Thats how I roll
- Chillax
- Cool Bean
- Bling

News Round 2:
> http://www.joetheplumber.com/ Check it out. This guys fame just keeps on rolling.
> The TSA - Jeffery Goldburg put the TSA to the test - He went to the airport with a fake boarding pass, no id, and wearing a t-shirt with "Osama" on it. The airport allowed him to get on the plane to Washington D.C.

Caller 105 gets Bridge School Benefit Tickets!!!!! -Curtis in Cambell is our Winner! Good Job Curtis!!

Crap on Celebs -
> Can Madonna get any more annoying??? She works out 4 hours a day, which left no time for her sex life, she sleeps in a plastic suit to avoid aging, she allows the trainer to live with them, dairy isn't allowed in the house, I hate this bitch.
Crappy Birthdays:
> Jeremy Miller - 32
> Kerry Fisher -
> Judge Judy - 66
> Vanessa Marciel - 40
> Penny Marshall - 65
> Linda Lavin - 71
> Brandon Ralph - 29
> Trey Parker - 39
Porno Birthday - Name: Candy Apple, 279 Fine films including "Tranny Get Your Gun" - She is 32
What We Learned:
Woody: People hate what it do?! Really? For Reals? Well suck it.
Katie: Ravey is a Butt Slut for Bread
Tony's Just a Headline: "Nerhjla hjfleanje.....son of a bitch."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Each baconator is close to 900 calories. He'll eat two, and struggle really badly with getting even half of the third.

Can't wait to see the agony on his face.

Katie, PLEASE make sure uploads to justin.tv to have tomorrow's episodes. Friday and Monday were very rough without my morning Wood.

Suck it in 08!