I had possibly the most boring, dragging, and long class last night. Luckily I only have that class 1 day a week. This morning my alarm went off at 2:15 am, I'm not going to lie, I was a little excited because I still had some time to sleep. Love that!!! Anyways, I need some coffee so that I can give you guys the blog of all mother effing blogs.
Today's Intern: Jessica The Baconator Queen.
Hm, What should we say?!: Goooooooooooooooooood Morning! Starting the day with an Email: From Cindy - She is able to function now because of us. The Sharks Won last night! The people
Ravey said that the Sharks would lose last night. Which means that the Sharks Won last night! Greg Gory likes dahhhht. They got hella lost. Greg loves San Jose but hates navigating around San Jose. Ravey has a navigation system, but no car, and these genius master minds decided to keep it in the trunk. We've been busting Madden's balls about not getting recognized, but Madden told Woody yesterday that people kept coming up to him at a concert saying, "Hey! You're Madden from Live105 I heard you're hella pissed that no one recognizes you." HAHA. Next time Ravey decides to get lippy, she can just remember that the Sharks have destroyed the Penguins the last 11 out of 13 games. Email from Jackie - Did we ever talk about Ravey's colon blow weekend? -- Ravey hasn't had a chance to make her colon blow but it will happen and we will keep you posted.

> Alyssa - Was really disapointed to hear the smart remarks (cough Menace and Tony) about the "silver lining" in Jennifer Hudson's family murder. "maybe she'll lose wait" Tony then did a lot of digging and then called the listener a pig. Great Tony, good job.
> Hector - Woody you're an idiot. Mud butt is when you have the runs. What Woody described was Swamp Ass?? Negative comando. We had Mudd butt right, we are the Mud butt experts.
> Esmerelda - Her boyfriend Francisco loves the show. Can't wait to see us in San Jose at 300 Bowl on Friday from 6-10pm!
**Sean from Pleasant Hill calls in with some signal news that will piss Greg off. There is no static in the signal from Concord, its DEAD AIR. Nothing, Nada, Zip, Zero Sound, as if you turned your radio off. DAMMMMIT! We are going to try to get the Engineer on the phone to get this ish figured out.**
News with Greg:
> In Ohio a teenager was injured by a 53 year old man who shot him in the arm for trying to steal his McCain sign.
> Woody tore down an Obama sign and a "No on 8" sign yesterday. He justifies this action because last year he tried to hang a wreath and someone took it down.
Sports with a very dissapointed Ravey:
> Sharks beat the Penguins
> Celtics beat the Cavaleers
> Lakers beat the Trailblazers
> Charles Barkley is going to run for Gov. in Alambama in 2014
**Kevin in Hayward is super drunk and has a slight infatuation with me. He calls in to share his getting sprayed by a skunk story. This was hilarious**
Happy Happy Story: A dad and his kid were checking out on uzi and they were going to shoot some pumpkins. The dad went to get the camera and the kick from the uzi was too much and he got shot in the head. YAYYY.
New Term: Iphone-it-in : Someone who needs to bring their Iphone into everything. Want to go to dinner? Let me check my Iphone.....basically the other definition of this is "menace"
> These I phones are pretty risky. There are ways for people to get your information that you previously deleted.
Email from Ingred - How do other women feel about men who play with their phone while on dates instead of talking to them. 

10 Most Life Changing Gadgets:
10. Video Game Console
9. Microwave
8. Upright Vacuum Cleaner
3. Mp3 Player
2. Cell Phone
1. Computer
Pointless Listener Poll: What is your most life changing gadget?
Computer: 57.5%
Cell Phone: 32.9%
IPod: 6.2%
Digital Camera: 2.1%
GPS: 1.4%
> Linkin Park isn't going to take another trillion years to make another album. They should be back in the studio soon.
> The old MTV music videos will soon be on a special website. http://www.mtvmusic.com/
> A sequel to Hairspray is in the works, but John Travolta ill not be in it.
> Greatest kids book ever "Walter the Farting Dog" is going to be turned into a movie.
> ABC will be the only network not featuring Obama tonight
The Sharks executed the Penguins. Woody wants to know if there is a class for pro-athletes to keep it vague when they talk. Greg wants to know if he is constantly trying to break his own record? Nope, just wants the Stanley Cup. How do the hockey games pull the hottest chicks?! Jonathon has no idea. He told us how it was a little strange how a girl asked him out during a meeting. Menace wants to know if Johnathon can do a triple lux. This is fun, Cheechoo is SUPER NICE!!!
Dumbass Contest: Drivers Ed Trivia
#1. Jay in San Jose - 2 outta 3 Winner!
Steven Jonathon Cheechoo Masters Jr.:
> Dead space rates 4 inflatable girlfriends
> The gear for Rockband does NOT work for the new guitar hero.
> New downloadable info for Xbox 360
Guess The State: 27 year old chick named Urmith was arrested for stealing toiletries. When the cops came she acted insane and derranged and attempted to attack the police with a well used bloody tampon. *gross*
#1. Mike in Pacifica - Florida Winner!!!!
What We Learned:
Ravey: Menace has nothing but food on his mind
Menace: areosal is an awesome gadget
Greg: Tonys idea of a sincere apology is calling you a pig
Tony: Would rather be tased, sprayed with pepper spray, and shot at than hit with a tampon
Katie: Everyone here is a mud but expert
Tony's Just a Headline: "Spicy Pork Sausage Found in Soiled Diapers"
1 comment:
hi katie. got to read the blog for the first time today. keep up the good work. ps, look into a proof-reader. have a good evening.
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