Today's Intern: Mike
What's it gonnnnaa beeee?: Good Mornnning! Everyone made up a song for Ravey to the tune of our intro song. We all got Pizza Hut pasta, but Ravey didn't because she had stuff to do. We sang the Ravey song. Flying stories for Ravey: 1) A
flight from Boston to LA was sent to Chicago because about 12 people got sick on the plane. 4 of them were taken to the hospital. 2) A man who was found to have grenades in his luggage was then allowed to board the plane. Woody loves people who wear Camo pants. Ha lies. A guy in Canada bought a lotto ticket, got all 7 numbers, but bought his ticket 7 seconds too late. Kill yourself dude. If Greg gets engaged again, we get to shoot his cake. We gave Greg a hard time about banging out the neighbor lady. A guy got a divorce and literally CUT THE HOUSE IN HALF. Awesome. We gave you guys an update on our Pizza Hut feast yesterday. Oh My Good Lord was it good. Menace is broadcasting from Park Merced tomorrow. He didn't tell anyone. Now Menace isn't allowed to drink tonight, we all feel bad for him. Woody's Pet Peeve: When someone calls an answering machine and instead of leaving a message they say "Hellllloooooo? Are you There????? Hellloooo?"
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

> The mother of a 34 year old was trying to get a hold of him forever. She goes to his house, breaks in, and finds a body of someone who she thought was her son (he had been decapitated) and she called 9-1-1. She was so nonchalant about it. "uhh, I came into my son's house and, uhh, his head is missin'. I know it sounds weird." Really?! The 9-1-1 lady sounded more concerned than the mother. A homicide investigation is in place.
> A couple of months ago Nebraska set the law where if you feel that you can't handle your children, you can legally abandon them to a hospital. So far 18 kids have been dropped off. The people who made the law intended it to be for babies to be dropped off, but the law stated no age limit. Woody is convinced he would be screwed.
> Should candidates be hooked up to a lie detector during debates? They can't lie?! Oh Jeeeeeeeeeesus. 2 politicians said that they would agree to be hooked up to lie detectors for their debate coming up.
> Should candidates be hooked up to a lie detector during debates? They can't lie?! Oh Jeeeeeeeeeesus. 2 politicians said that they would agree to be hooked up to lie detectors for their debate coming up.
The Sportiest Sports You Have Ever Heard with Queenie Mc D:
> Game 1 of the NLCS
> Tom Brady underwent surgery on his knee this week.
> A 25 year old man was indited for the murder of Darren Williams
> Pacman Jones got into a fight with one of his own body guards last night.
> VP candidate Sarah Palin will drop the first puck for the Philadelphia Flyers
> Sharks season starts tonight against Anaheim
Dumbass Contest: Dead to Real or Completely Retarded
#1 Jenine in San Jose: 2 for 2!! Winner!! Good Job!!
-Fastest Dumbass Contest Ever-
Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report on LIVE105:
> Foo Fighters have issued a statement where they bashed John McCain for using their song "My Hero" during the campaign without their permission.
> U2 is involved in Spiderman the musical. It's running for $48 million
> FX has cancelled "The Riches" The show was just doomed by bad ratings.
> Sarah Palin is NOT going to be on SNL
> New Episodes of My Name is Earl and Office Space.
Final Word: Travis Barker "I hate planes. My biggest fear was being in a plane crash, and when it happened I couldn't believe it." He was a vegetarian for 23 years but had to eat meat because the protein would help him heal faster.
*We will no longer be playing Foo Fighters. Well, at least not until Dave Grohl calls in and gives us permission.**

Ravey payed $400 for 2 tickets to Madonna......Sorry Ravey, I think Madonna is such a dumb bitch. Katie's Rap About Madonna: She's got to go, She can't be on The Woody Show, She is as hot as the snow, why people like her I don't know, she's an ugly dumbass hoe..... ok I'm done.
Sexy Time Fun Facts:
> You can get the herpelie-erpelies even while wearing a condom.
> Vegan sexual - def. People who don't eat meat and don't want to be sexually intimate with people who do.
> Boocakie shoot, they were robbed by an armed man on Wednesday night $375,000
> 83% of people between the age of 40-80 have gotten it on in the last year.

1) Monday - Wait an hour after dinner
2) Tuesday -
3) Wednesday is the dry hump
4) Thursday should be lazy sex day - do the dirty with minimal energy or fuss
5) Friday would be the post going out sex - drunken relations
6) Saturday - Shower sex
7) Sunday - Morning Sex TWICE
How Much Are You Actually Gettin It On?
Ravey: 4 or 5 times a week
Menace: 4 times a week
Greg: 4 times a week
Tony: 4 or 5 times a week
Woody: 7 times a week....slut.
Katie: 4 Times a week
Text Poll: Do You Like Sex Hard or Soft.
Hard: 140 votes 88.1%
Soft: 19 votes 11.9%

News Round Numero Dos:
> Federal Government committed $85 million for the bail out. Some, oh you know, 100 members of the AIG went on a retreat and racked up a $430,000 bill.
> A judge in Connecticut dismissed a trial from a lady who wanted to sue L'Oreal for her accidentally dying her hair brown.
> In Peru there is a cat festival where people eat fried cat. They claim that this particular cat can cure ----- . PETA is pissed, what else is new.
New Contest: Who has the Best Rip??? This was Hilarious!!!
What We Learned:
Ravey: Greg wants to be a thrower
Menace: He found the Orange Zip Fizz and Ravey is screwed
Greg: Tony cares about stray hairs in his mouth
Tony: Would love to have Sarah Palin loosen up his buttons
Woody: Tony's parents are on their way to take Tony to Nebraska
Katie: Cha-ko-lah poptarts are de-lish-il-ish.
Tony's Just a Headline: "Flaming Underwear Prompts K-Mart Evacuation"
It's Bukakke. Com on Katie. You real, even though your spelling doesnt. :D
Aww, no podcasts? Oh well. The blog was good. It explained what I missed, as usual ;)
Haha, I agree Mykee......about the idiot part :-)
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