Today's Intern: Crunk Princess (Because we all know that Ravey is the Queen) Jessica
A "S Load" of Talking: Goood Morning! It rained on Saturday, like MAD, but Sunday Ravey discovered ants everywhere. Woody uses his A.C. 360 days out of 365 a year, he opens the window 1 time, and he gets another weird bite on the palm of hi
s hand. Who does that? People in the Bay Area forget how to drive when it rains. Woody was great on Friday, ended up with Saturday and Sunday with a bunch of "wah wah wah wah wah" going on in his head. Woody and Ravey killed at bowling on Friday. Teams were Woody and Ravey, Greg and Tony, and Menace and myself. Woody kicked ass on Friday. This guy from Michigan who is 62 yrs old bowled a perfect game of 300, then had a massive heart attack and died. We raised $1700 on Friday. We are $9 away from our goal. I hope we can do it.....ha! Menace woke up on his buddy's floor with bowling shoes on. Tom in Antioch is going to send us $100 for the donation! Thanks Tom!!! A flying story for Ravey - A baggage worker got a bit of a fright when she opened the cargo area when she was faced with a cheetah running lose.
A "S Load" of Talking: Goood Morning! It rained on Saturday, like MAD, but Sunday Ravey discovered ants everywhere. Woody uses his A.C. 360 days out of 365 a year, he opens the window 1 time, and he gets another weird bite on the palm of hi

> On Saturday Sarah Palin was "victim" of a prank phone call. She thought she was talking to he French President Nicolas Sarkozy. She was "mildly amused" by the phone call.
> A man in Torrence, CA has been charged with assult for attacking a gay man with a "no on 8" button with a "yes on 8" sign.
>In Chapel Hill in North Carolina - This guy was sick of having people steal his McCain sign so he hooked the sign up to an electrical source and a video camera. Unfortunately the victim of this shock was a 9 year old who was apparently, according to his father, "was just trying to see how it was put together." <--Video
We talked about Tony's commercial. There was a sexy exchange here, April calls in and says that Tony is the hottest person on the show, many disagree. The most popular order of who should be on TV goes: 1) Greg 2) Tony 3) Menace 4) Woody
> We set the clocks back this weekend. Researchers find that there are 5% fewer heart attacks on the Monday after Day light savings time ends. Gaining 1 hour of sleep can actually help your heart.
> Hunters are more likely to die of a heart attack while out in the forest than to get hit by a bullet.
> When you meet someone new and you shake their hand, do you ever wonder where their hands have been? According to a recent study 28% of people have traces of caca on their hands.
> Drinking 3 or more cups of coffee a day can reduce breast size and chances of breast cancer.
> Since there is caffeine in everything, have you ever felt like there you had so much caffeine you're about to die? To die of a caffeine overdose - 13,000 Hershey kisses, 383 nestea, 378 cans of coke, 237 cans mountain dew, 163 redbulls, and 90 cups of coffee.
The Brown Menace (Juan in San Jose" kicked Menace's ass in a bacontor challenge on Friday.
Dumbass Contest: Who They Backin???
#1. Fran in Napa - 1 of 3 No win.
#2. Raymond in Brentwood - 1 of 3 No win.
#3. Chris in Livermore - 1 of 3 No win.
#4. Dominic in Vallejo - 1 of 3 No win.
#4. Dominic in Vallejo - 1 of 3 No win.
#5. Andrew in San Jose - 1 of 3 No win.
#6. Mike in Fairfield - 2 outta 3!!! Finally an Effing Winner!!!
Prop Talk:
> Prop P - It would redistrict the supervisors
> Prop P - It would redistrict the supervisors
> Prop H - for banning the otherwise legal ownership and sales firearms
> Prop K - would effectively decriminalize prostitution in the city by barring the Police Department from investigating and prosecuting it.
> Prop 4 - would require parental notification at least 48 hours before performing an abortion on a minor
News Round 2 with Greg:
> When you go to the dentist you always get your boobs fondled right?! Wrong. A San Jose dentist is behind bars for touching a girls breasts for a "free breast exam"
> Also in San Jose a girl has been endighted for hacking into a system to up her husbands pay. She used passwords and usernames of employees at her husbands company to hack the system.
> Halloween got political in Detroit - Some kids didn't have fun because some lady refused to give candy to Obama supporters.
Audio from a drunken Obama supporter call. This is hilarious!
Brad in Florida from the head quarters for the Obama Cam----Paign.
Check it out Here!!:
> Diana - Loves our traffic report
> Alex - We have an awesome show but we have some room for improvement. The show would be better without Woody being such a prick all the time. Woody isn't a shock jock and isn't having a positive effect on our ratings. He is arrogant and childish. Wants us to be called the Ravey Show.
> Javier - Ok now I'm pissed. Was in the drive through for Jack in the Box and saw a bus with both a Menace ad and an Alice ad. Oh hell no! Is pissed how we have no advertising!
What We Learned:
Ravey: Ravey needs a Woody Show Suck it bus
Menace: The Obama campaign knows how to live life and party
Greg: Tomorrow is not election day. its ride a unicorn to work day
Tony: Ravey is undecided on pee but woody knows that his pee sticks
Woody: Someone today in San Jose who knows how to walk a day in Menace's shoes.
Katie: Ravey enjoys a good nose stop and penis tuckin
Tony's Just A Headline: "Sun Never goes down on Rodeo Clown"....go Steelers.
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