Today's Intern: Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah

Hmmmm......I have no idea: Goooooooooooooooooood Morning! It's election day! You Obamanators and McCainiacs! Sports are sucking. Football is turning into baseball. Go Steelers by the way. Ravey dropped hella "F Bombs" last night. This one is for Menace: Something new for the PDA's called Jew Berry. Thousands of Jews can pray together everyday. This one is for Greg: New York now has a win a million dollars a year FOR LIFE lottery. The first winner is a 33 year old, who is already a millionaire. He doesn't even have to pay taxes either, because he isn't a citizen, he's from LONDON. I hate this guy, so does everyone else. Menace is financially retarded. We got some good stuff this morning!
> John McCain and Obama have been busy with everything for the election. McCain hit 7 states in just 22 hours and Obama hit 3. Obama's grandma died 2 days ago which is very sad. He spoke about her shortly. We heard some audio about the KGO DJ who talked about wanted Joe the Plumber dead. Then another one where lady that was oblivious to the world around her
> Voting for President and having your ballot be the one that makes the decision for the election isn't likely. You have better chances of get hit by lightning twice rather than to have your vote count in the election.
> A department store employee found a burglar in bed with 3 mannequins. He was then arrested for breaking and entering, and this was after he confessed to having an orgy with the mannequins.
> Browns are going to start Brady Quinn
> 49er's coach says that dropping his pants in the locker room won't happen again.
> Memphis rookie owned the Warriors last night.
> Sharks are going to try to get 7-0 against the Wild
> Greg Matticks is going to be retiring soon.
Happy Happy Story Time: A New York city marathon happened, a 58 year old man finished the marathon with great time, but he claimed he felt ill. Oh yeah, thats when he dropped dead. YAYYYYYYY.
> Shiny Toy Guns new CD is out today
> Fall Out Boy didn't want to take focus from the election day so they delayed their CD release
> Kung Fu Panda is out today
> Get Smart is out today
> Box Sets: Little House on the Prairie and Batman Animated
> Knole Gallager should be fully recovered this week
> Dirty Jobs is on tonight dealing with the President
Final Word: Trent Reznor is getting his fans to vote
We had some election talk. The myths of voting and we had some calls about services and stories. Sorry but I'm SO drained on this darn election.
#1. "Obama, because he is better than McCain, as a person not a racial thing."
"If Obama is elected he wants him to take care of the economical system."
"If Obama is elected he wants him to take care of the economical system."
"You taked up too much of my time, I gots to go, I gotta go"
#2. "Obama, because we need a change. McCain will be just like Bush. Obama is better."
"You can't pan handle? Thats not fair. Oh that's not fair...."
"Have I ever had angel dust? No......" (This wasn't a question that Menace asked by the way)
#3. "McCain is who she's for. Hell Yeah. I wants a woman President"
" I want that Pal.. girl, she's hot. She looks like a straight whore."
" I want the bitch to use her hoe-ing skills and really work the government."
Dumbass Contest: Election Day Fact or Crap
#1. Andy in San Jose - 2 for 2 Winner!
#2. Ryan in Hayward - 2 for 2 Winner!
> Woody made a great point. Tonight when this whole thing is over (the election) one of the candidates is going to have the ultimate "Holy Ish" moment. The whole world knows who you are. You are the President of the free world.
> After 15 days lost at sea, a group of 5 Dominican migrants were saved. When they were asked how they survived, they talked about how they ate their dead to survive.
> According to the Ran corporation, teens who watch Greys Anatomy and Sex in the City are more likely to get pregnant than teens who don't.
Pointless Poll: Will you Vote?
Yes: 86.6%
No: 13.4%
Crappy Birthdays
Puff Daddy - 39
Gavin Rossdale - 43
Vanilla Ice - 41
Dennis Miller - 55
Larry Flint - 64
Kathy Griffin - 48
Porno Birthday: Tanya James - 68 Fine Films - Bleached to the Bone and Money Hole - She is 25
What We Learned:
Ravey: Only thing needed to run the country is serious hoe-ing skills
Menace: Nothing
Greg: Come Jan 20 Housing and Gas will be Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Weeeeeeeee
Woody: Who ever wins the election needs to use their Hoe Skills.
Katie: If Ravey ever gets elected as President, first thing on the to do list is having some hard core Presidential sex.
Tony's Just a Headline: "80 Year Old Baby Stolen"
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