Today's Intern: Andrea
So, Are you guys going to say something?: Goooood Morning! We're all hella bumbed, it's Friday and it's Pay Day. Greg is physically unable to perform. Greg picks at his fingers His finger got infected and it turned dark purple yesterday. He finally went to the doctor, they had to cut open his finger, drain it, take out a piece of his finger, give him a tetnes shot, and drugged him up. That sucks. Today is going to be a good show, so get excited! One last thing, David Cross is a hilarious comedian, and we played his cd track "what it's like to be a comedian."

#1. Leon in Walnut Creek - Pennsylvania Winner!!!

> Nebraska has put everyone on notice, since they made that law where you can drop your kids off for abandonment a lot of kids have been dropped off. Last week an 18 year old was dropped off. This girl was forced to live with her biological mother, for a week, who was dead the whole time. (silent treatment...GETTING!) The drop off rate is now 43 kids....20 of those were TEENAGERS.
> 2 men who was charged with plot to kill the President Obama, while wearing white suits with sawed off shot guns. The jury is made up of 2 white guys and 21 non white people. Their effed.
> 37 yr old inmate in a Canadian prison will get released on parole because they can't support his 430 lb self. They are claiming that its "for health reasons"
Sports With Ms. Ravey:
> Raiders VS Dolphins on Sunday
> Javon Walker is done for the year he needs surgery
> Frank Gore missed practice yesterday but will play Sunday
> Sharks beat the Flames 6-1
> Detroit beat the Warriors last night 107 - 102
> Nick Swisher is now on the Yankees
Happy Happy Story Time: North Carolina: Shannon Atkins did a project on the high rate of traffic deaths in her area. This weekend she was killed in a head on collision with a 29 year old drunk driver....Ironic? Nope.
> The latest James Bond movie comes out today - Good action Film
> Paramore walked off with Woody of the Year
> Bad News - Lipstick Jungle and My Own Worst Enemy got dropped from NBC
> Ghost Whisperer is on Foc Tonight
> Robot Chicken is on Cartoon Network
> TRL ends on Sunday
Final Word: Kanye West "I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade. It is a big thing to end up being like Michael Jordan"
A "Wow That Sucks" Story: Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death. 57 year old woman in Russia parked her car and fell into a pit of boiling water. A man tried to save her but he couldn't and she boiled to death.
Dumbass Contest: Menace and Callie Spelling Bee.
#1. Evan in Rohnert Park - Callie Winner!!!
#2. John in Nevado - Menace

Let it Begin!!! Notice to the right....the picture...that is Menace's writing paper for this contest.
First Word - Birdie
Menace: B-I-R-D-I-E Right!
Callie: B-I-R-D-I-E Right!
Second Word - Soup
Menace: S-O-U-P Right!
Callie: S-O-U-P Right!
Third Word - Rhythm
Menace: R-Y-U-M-E .....Uh wrong.
Callie: R-Y-T-H-M Wrong!
Fourth Word- Cheesy
Menace: C-H-E-E-S-E-Y Wrong!
Callie: C-H-E-E-S-Y Right!!
Fifth Word - Pillar
Menace: P-I-L-L-E-R Wrong!
Callie: P-I-L-L-A-R Right!
Sixth Word - Banana
Menace: B-A-N-N-E-A-N-A Wrong!
Callie: B-A-N-A-N-A Right!
Seventhe Word - Desert
Menace: D-E-Z-U-R-T Wrong!
Callie: D-E-S-E-R-T Right!
> The latest technology is for astronaughts to convert their pee into drinking water.
> 2 guys have taken this whole urinal thing has been taken to a whole new level. There are now video games where you can ski (using your pee to direct the skiier) and you can shoot aliens. Girls don't feel left out, they have included a cone so we can play too!
> In Washington - police arrested a 13 year old boy who peed in her drink.
> An 18 year old man in New Zealand turned himself in for vandalizing parking meeters. He stands up on buildings, aims high and creates an arch so it goes into the coin slot and comes out where the ticket is printed. That's talent.
> A man in England is being charged with spraying urin and excrament in a bookstore, pub, retaurant, and 2 supermarkets.
> Kanye West has been arrested and released early this morning after an alleged incident involving a photographer outside a nightclub in England. According to TMZ.com. Kanye West was arrested shortly after getting into a scuffle with a paparazzi outside the Tup Tup club in Newcastle. The photographer claimed he suffered a cut face and bruising after Kanye pushed his camera into his face and shouted, "Get the f---ing camera off me."
> Hillary Clinton will be working by the side of Obama.
> The man who became famous for getting pregnant before, has done it again. He is pregnant for a second time. He was born a girl, but has been taking hormones and is transgender.
> The girl who killed herself over Paula Abdul is being defended. People are saying that TV is making her look more crazy than she really is.
Ty from San Jose calls in and lets us in on what it is like to date a transgender.
The Hat Lady Jan Wahl is Here!!
> She told us the new James Bond movie is great and how we should see it. 2 out of 4 hats
> She had a drive by insult.....faster than Woody is in bed.... wow... anywhoooo.
> She hasn't seen Role Models yet. She needs to.
> Adriene from the Cheetah girls might have released those pictures on her own, she has now gotten an offer from Playboy.
> Reason #45673 why it must be awesome to be married to Kate Beckinsale - She loves to look great for her husband even on her days off.
Crappy Birthdays
> Chris Noth - 54
> Francis Conroy - 55
> Tonya Harding - 38
> Sammy Sosa - 40
> Megan Melagi - 50
> Travis Barker - 33 (Tony's point)
> Randy Savage - 56
> Beverly DeAngelo - 57 (Menace's point)
> Judge Walker - 89
> Lisa Bonet - 41 (Menace's point)
> Jimmy Kimmel - 41
> Whoopi Goldburg - 53 (Menace's Point)
> Al Michaels - 64 (Menace's point)
Menace Wins!
Mya Mason has starred in 126 fine films including; "Chock Full of mmm", "Grand Theft Anal 2", "Toys in the Hood" , and "Space Nuts" She is a whopping 24 years old.
Friday Song Challenge with a Sweet Twist:
Menace: 303 - Don't Challenge
Ravey: Apocalyptica - I Don't Care
Tony: Sum 41 - In Too Deep
Jen: Coldplay - Lost -- #3 Winner! 36.6%
Woody: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge
Katie, you rock at this blog ish! ;)
GJ katie!
You spelled droors wrong its drawers!
use that spell check!
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