Today's Intern: Mike Mike Mike

Quick Text Poll: "Would you be willing to take a fastball to the balls for $1.2 Million??"
Yes: 50%
No: 50%
> The Center for disease control and Google are working together to make search engines will track where the people are who are looking for flu terms to see where the most people are who possibly have the flu.
> A 22 year old guy in Germany decided to kill himself after his 17 year old girlfriend dumped him on the phone. He opened all the gas valves in his appartment to commit suicide, to his surprise his ex girlfriend showed up to get her stuff and decided to light up a cigarrette. The place blew up injuring 15 including himself and the ex girlfriend, and he actually killed his neighbor and is on trial for murder.
> A 30 year old woman named Paula Godspeed, who was obbsessed with Paula Abdul, killed herself right in front of Paula Abdul's house. She overdossed on some medicine after she had been stalking Paula Abdul for 17 years. Freakkkk. We have her audio from when she tried out for American Idol.
> Raiders are 1 in 4
> Joe Madden won Manager of the Year
> Lakers are the only undefeated team in the league
> Warriors play Detroit tonight
> Sharks play tonight
> Price of Gas is effecting sports, ticket prices for NFL are dropping 10%
Menace is looking for a roomate and got an email from Christina who smokes pot and would like a room to hotbox. Ha.
Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> Twilight comes out next Friday
> Tim Quargen saw some fan giving him the finger. Quargen then started taunting the fan and embarrasing him
> Major of a small town in Turkey demands that they deserve royalties because the film makers of Batman used the towns name without their concent.
> TMZ says that John Mayor is going to be hosting a variety show held by CBS soon.
> Fox has cancelled Mad TV. Lets pray for a Stuart Movie
> NBC breaking out the guest stars tonight
> Jennifer Maniston will be on 30 Rock.
Final Word: Scott Weiland: "New STP album is not likely."
The new World of Warcraft is out, Menace went and talked to these ultra dorks last night.
For example: "70 Dwarf Priest Has s4 weapon, 1102 spell dmg all brutal gear but shoulders I have s3 still. Epic flying mount, 375 Enchanter and 375 Engineer. (PvP server) 70 Gnome Rogue Has 3/5 Brutal gear, rest is s2. Have daggers and fist weapons for whatever spec you want. Epic flying mount, 375 Jewlcrafting and 375 Minning. (PvP server) 70 Gnome Warrior Has some gear (epics/blues), Brutal leggings. Not the best geared, but will do fine for leveling in Wrath of the Lich King. (PvE server) I have all account information you need. You can transfer the warrior to a pvp server if you want, all transfers are available and pve-pvp transfers are now allowed. $600/OBO Please send reasonable offers. We can meet up if you live close enough and we can trade info/money in person (I would prefer this over paypal if at all possible!!!). If not you can send money via paypal and I will send you info through email/aim. You must also label payment as virtual goods if using paypal. I will send all information for the account after payment has been moved into my account to avoid being scammed."
What the hell does this ish say?! And its $600!!!! What?! Holyyyy Crapppp.
President Greg Gory Hate Mail:

Greg’s Response: Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike…. I have said, without any hesitation or any confusion, that I am basically a libertarian, so this whole “if it ain’t republican it aint’ right” crap is just that- crap.
I am so glad that you’re “fine” with me being conservative….it is your acceptance and tolerance of my political viewpoint that fuels me, that feeds my soul, that allows me to continue living in this dangerous world. I’m relieved that you’re fine with it….the permission you’ve granted me to have a viewpoint other than your own is like a gift. A priceless gift that I so appreciate. It’s your generosity, your selflessness to allow me to view the world differently than you, that pumps blood through my veins.
The main point to my response to you is pretty obvious….you say I should, “At least consider other view points from time to time.” Di you think I would read hate mail if I didn’t? Do you think I would research topics from both sides of the aisle if I didn’t consider other view points? Do you think I have the opinions I have without considered the opposing view point? I’ve considered the liberal view point, and I see that it’s based on emotion instead of fact, and that’s just not for me. So of course I’ve considered other view points. As much as I would love to live in a vacuum where only my view points existed, that’s not reality. I have no choice but to consider and confront other view points.
And to use your word, it “saddens” me that you think our government takes part in atrocities. Interesting…I see an America that looks to end atrocities, that wants freedom for all people, that opens the door to opportunity. I don’t see an America that’s hungry to spread atrocities. Call me naïve, but that’s one view point I will never concede. America is good, and America rules. Hopefully you’re “fine” with me thinking that.
If not, you can take it up at your next “we love Hugo Chavez America is the bad guy” meeting. And don’t forget to clean your sickle and hammer.

I am so glad that you’re “fine” with me being conservative….it is your acceptance and tolerance of my political viewpoint that fuels me, that feeds my soul, that allows me to continue living in this dangerous world. I’m relieved that you’re fine with it….the permission you’ve granted me to have a viewpoint other than your own is like a gift. A priceless gift that I so appreciate. It’s your generosity, your selflessness to allow me to view the world differently than you, that pumps blood through my veins.
The main point to my response to you is pretty obvious….you say I should, “At least consider other view points from time to time.” Di you think I would read hate mail if I didn’t? Do you think I would research topics from both sides of the aisle if I didn’t consider other view points? Do you think I have the opinions I have without considered the opposing view point? I’ve considered the liberal view point, and I see that it’s based on emotion instead of fact, and that’s just not for me. So of course I’ve considered other view points. As much as I would love to live in a vacuum where only my view points existed, that’s not reality. I have no choice but to consider and confront other view points.
And to use your word, it “saddens” me that you think our government takes part in atrocities. Interesting…I see an America that looks to end atrocities, that wants freedom for all people, that opens the door to opportunity. I don’t see an America that’s hungry to spread atrocities. Call me naïve, but that’s one view point I will never concede. America is good, and America rules. Hopefully you’re “fine” with me thinking that.
If not, you can take it up at your next “we love Hugo Chavez America is the bad guy” meeting. And don’t forget to clean your sickle and hammer.

#2. From Mtucker: You guys ranted about “liberals” and how they want to control everything we do because they banned Walgreens from selling cigarettes in San Francisco. I don’t understand why you say this is a “liberal” issue. Conservatives are busy de-regulating everything so they can get rich at your expense and taking away your basic human rights in the name of terror- maybe just a little bigger issues than selling cigs in Walgreens.
Greg’s Response: As much as I’ve grown to dislike the Greg Gory hate mail segment, at least I can count on people like you to make this segment really easy.
First of all, it’s so easy for you to just say that conservatives are getting rich as my expense without so much as citing a single example of that. I am completely unaware of any conservative out there getting rich at my expense…as far as I’m concerned, people who are out there getting rich generally get rich by doing it themselves. I have to break the bad news of reality to you , but there really are no money fairies that come to your house and sprinkle cash all over you while you sleep. It’s free enterprise, and we all have the same opportunity to seek fortune in any legal way we choose
An of course the banning of cigarette sales in pharmacies is a liberal issue. Here’s why…conservatives are capitalists and believe that wealth and success is attained through their own efforts. Liberals view successful business owners as cheats, and want to take their fortunes to fund their programs. Liberals think the government is the official nanny for all of us, while conservatives think you and I should make our own way in this world…the liberal SF government, in this case Gavin Newsom, wants to deny you the choice to purchase a legal product, and he wants to deny pharmacies the right to sell that legal product. But nooooo, the liberal mind thinks the government needs to ply the role of wet nurse, because got forbid we realize by ourselves that smoking is harmful to our health.
But as Woody rightly pointed out while the mayor was here, pharmacies still sell junk food and habit forming pills and evil alcohol…why won’t the mayor protect us from those things? Maybe that’s next. He said it’s not a slippery slope and that the whole thing needs to be looked at logically. Ironic, coming from a liberal, because logic is their biggest fear.
So M Tucker, you go enjoy your day being told what’s good for you and what’s bad, being told what you can and can’t buy, where you can and can’t buy it, what kind of bag they put it in…in the meantime, I’ll be here…at my job…suffering while all the conservatives are getting rich at my expense.
Greg’s Response: As much as I’ve grown to dislike the Greg Gory hate mail segment, at least I can count on people like you to make this segment really easy.
First of all, it’s so easy for you to just say that conservatives are getting rich as my expense without so much as citing a single example of that. I am completely unaware of any conservative out there getting rich at my expense…as far as I’m concerned, people who are out there getting rich generally get rich by doing it themselves. I have to break the bad news of reality to you , but there really are no money fairies that come to your house and sprinkle cash all over you while you sleep. It’s free enterprise, and we all have the same opportunity to seek fortune in any legal way we choose
An of course the banning of cigarette sales in pharmacies is a liberal issue. Here’s why…conservatives are capitalists and believe that wealth and success is attained through their own efforts. Liberals view successful business owners as cheats, and want to take their fortunes to fund their programs. Liberals think the government is the official nanny for all of us, while conservatives think you and I should make our own way in this world…the liberal SF government, in this case Gavin Newsom, wants to deny you the choice to purchase a legal product, and he wants to deny pharmacies the right to sell that legal product. But nooooo, the liberal mind thinks the government needs to ply the role of wet nurse, because got forbid we realize by ourselves that smoking is harmful to our health.
But as Woody rightly pointed out while the mayor was here, pharmacies still sell junk food and habit forming pills and evil alcohol…why won’t the mayor protect us from those things? Maybe that’s next. He said it’s not a slippery slope and that the whole thing needs to be looked at logically. Ironic, coming from a liberal, because logic is their biggest fear.
So M Tucker, you go enjoy your day being told what’s good for you and what’s bad, being told what you can and can’t buy, where you can and can’t buy it, what kind of bag they put it in…in the meantime, I’ll be here…at my job…suffering while all the conservatives are getting rich at my expense.

Greg’s Response: John…you’re the bitch.
First of all, I wasn’t miserable at all on election night. I was pretty excited to witness history and I could actually feel the energy of a nation that was finally hopeful again. And for the billionth and final time, McCain wasn’t my boy! My boy was Rudy…and I hope Rudy makes a run in 2012 and I hope he does it better this time. I remember back in 04 when Bush was re-elected, you should have seen the look of dejection on a bunch of people here at Live 105. Was I happy that Bush beat Kerry? Yes. Did I walk around wishing miser on Kerry supporters? Of course not. That’s the most pathetic, mean-spirited, poisonous way of acting. It’s getting old pointing it out, but people who talk about being open-minded and accepting are generally those who wish misery on anyone who doesn’t toe their line.
And if you sight the source, it’s not plagiarism, so let me borrow a line from the great Dennis Miller, who said, and I quote, “I hope that in 4 years I am salivating to vote for Obama.” His point is like my point. I want Obama to succeed because I want America to succeed. I would never hope failure just to say, “Ha Ha, John, your candidate sucks!” What good does that do us as a country? Unlike people on the left, I’m not going to bash Obama at every turn, I won’t call him stupid, I won’t attempt to name a sewage plant after him, I won’t have bumper stickers saying he’s not my President. Because he is my President and I want him to succeed. I won’t bow down to your pathetic level or that pathetic Berkeley-lifestyle of seething hatred and anger. I’ll be rooting for the President and rooting for America as I always do. I don’t think Obama is the Messiah…I don’t think a handful of Skittles will be given out after every visit to your free doctors appointment, but lets see what happens. Hopefully it’ll be good!
So go Obama, Go USA, and suck it John, you’re the bitch!!
Liberal Hall Of Fame: Today we are adding Gavin Newsom
You guys have officially been Greg Gory Served... Suck it.
Sexy Time Fun Facts:
> 1 in 5 married people are going sexless
> How to spice up your sex life without going against God's will.
you can also check out
What is the longest you went without sex?
Ravey: Almost 2 years
Menace: A year and a half
Greg: Between 4 and 6 months
Tony: 6 weeks
Woody: none - crazed sex crazy man
Katie: 1 year
> A user of, is suing them. He recieved an email saying that "someone from your class is looking to find you." so he payed the $15 and tried to figure out what is going on. Turns out it was just a turn on email to get him to sign up.
> A 24 year old in Wisconsin, Dan Drinkwine, got so mad at a karaoke bar that he actually assulted the guy. He blew a .169 and was booked for battery and assult.
Guess The State: Story B: On saturday 38 year old Eveyln was arrested after she stole $2 in change from someones car. She was arrested for burglery and when they searched her they found her crack pipe she hid in her butt crack.
#1. Jake in Petaluma: Goes with Florida Winner!
What We Learned:
Ravey: We just mock what we don't understand.
Menace: we let him go last and he still effed up. forrrrgettt it Menace.
Greg: The key to financial success is saying "I Do."
Tony: It takes Menace cutting off a finger to look like a freak.
Katie: Bitches are just greedy hoes.
Tony's Just a Headline: "Winnie the Pooh held as Suspect in Robbery."
Damn, Hate Mail was helllllla long.. And Woody didn't learn Jack Squat?!
I'm gonna go on to listen to Menace's "soon to be" roommate =D
Your web is great!! I learned something about WOW here!!!!
thanks for mentioning Experience Project today (for sexless marriage support, among other things). Much appreciated!
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