What You Say?!: Gooooooooooooooood Morning. Andrew from the 408 got our NSSN passes yesterday for $600!!! Thanks Andrew! Eric Hahn from Nebraska broke the record for the tallest mohawk which is 27 inches tall. From the Netherlands - the record for most dominos to be knocked down at 1 time - 4,345,270 dominos! Greg knows someone who works with the advertising company who did Menace's Park Merced, and Greg got a "queen" size one for the office. Dave has totally killed Woody's passion and love and has turned him into a salty person at the moment. Dave thinks the sports is too sports-y and we don't play enough music and when we do play music it isn't the right music. This turned into a huge rant, people love the show and want it to stay the way it is. We got a bunch of calls from people who wan't the show to be left alone. We kick ass as of right now.....Why change it?
News With Greg:
> The fires in Southern California continue. It went from 35 square miles to 64 square miles. Christopher Lloyd lost his $11 million home.
> The automakers aren't doing so well. There is some huge talk about whether or not they will recieve help from the bail.
> Last August some woman from Milwaukee called 911 claiming that her boyfriend was attacking her and was hurting her. While on the phone with the 911 guy she was yelling at her boyfriend and crying and the 911 guy said "call me back when you are going to talk to me." and hung up on her.

Pointless Poll: When you think of Christopher Lloyd, What movie do you think of?
Taxi: 35.9%
Back to the Future: 64.1%
We Got Our Billboard!!!! Whoever spray painted over the "Freakin Try It" We don't encourage that type of stuff....but ohh hells yes!
Dumbass Contest: Who Said it?!
#1. Mitch in SF - 1 outta 3 No Win!
#2. Trevor in Redwood City - 0 for 2 No Win!
#3. Edgar in Union City - 0 for 2 No Win!
#4. Lance in Oakland - 0 for 2 No Win!
#5. Justin in San Jose - 0 for 2 No Win!
#6. Anthony in SF - 0 for 2 No Win!
#7. Adrian in Foster City - 0 for 2 No Win!
....There is no prize givin today......damn....
NEW SHOW WEBSITE: www.davetheshowkiller.com
> oh wait nevermind, he was late, threw off the whole show. We're not going to talk to him now, because he sucks and can't be on time.
Ravey's Mucis and Entertainment Report:
> Wall-e is out today
> Hannah Montana is out today
> Lipstick Jungle has not been cancelled according to Brooke Shields - I was talking to Greg about the Scott Weiland thing, sorry about missing the rest. :-(
Woody Stopped The Show. It was a Train Wreck. See ya Tomorrow
oh wait....we're back.
News Round 2 With Greg:
> Tree Sitters are facing jail time. Good.
> Walter Andre Sharp Jr. his identity got switched with a guy who had to pay child support, was thrown in jail for not being able to make the payments, the wife thought that the 5th kid (which was his only child and it wasnt hers) and she cut off the visitation rights from his real kids, and gets no compensation.
Sports with Ravey:
> Sharks beat the Predators last night
> Warriors play Portland tonight
> Mark Cuban is in trouble for insider trading.
> 16 year old pitcher will be the first girl ever to play pro baseball.
Parents in the News:
> A mother turned in her teen daughter and her son for a gas station armed robbery.
> An 11 year old hit his mother in the head with a saw and then offered his mom $5 not to call the cops.
> Tony Duncon chained himself to his electric meter because he hadn't payed it. The electric company said that if he didn't pay it they would shut it off. His daughter relys on a feeding tube and machinery. An annonymus doner payed the bulk of his bill to save his kid and he got a bunch of job offers.
What We Learned:
Ravey: She was wrong when she said there were no songs worse than Danzig Mother
Menace: Nothing
Greg: Scott Weiland's staff is a bunch of drunk Carnies
Tony: Ravey hates ehh....nevermind.
Woody: Nothing....weird.
Katie: No $$ for billboards but we do have a bunch of crazies with spray paint.
Tony's Just a Headline: "ATM Victim has Withdrawl Symptoms"
god damn justin.tv is archiving right, so here I am...
Knowing you work at a TJ's makes you infinitely cooler Katie. Tell Woody to try the Chocolate Covered Pretzels...those things are killer
I called about the broken toe. I got some pics of it on my blog:
Ya justin.tv can suck it.
Anyway the last few weeks have been pretty weak. Don't get me wrong I still love the show it just hasn't been as good as in the past.
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