Today's Intern: Jessica

News With Greg Gory:

> Measure B is still being covered. This would extend BART to San Jose (which would rule) with several stops in between. There was a law suit because there was a requested re-count but it wasn't requested early enough.
> The Hollywood Casino was going to send 1,000 people $100 credits for slot machines. Instead of it being sent to 1,000 it was sent to 55,000 people. The casino says that due to this mistake, if all 55,000 take up that offer, the Casino will be out $29 million.
> AIG changed the english language. Instead of calling the given money at the end of the year a "Bonus" they are calling it a "Retention Pay". People are recieving this "retention pay" for keeping their jobs.

> Plaxeco Buress is done. The Giants are finished with him. He will be suspended.
> The NFL announced that 6 players will be suspended for using steriods. Kevin and Pat Williams for the Vikings are included in these 6
> Sean Avery said some stupid comment, "sloppy seconds" about his ex girlfriends during an interview. Within minutes he was suspended indefinitely for making comments that don't have anything to do with the game.
> The Sharks were great last night. They won 5-2
> Michael Phelps was named "Sportsman of the year" by Sports Illustrated.
Menace has a theory that if enough people say that someone famous is hot, then automatically people will think that person is attractive. I think this is true, I don't go with this trend but I agree with Menace
Douche Bag of The Day: Nikki Riley, a guy who went into a restaurant bathroom and strapped 3 nail bombs to himself with a note saying that he was going to do a suicide bombing. He got stuck inside the toilet stall, and the bombs went off in his hands, AND he was the only one injured. He now faces charges of attempted murder.
Music and Entertainment Report:

> Kid Rock is blogging about his dissapointment in Georgia Judge
> Billy Joe talked about Green Day's new album. It is going to be great
> 30 Seconds to Mars is recording their 3rd album
> Cold Play and Leonna Lewis were the 2 top downloaded artists from Itunes in 2008
Final Word: Ozzy Ozbourne who is 60 today, "When I was 20 I would say I was going to die when I was 40. I got nervous when I was 39 and a half"
We played in the Ayer! Woody, Menace, and I were the only ones who were hardcore rockin out to that song. Oh Hot Jam, This is My Jam.
This then turned into a sex/std session. I don't really know how this happened.
Worst Band Submissions from NSSN 2008: We're letting the listeners vote on the finalists of the worst of the worst. First the show will rate from a 1 to 5, 5 being good and 1 being the worst. Then we'll have the listeners text in about our top 3.
#1. Donald Prolo - Waterfalls
Ravey says 1
Woody says 2
Menace says 2
Greg says 2
Tony says 2
#2. Sleepless Mind - It's up to you
Ravey says 3
Menace says 4
Greg says 4
Tony says 5
Woody says 4
#3. Playground Kings - Bea-uty Ravey says 1
Menace says 3
Greg says 3
Tony says 1
Woody says 3
#4. The Number Fox - Pirates -e- Ninjas
Ravey says 4
Menace says 1
Greg says 1
Tony says 4
Woody says 3
#5 Itzhak Valansky - My Parachute Won't Open
Ravey says 2
Menace says 2
Greg says 0
Tony says 1
Woody says 1

A. Itzhak Valansky - My Parachute Won't Open - 54.8% Winner!...or loser....No idea.
B. Donald Prolo - Waterfalls - 32.9%
C. Playground Kings - Bea-uty - 12.4%
Our Very own Itzhak Valansky has a MUSIC VIDEO!! check it out My parachute won't open!
He will be in studio December 11 (the day of NSSN) and he will be our guest at NSSN that night!!
Who Knew?:
> 1 in 10 nurses smoke
> Woman who smoke have a 14.7 year shortage on their life
> Listening to happy music can help your heart.
> Divorced people have a life span that is 9 years shorter.
> 3,812 deaths in 2006 due to air pollution.
Got Game With Masters:
> Call of Duty World at War is ruling! You must play this game. 4.5 Blow up Girlfriends
Dumbass Contest: Where Did I go Last Night?
#1. Lorie in Antioch - Car Shopping No Win!
#2. Alan in San Jose - Bar No Win!
#3. Steven in SF - ACDC Concert! Winner!!
What We Learned:
Ravey: Nothing brings joy like a parachute that wont open
Menace: Will spend all day twittering my parachute wont open
Greg: Santa does exsist and his name is Aaron Axelson
Tony: Beth and Tony are both swingers
Woody: Riding a hog is bad for your hog.
Katie: The Station is driving us away because we are the zipper like stretch marks of LIVE 105
Tony's Just a Headline: "Man With Lightsaber Ends Up in the E.R."
Katie Rules !
Woody show rules!
Nice blog!
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