Blah. Ravey said I need to bring the positive today. So that's what I am going to do. Whooooptie Doooo.
Today's Intern: Andrea

Friday Song Challenge: Our Favorite Songs of 2008
Ravey: Coldplay - Viva La Vida 16.7%
Menace: Justice - Electric Feel 21%
Greg: Guns N' Roses - Better 11.7%
Tony: 7 Dust - Prodical Sun 11.7%
Woody: MIA - Paper Planes 38.8% Winner!

Guess The Home State: A burglar was arrested after being rescued from the chimney. He was trying to rob a paun shop and tried to climb down the chimney and got stuck. This was a 3 hour rescue mission.
#1. Fredalina - New Jersey No Win
#2. Mitch in Waterford - St. Louis Winner!!!
News with Greg:
> The US National Drug Institute - Says that teens have been abusing perscription drugs a lot lately.
> In Oaklahoma a man called the police because and told them that he shot his wife. HE SHOT HIS WIFE. Why? Because HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO TELL HER THAT THEY HAD GOTTEN EVICTED. Are you EFFING kidding me?!
> This whole Menace iPhone thing is not going to drop.
Trial of the Century: California vs. Tony Mott
We spoke with Mike who is an actual trial attourney.
I must add, Woody is a fabulous Judge
Tony ended up being not guilty, and apparently it's my fault now.
Music and Entertainment Report:
> John Stamos had been interested in putting together a remake of Full House
We had some visitors and I missed the rest. Sorry guys.
Dumbass Contest: Holiday Movie Tags
#1. Nolan in Oakley - 1 outta 3 No Win!
#2. Jeff in Modesto - 2 for 2 Winner!!!
News Round 2:
> We can expect freezing temperatures this weekend. There will be snow on local mountain tops.
This turned into an argument about the
> Hugh Douglas grant and his friends were 11 years old when they pulled the fire alarm. When everyone exited the building they started firing on the people. Well he is now 22 years old and has a CLEAN record. He is now trying to purchase a gun.
> 129 paramedics have been accused of sexual crimes while taking care of people in an emergency situation.
Sports With Ravey:
> 49er's Running back Gore will miss the game due to an ankle injury
> Randy Moss returns to the Collisium as a Patriot
> Randy Moss returns to the Collisium as a Patriot
> Sharks beat the Ducks last night.
Happy Happy Story:
A guy got trapped in the basement during a house fire, he called for help. The authorities came to rescue the guy who called. It turns out that they rescued the wrong guy and not the guy who called. He died in the Fire.
Jan Wahl is Here:
> Jan Wahl likes the word CACA
> She needs help
> Betty Page (some old whore) died.
> Cadilac Records with Beyonce is awesome! Go see it!
> Frost Nixon is out this week and it gets 4 hats!
> Doubt got 3 out of 4 hats.
> The Reader got 3.5 hats.
Crap On Celebs:
> Hermeini from Harry Potter said that she isn't ruling out nudie pix.
> We had to dump out on Jan
> Jaimie Lynn Spears had lyposuction.
Crappy Birthdays:
> Taylor Swift - 19
> Amy lee - 27
> Meg white - 34
> Jay Z - 39
> Nikki Six - 50
> Tom Delong - 33
> Vanessa Huggins - 20
> Michael Clark Dunkin - 51
> Larry Bird - 52
> Sarah Silverman - 38
> Woody Allen - 73
> Bob Barker - 85 Point goes to Ravey and Jan
> Dick Van Dyke - 83 Point goes to Tony
> Raven Simone - 23
> Terry Hatcher - 44 Point Goes to Tony
> Tyra Banks - 35
> Wink Martindale - 73
> Bett Midler -
> Bett Midler -
Porno Birthday: This stud has stared in 1323 including, "Allie McFeel", "Thighs Wide Open", and "The Sopornos". Hershel Savage is 56 years old.
WOW all the hype that went into NSSN and all we heard about was menace's phone from your blog =( super disappointed! Blog was terrible today!
Andrea wth you talking just reflects the show. Blog was awesome, good job Katie you effin C.
What the show needs to do is expand the hilarity of sexy time funny facts/polls/calls with stories.
GJ today to Menace who somehow was able to read!
Andrea- The show mainly spoke about the things I put in the blog. If you want to get An inside play by play of NSSN go to and LISTEN to the show because I type as they talk. So what's in the blog is what the show covered, it's not about NSSN.
Clifford you rule. Gracias mucho.
- katie the effing c
Is it just me or has the woody show been sucking? Dave has definitely ruined the show adding too much structure.
I agree with Joe there, way too much structure, I'm sick of hearing songs around the 6:15 mark on my way to work, I feel like i'm missing what could be a good part of the show.
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