Today's Intern: Sarah from Half Moon Bizzz-ay.
Burrrrp: Gooooooooooooooooooooooood Mornun! Menace needs a car. Woody is tired of hearing him bitch about it. If Menace were to ask every one of his myspace friends for a dollar, we could make this work. Biggest story of the year? Obama? Economy? Gas Prices? Nope...
#10 American Idol
#9 Angelina Jolie
#8. Lindsay Lohan
#7. Japanese Cartoon Naruto
#6 Jessica Alba
#5. Online Game RuneScape
#4 Miley Cirus
#3. Barak Obama
#2. World Wrestling Entertainment
#1. Brittney Spears's Top 10 Asked Questions:
#10. How do I download videos
#9. Why is the sky blue?
#8. How do I register to vote?
#7. What is the meaning of life?
#6. How do I change my name?
#5. How much is my car worth
#4. How much is minimum wage?
#3. How do I write a resume?
#2. How do I lose weight?
#1. How do I get pregnant?
This then led to internet talk, which led to Menace flipping out. The Woody Show page is weak, no one knows wtf Menace does in his office. Either his head is down or he's blasting techno whilst twittering. Greg seems to be the only one who thinks that it is good and has a lot on it. Oh well. Menace's quote to Dave, "(lots of yelling)....So WHAT?! HOLLA AT CHA BOI!"

The guy who does our live105 commercials sounds like a child diddler.
News with Greg:
> President Bush talked about his Presidency last night. He talked about a bunch of things including the economic crisis. "I will leave the Presidency with my head held high."
> A study was released saying that we are due for a terrorist attack by 2013.
> The CA ocean protection counsel says that people should have to pay a fee at any market when they use plastic or paper bags. The purpose is to encourage people to bring their own bags.
Sports with Ravey:
> The NFL can and will probably suspend Plaxico Burress for carring a weapon. This is the guy who shot himself...just fyi. Plaxico Burress went to the hospital after shooting himself, he claimed his name was Harris Smith and that he'd been shot at applebees.
> The Warriors shot themselves in the foot. The heat was down 3 and as the Warriors went to throw the ball in, they accidentially threw it to the other team.
> Toronto beat LA last night
> Toronto beat LA last night
Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> The new Britney Spears CD is out today
> Akon's new CD is out today
> Step Brothers is out today
> Disney is giving away free Bart rides from 7-9am
> The new Guns N' Roses isn't doing so hot.
> Creed is officially working on a 2009 tour
> Creed is officially working on a 2009 tour
> Tina Fey is talking about the scar on her left cheek - She was attacked as a child and she gave details
> According to Jim is still on ABC - This is huge news to us. It is back with new episodes tonight!
Final Word: Blake Civil Fielder, Amy Winehouse's husband who just got out of jail and is going to rehab, "I made the biggest mistake of my life when I did heroin in front of her. I introduced drugs and self harm to her. I feel I ruined something beautiful."
> A guy, Harvey, called a radio station because he was having trouble finding a date. The radio station called an unnamed girl and set them up on a date at the House of Blues. The night of the date, Harvey called the girl and said he was too tired to go to dinner and offered to cook her dinner at his house. The thing that the radio station and the girl didn't was that Harvey is a registered sex offender. The girl went to his house, he drugged her, and sexually fondled her.
> 6 teenage girls were charged with mis treating elderly residents in the elderly home they worked in. The girls touched and spanked the residents, inserted a finger into an anus, dry humping a resident, putting their bare backsides in resident's faces, poking residents breasts and genitals, and rubbing an elders genitals until it became errect.
> A woman who went to the hospital because of what she thought was a kidney stone with severe abominal pain. The doctors didn't do any blood test or anything and they sent her home. By the time her fiance brought her back the next day, the infection had spread to all of her limbs and both of her harms and legs had to be amputated.
> A cambodian father inserted a hose you use to fill up tires into his 5 year old's anus and attempted to blow him up. The father said, "he was just playing with his son"
> A man in Nebraska faces assult charges for attacking his girlfriend for making him macaroni for dinner.
> In Canada are investigating a 14 year old boy who made a facebook group that celebrates "kick a ginger day" the boy is "sorry."
Dumbass Contest: What's The Charge?
#1. Stephan in SF - 0 for 2 No Win!
#2. Ivan in San Jose - 0 for 2 No Win!
#3. Abby in SF - 1 out of 3 No Win!
#4. Stewie in Oakland - 0 for 2 No Win!
#5. Carl in Castro Valley - 2 out of 3 Winner!

Pointless Listener Poll: Email from Kelly in Santa Rosa: Wants to know what is missed the most about being a child. Thanks Kelly! Suck it!
Ravey: Spending time and hanging out with the grandparents.
Menace: After school, being able to have a group of friends to go skate.
Greg: Being able to be interested in a 30 minute cartoon.
Tony: Nothing he still is a kid.
Woody: The schedule.
Katie: I miss the bonus after the doctor and dentist appts. Now the whole thing sucks, nothing like lollipops and toys to look forward to.
> Chicago police have formally arrested William Balfour, the estranged brother in law of Jennifer Hudson, in connection with the deaths of Hudson's mother, brother, and young nephew. Balfour was taken into custody by detectives yesterday from Stateville Correctional Center in Illinois, where he was being held on a suspected parole violation. He had previously only been considered a "person of interest" in the case. Last month, he refused to take a polygraph test and refused to cooperate with detectives on the case. Police confirmed that they have the weapon used in the murders.
> San Francisco's tenderloin has always been a rough neighborhood. Well it's getting quite a bit of attention due to a web cam that was set up by Adam Jackson. So far, the web cam has captured street fights, break ins, and a high speed chase. This camera has only been up for 5 and 1/2 weeks.
> In San Antonio, a man who rammed his truck into a woman's car on Friday morning at 100mph says that God told her to do it.
Athlete Dumbass Injuries:
> Bill Gramatica fell and tore his ACL while celebrating
> A soccer player hurt himself while doing a back flip
> Chris Hanson missed the wood and hit himself in the leg with an axe
> Glenn Alan Hill had a dream about spiders, started sleep walking, and fell down the stairs
> John Smalts ironed his shirt, while he was still wearing it.
> Bill Gramatica fell and tore his ACL while celebrating
> A soccer player hurt himself while doing a back flip
> Chris Hanson missed the wood and hit himself in the leg with an axe
> Glenn Alan Hill had a dream about spiders, started sleep walking, and fell down the stairs
> John Smalts ironed his shirt, while he was still wearing it.
Guess the State: Two men accused of outfitting a 1992 Lincoln with red and blue lights and performing fake traffic stops, video taped this and put it on youtube. They are being held on a $5000 bond.
#1. Stephen in SF - Florida
#2. Justin in SF - Ohio
#3. Dari in Daily City - Wisconsin! Winner!
What We Learned:
Ravey: If Plaxeco had worn something classier than sweats to the club he might not be in so much trouble
Menace: Getting shot at Applebees isn't as gangster as showing your nard to a doctor.
Greg: If you get a vasectomy you not only get your junk cut but you get to smell the burning
Tony: Ravey thinks its funny to put down fat chicks
Woody: Now knows what nursing home he wants his kids to put him in.
Katie: Woody took the show for a turn and took us all down pus lane.
Tony's Just a Headline: "County Officials Talking Trash"
Nice blog today Katie, I always miss the Dumbass Contest now that you guys do it a lil' later in the day, and half the time I don't even know what it is..
nice blog katie, however, i would be interested in the website brought up today with the street cameras in the tenderloing :/
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