Today's Intern: Andrea
Hahahahahahaha (That's what you all will be saying): Gooooooood Morning! This week was magic. We came back from break and had: Gory's Munch Nut Tale, We had Woody's Baby News, and The Internet Phenominom Itzhak Valansky (which by the way his video is up to 7,442 views).
Comment's on My Parachute Won't Open Video:
Tapatiobravo (5 hours ago) 
Ok Wtf? You guys said hes crap for internet knowledge yet hes able to post a video on youtube?... Oh sorry not internet capable, he just doesnt know how to check his email. Im calling shananagans.

Ok Wtf? You guys said hes crap for internet knowledge yet hes able to post a video on youtube?... Oh sorry not internet capable, he just doesnt know how to check his email. Im calling shananagans.
spartandx (9 hours ago)
Pink Floyd On Steroids Love It!
Pink Floyd On Steroids Love It!
ScrotumPoleCat (16 hours ago)
Lesson learned, never let your biatch pack your chute.Do it yourself or die.
Lesson learned, never let your biatch pack your chute.Do it yourself or die.
Valansky has a pretty amazing story. His siblings were killed in the Halocaust but his parents survived. He has an 80 year old book store which is being closed because he is 6 months behind on his rent! This guy is an amazing story. We're going to blow his life up and make him famous, here we go, Woody Show Style!
Anyone who is dissing our buddy Itzhak can SUCK IT. Take that.
> Republican Rosletnen hung up twice on Barak Obama because she thought that they were prank phone calls. She told him, "Boy you are a better impersonator than that guy on SNL" He was calling to congradulate her on her re-election.
> At&t announced that they are going to cut 12,000 jobs
> In Pensylvania - A woman is a sports bar because she sat down on the toilet, the seat broke, and she was stuck in the toilet bowl.
Queenie has our Sports:
> The end of the season can't come fast enough for the Raiders
> The Niners welcome the Jets
> Dallas at Pittsburg is going to be huge. It's going to be 20 degrees and snowing full on.
> Avery apologized for his "sloppy seconds" comment. He is facing "anger management" and indefinite suspension (6 games). This is so dumb.
> The Sharks are kicking ass. End of story.
> Warriors are playing the Rockets tonight at 5:30
Music and Entertainment Report:
> The 3rd Punisher hits theatres today
> There is a new game for the IPhone called "Christmas with Weezer"
> Trent Resner posted that the plans to make a 3D movie of a live concert fell through.
> A sewing machine signed by Metallica being auctioned off at the Wee Scotty Shop.
> Paris Hilton is trying to land the role of Tinker Bell in the upcoming movie. Haha Tinker Slut.
Final Word: Heather Lockleer, talks about her rough year "It's been a rough 2008, I hope for a good 2009. It's only a couple of weeks away, I'll just stay in my house."
Happy Happy Story Time: Out of Oregon, Scott had taken his 22 year old girlfriend to proposal rock. They had been dating since 2005, he arrived in Oregon 3 days before. The tide had receded around the rock. About 10 feet from the rock a 3 ft wave hit both of them. He turned into it to avoid from getting knocked over, but when he turned around his 4 ft. 11 in. girlfriend was gone. She got pulled in by the wave and she has dissapeared.
> 1 in 4 girls will kiss a girl.
> 6% of lesbians think that their sexuality is a result of an event in their life.
> We didn't talk about this on the show but I got a call about this and it's pretty entertaining. Prop 8 Musical
> A couple weeks ago a groupe of 140 retired military officers are fighting the don't ask don't tell policy
> The pregnant man is in the news again. Jeeesus. They are now annoyed with the cameras. If your annoyed, then dont be a man and get pregnant. Idiot
> A group of gay activists went "dog nuts" when they found out that there are 2 penguins in New York who are in a monogomas gay relationship. The gay penguins are hella cutty. They go in and steal the heterosexuals eggs and replace them with rocks. They are now fencing the gay penguins from the straignt penguins, which means that we now have gay segregation.
Dumbass Contest: The NSSN Alumni Challenge
#1. Brad in Richmond - 0 for 2 No Win.
#2. Robert in San Mateo - 0 for 2 No Win.
#3. Chris in San Jose - 2 for 2!!! Winner!
News Round 2:
> Facebook now has a virus. It is sending you messages that look like something that are normal.
> A fight broke out between 2 woman broke out at the mall this weekend. A woman thought that the cashier at a store called her a "C word" so the woman picks up a shoe and attempts to throw it at her head. Funny thing is, the lady threw the shoe and missed and hit another employee.
> There is a chance for inmates to be released earlier than planned. That's right. For one small cost. They have to play janitor. That means cleaning up poop, vomit, saliva, urine, and other nasty nasty things.

Men Myth Busters:
4 Things Guys Suposedly Look For:
1. How she treats other people - No.
2. Her hair - Maybe.
3. The little things that she points out and her take on the world - No.
4. Her hands - Yes.
Aries Will Be at Cobb's
Friday, December 5 - 8:00 pm and 10:15 pm
Saturday, December 6 - 8:00 pm and 10:15 pm
Sunday, December 7 - 7:00 pm
Also check him out HERE
Jan Wahl is here:
Jan would vote for any song that she could dance to, which means we should stop the Friday Song Challenge today to prevent that. Anyways....
> Christmas Story is celebrating its 25th anaversary
> Movie theatre attendence is up! People are spendng their time at the movies now, more than anything.
> Grand Torino gets 4 hats and it's a great movie. And no Menace, it's not a video game. Moron.
Friday Song Challenge with a Twist: We announced these at the beginning of the show so you guys could vote all morning!
Tony- Nothin But a Good time - Poison 19.2%
Woody - Cherry Pie - Warrent 33.7% Winner!!!!
Ravey - Panama - Van Halen 17.2%
Greg Gory - Dr. FeelGood - Motley Crew 25.1%
Menace - Shake Me - Cinderella 4.9%
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