Today's Intern: Mike

> In Atlanta a woman was arrested for not taking off her head scarf when going through security. She may spend up to 10 days in jail.
> A baby was born with a mass in its brain. When it went in for surgery to remove the mass which they thought was a tumor, they found a fully developed foot. Gross, see it here.
> Last August, a woman from Phoenix named Rosemary Alvarez started experiencing blurred vision and numbness in her arm. She went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. When Rosemary underwent the knife to have the tumor removed, her doctors didn't find a tumor at all, they found a worm that was LIVING IN HER BRAIN. The doctors removed the worm and Rosemary is doing fine. Question is, how the F do you get a worm in your brain. The doctors said there are 2 options: 1. Eating uncooked pork and 2. Eating food that was preparted by someone who didn't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Gross. Check this out.
Sports With Ravels:
> Warriors lost last night. duh
> Tiger Woods had a press conference last night about his knee surgery. He is ready to return to golf
> Lisa Davenport is going to have a baby and is off the tour indefinitely
> Pacman Jones was back at practice yesterday.
Attempt #1 at Douche Bag of the Day: A man spent $7500 trying to fight a $115 ticket. He said that he was given the ticket unfairly and he is going to fight the hell out of it. This isn't a very good one.
Attempt #2 at Douche Bag of the Day: A traffic agent gave Santa a traffic ticket the other day. The Santa was stopped in the street in a horse drawn carriage handing out candy and toys. The ticket was given to the SUV that was trailing the carriage. The ticket was $115. This traffic agent is the Douche Bag of the Day.
Music and Entertainment Report:
> Jeremy Piven (who Woody is gay for) quit his Broadway play because his doctors told him to. They found a massive ammount of mercury in his system.
> All the cool people set the penis' to boner. check out
> Million Dollar Password
Final Word: Brad Pitt, explaining that he and Angelina don't go overboard with their kids at Christmas: "The kids dont ask for the big gifts, because they don't see all the American TV that show the huge toys. We figure if they don't see them, they won't know that they are in existance."
Attempt #3 at Our Douche Bag of the Day: John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban guy, who is American born who decided to go to muslim. He was sentanced to jail because he admitted to joining the taliban in 2002. Well, he is now asking George W. Bush to set him free.
Random Story: An Egyptian man announced yesterday that he is offering his daughter for marriage to the man who threw his shoe at President Bush. The daughter agreed and said it would be an honor to be married to a hero.
Who they think we should tip. The response to most of these was HELL NO:
> House keeper tip up to 1 weeks pay and or a small gift
> Barber the cost of 1 hair cut or a small gift
> Dog walker up to one weeks pay or gift
> Personal Trainer
> Pool Cleaner
> Newspaper Delivery person, small tip or gift
> Mail Delivery guy
> Door Man - we actually said yes to this
> Yard Worker - $20
> Teacher - small gift but no cash
Really Cool Santa Story: A 9 year old girl in Texas had a much more disturbing wish. Her letter to Santa asked that her 55 year old relative would stop touching her and her 10 year old sister. This guy has been abusing these girls in their own home while others were sleeping for the past 4 years. This letter was written in class, the teacher saw it, and the teacher called the cops and the man was arrested and charged with 2 counts of sexual abuse and can spend up to 198 years in prison.
Sexy Time Fun Facts:
> Mark Your CalendarsThis year we’re synchronizing in the two-hour period around the Solstice, which falls on Sunday December 21 at 12.04 p.m. (four minutes after noon) Greenwich Mean Time. So in the U.K., Global-O time will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The world is celebrating the election of the new USA President, Barack Obama, and the hope for change that he has stirred in our hearts. We are riding the wave of joy and renewal, which gives us a flying start for this year’s Global O! It’s the Global OOObama Factor! Check the Site Here.
> Thelma called in and told us the most graphic and nasty story about her orgasm during child birth.
> 64% of men say it is important that their partner finishes during sex
> The average guy finishes 4 times per week. 2 times during sex and 2 times by themselves.
> Girls. Have you ever thought about going gay? Even if you aren't into girls? 42% of men and 41% of women admit to cheating, but 37% of women can get over the betrayal but only 5% of men can.
> 7 in 10 men say they please their lady all the time. Most guys rate themselves as either good or excellent
> 1 in 4 women fake orgasms regularly and 1 in 3 guys admit that they have faked the orgasm.
Ask The Woody Show:
Sarah in San Mateo: She's getting off, but her boyfriend isn't. Its consistant. She wants to dump him, should she?
Ravey: They just aren't sexually compatable.
Menace: She's probably busted and she should shut up because she's getting laid.
Greg: He made some churning butter comment. Not mega getting.
Tony: Only thing I heard was "we're sexperts"
Woody: The sexual element of a relationship is key. It's a way of relating to eachother and you have to be in sync this way.
> A couple of billionares are donating $25 million to the SFU Labratory
> In Chico a 6th grade student brought some brownies that his mom made and shared them with the other students. Little did they know that the brownies were pot brownies. The kid is in protective custody and the mother is facing criminal charges.
> A Japanese couple took an United airlines flight, and the husband got freaking wasted and beat his wife with a total of 6 hits in the face. This was 2 years ago, now, the man is SUING UNITED AIRLINES for over serving him.
Dumbass Contest: Who Got it?
#1. Greg in Oakland - 0 for 2 No Win!
#2. David in Livermore - 0 for 2 No Win!
#3. John in SF - 0 for 2 No Win!
#4. Curtis in San Jose - 0 for 2 No Win!
#5. Johnathon in Tracy - Got 1 Right Winner!
#6. Jake in SF - Also a Winner!
What We Learned:
Ravey: Menace either goes on forever or is done in seconds
Menace: Continually and since the beginnign of time, child birth is gross
Greg: The only thing grosser than achieving an o during birth, is a foot in the brain
Tony: The only satisfaction Beth got from Tony was a baby
Katie: We all can relax because when Douche Bag of the Day fails, we can just turn to Tony.
Woody: If hell exists it's filled with women.
Tony's Just a Headline: He screwed this up, by asking for a getting......and now he's pouting.
"Menace either goes on forever or is done in seconds"
"that's what she said"
That "foot-in-brain" pic almost made me toss my marbles. =P
Lovin' the blog bluhhhhd!
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