Today's Intern: Jessica
Blabber Blabber: Gooooooooood Morning! Greg actually isn't happy that it is Monday. This is the last Monday in 2008 that we will be working. Greg sent everyone a strange text about how he was washing his car and some neighbor drove by (one he only recognized, he didn't know her) and she says, "Hey Greg, have fun doing whatever it is you do AFTER you wash your car." Terri Hatcher used to be a 49er cheer leader in 1983. Menace doesn't think she's hot. He's crazy, I think she is SUPER hot. Menace dared to text Ravey during a football game. He upset the Queen. We have a huge week this week. It's going to be great. We had some bands cover "My Parachute Won't Open" and I can't wait to hear them. Itzhak Valansky's music video, "My Parachute Won't Open." now has 11,500 hits! Jesssssssssus H! Everyone Bread the word about this song. We're blowing this up! The band Dizzy Balloon covered - "My Parachute Won't Open." It's great! Oh man this song rules .
> O.J. was sentanced to 33 years. He was taken to a medium security prison but he is separated from the rest of the jail. He will be eligible for parole after 9 years.
> In Wisconsin some dumbass 59 year old woman left her dog Jiffy outside in single digit weather over night. Luckily Jiffy was overweight and survived the night. Dumb bitch.
Sports with Ravey:
> Jets have lost 2 in a row. They lost to the 49ers last night.
> Giants were distracted yesterday
> Pierce finally met with the police yesterday regarding the Plaxeco case.
> Steelers won in the final 7 minutes of the game.
> Titans beat Cleveland
> Cardinals beat the Rams 34 - 10
> Baltimore beat the RedSkins
> Greg Mattix is going to make a noon announcement of his retirement.
> Manny Pacquiao destroyed Oscar De La Hoya
> Michael Vick is now bankrupt. Good....Stupid Dick.
Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> 4 Christmases was at the top of the box office this weekend.
> Twilight Sequel?? It's on a fast track to be made and they are looking for a new director
> Coldplay has been sued by Joe Satriani for plagerism
> Angelina Jolie is the highest paid working actress
> Steve-o will compete on next seasons "Dancing with the Stars"
Final Word: Alex Rodrigues denies anything sexual between him and Madona "We're just friends. I've never been on a plane with her."
Comcast On Demand Dating Videos
#2. Totally Goth - Check out this Bitches Video
#3. MColleen - Check it out.
#4. Playa59 - Holla at Cha Boi
#5. Martina - Username Ska...because that is in. This bitch is crazy.
#6. Psycho Bitch Amanda - Jesssus H, Her video here.
5 Biggest Lies that Men tell Women
#1. She's just a friend
#1. She's just a friend
#2. I'm ready to settle down
#3. It's not you it's me.
#4. It was a one-time thing
#5. I'd never lie to you.
Dumbass Contest - Will Menace Know It.
#1. Lori in Antioch - 2 outta 3!!
A. What is an Abbreviation? - When you shorten a word. YES!
B. How do you abbreviate pounds? - lbs YES. (Lori said no though.)
C. Name 3 of the 4 Beatles - Ringo Star, John Lennon, and Paul McCartney. YES!
Lori's phone went dead. Aw. WINNER! We messed with her.
#2. Eric in SF - No Win.
A. How many stripes are on the flag? - 18. No!!
B. The first 6 letters on a standard keyboard? - No!!
Nicki Brought us Cup Cakes!!!!! Yummmmmmm

Do you want some of these cupcakes from heaven? contact her at: Hey There, Cupcake!
OJ Simspon talk, he made an emotional statement. This guy is a douche bag.
Madden did an interview with Scott Weiland -- ZzZzZzZzZz Wake me up when it's over.
News Round 2:
> Sunny Van Bula died after spending 28 years in a coma.
I missed some of this, today is crazy.
Douche Bag of the Day: Two crack head thugs had just beaten up and robbed an elderly woman and they decided to hail a cop car. When the cop asked for their ID the idiot accidentially revealed the $149 that they had just stolen.
Guess The State: On sunday morning , Tim Havers and Carolyn were having sex and out of no where Tim accidentially shot carolyn in the chest. They had a gun on the bed and he tossed it aside so it wouldn't be in the way during sex, when he threw the gun, it went off and shot carolyn in the chest. He is now facing charges
#1. Fred in San Jose - Pennsylvania No!
#2. Ryan in Hayward - Florida No!
#3. Chris in SF - Ohio Yes!!
What We Learned:
Ravey: Woody is clearly not concered about Santa's Naughty or Nice list since he gave Lori a heart attack.
Menace: How it feels to have a drill put through your head after the Scott Weiland Video
Greg: Youc ant strust studies about TV because he is not happy
Tony: Compared to Scott Weiland Tony and Menace are word smiths
Woody: Menace can get a $100 gift card to Best Buy for turning in his super gangster water pistol.
Katie: Ding a ding ding is clearly different from ding ding ding a ding.
Tony's Just a Headline: " Mutant Four Claw Monster Lady Caught in Road Island"
Katie, BTW.. the link to my site is wrong. It's www.heytherecupcake.net
Had fun with you today! <3
haha it was a broken link because I hit the wrong button! Sorry girlie!
It's fixed now though!!!!!!
You Rule!
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