Friday, October 31, 2008


Good Morning! I decided to make a stop at my local 7-11 and pick up a supply of Nerd Ropes and Fun Dips for the crew. Those look delish! Its going to be a good day, I can feel it! :-)

Today's Intern: Andreaaaa
Boooooooooo! Ha!: Heyyyyyyyyyy there everybody! Ravey and Greg had never heard our morning song Will Smith - Nightmare on My Street. Even I have heard that. We had some "great" Halloween jokes. Who is the most popular rapper with ghosts? Gooolio. What city in Washington state has a very large ghost population? Spookane. What Presidential candidate has the most ghost votes? Boooobama. What kind of tie does a ghost wear? A Booootie. Gettttting that. You'll notice that Menace isn't here. That's because Woody has once again talked him into making an ass of himself. Menace is going to be the first trick-or-treater. Yes, this 29 year old wigger with a fo-hawk in a bay area hoodie who goes by the name White Menace will be going door to door at 6:40 am asking for candy. I stand by what I said to Woody before the show, he is going to get his ass kicked. Anways we have an Email from Aaron in San Jose - Feels Greg and Woody about how adults go trick - or - treating. His girlfriend buys a pumpkin every year and he thinks she's too old considering she's 24. Is She? Woody seems to be the only one who thinks that she is too old. I think that carving pumpkins is a pain in the ass so my vote doesn't count. Everyone feels that they are surrounded by weirdos. Gavin Newsom is coming in today and taking phone calls. On this show, that can be lethal. Brutal Obama Joke: Obama is in Heaven at the gates and St. Peter goes "who are you?" Obama says "I am Barak Obama, I am the first black President of the United States. St. Peter goes: WHAT?! When did this happen?! Obama goes: 45 minutes ago. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AMAZING. :0) Good brutal joke Woody.

Guess the State: Authorities say a man tried to steal several bags of frozen shrimp by shoving them in his pants. The cop approached him and orded him to stop. The man promised to put them back, then he ran. The cop tackled him and arrested him for theft, resisting arrest, and assult of an officer.
#1. Nick in Turlock - Eh, Lets go Florida... - Ding Ding WINNER!

Menace is Trick-or-Treating. This is hilarious! Archive 6:45am on . We had to cut to commercial, so we're making Menace scope a good house then we'll come back to him. We had to dump out on Menace twice. A cop came and he FREAKED OUT. This is epic. He got NOTHING.

News With the Haunted Greg Gory:
> Bout a 1/2 inch of rain is expected with this first rain
> EXXON seems to be the only company who is always fine. They are fine when things are good and when the economy bites it. Woody and Greg had a slight debate about how we can or can't get by without EXXON. You'd have to listen back, I got a little confused.
> A 61 year old who was a staff member of Washington University. He covered himself in gasoline and set himself on fire.
Music and Entertainment Report:
> Reviews are in for Zach and Miri make a porno. Some were good and some were bad. If you want a great R rated laugh, this is for you.
> Rock N Rolla - Pretty good reviews, its a very guns, thick accents, and bloody movie
> The guy who released the 9 guns in roses songs is facing charges for a mistaminer.
> Courtney Cox is planning on returning to TV she will be in a new 30 minute sitcom called "Cougar Town"
> I missed the rest because of the phones. Sorrrry my friends!
Dumbass Contest: Fact or Crap
#1. Patrick or Rick in Alamo - Winner

Mayor Gavin Newsom is in the House (He is SUPER hot by the way...anyways sorry)
> We got to ask lots of questions. Let's see if I can catch the majority of this segment.
> 109 year old Amanda casted her vote this week for Barak Obama, she said she did it because her father was a slave and the first time she voted she had to pay a poll tax for being a minority.
> Calvin in Richmond calls in - Has a lot of respect for Gavin Newsom. Wants to know about how serious the idea is of a Prop against inter-racial marriage? Scary thing is there actually is a chance that it could happen.
> Woody is pissed about the plastic bag ban. He just wants to be able to drape 10 bags over his arms and walk home. He is now letting Gavin know that he is now the reason that Woody uses his car to go to the store.
> What is the deal with cigarrettes not being sold?? Chips and candy aren't healthy, are you going to get rid of those too? We should get rid of the pharmacys in Safeways and places like that because they sell cigarrettes. Pharmacys sell rubbers and sandwich bags.
Jan Wahl is in the Building:
She did some OH movie talk. I was a little pre occupied with helping Menace and dealing with Mr. Drunk Kevin again.
> Jan is going to be Mustard Bottle for halloween hahaha.
Friday Song Challenge:
Ravey: Pink - So What 7.5%
Greg: Glen Cambell - Sing 24.7%
Tony: Rehab - Sittin in a Bar 8.9%
Menace: Kanye West - Love Lock Down 24%
Woody: Flo Rida - In The Ayer 34.9%

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Why Witches Can't Have Babies.....Is That a Question?

I'm starting to think that I don't understand the concept of Fastrak. When you go through those, I was under the impression that I could drive the speed limit without stopping and the little thing would beep. According to everyone in front of me this morning, you need to stop in order for this Fastrak device to work. Douche Bags.

Today's Intern: Mike The Intern

Orange you glad I didn't say Banana: Goooood Morning! Birthday week on The Woody Show! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOODY!!!! Birthday #2 goes to you!! A man in Oregon who was a suspect in a sexual assault charge went into a bathroom and shot himself. Menace is in need of "story telling class" Another story, a guy thought that the best way to get a great lap dance, was to flash a little coke. When he wanted to get a lap dance he tried to pay her with a $20 and some coke. The stripper got the bouncers and called the cops and the man was arrested. The signal in Walnut Creek / Concord area is up and running again. Looks like our bitch fest worked. Dave is PISSSSSSSED. Dave set his dial to "pissed" yesterday and you know that when he calls you "guy" you're F'ed. We're bad guys for wanting the signal to work. Doug Benson will be in later on. He is performing at Cobb's which for all of you long time listeners who remember the "GET OUT OF MY WORK PLACE" fiasco while Ralphie May was here, you'll remember this place. We had a pretty hilarious email exchange session with Cobb's. The booking manager who made the call on what comics went to what station was butt buddies with Sarah No Name. Alice then started saying that the comics were to appear on Alice only. So we decided to tell Cobb's to f off, and gave them a damn death wish and called for their heads. We basically made a deal with Cobb's, that if they fired Lori (the biotch who is buddies with Sarah) and this other guy, we'd take them back. The people we requested to get fired, did. They are hella gone, but Cobb's has one request. "Can the show stop saying things like, 'I hate Cobb's, I hate Lori, Cobb's Sucks, or their personal favorite, 'We hope Cobb's burns to the ground.' Is that possible?" Indeed, I think we can pull that off. So we won. We got 1 victory finally!! Bout damn time!!

Emails from the Peoples:
> James - Gay marriage amendment is not what you think it is. We're idiots was the basis of this email.
> David - Another "No on 8" email. I got kinda lost in this considering everyone called in at once. Sorrrry yall.
> Genentech - Wanted to share a situation that happened there the other day. Loves the show and how we stick to what we believe. Wanted to shine a light on what happened to them. Around Halloween they wanted to hang up decorations and get into the spirit. All in good fun they hung up some McCain posters that were supposed to be funny. Their boss then walked by and and claimed to be offended, but didn't say anything about the Obama poster. They then spent the day tearing down Obama posters. Doesn't understand how we put up with all that crap all the time.

News with Greg:
> Obama had his 30 paid for add. McCain doesn't think that Obama is ready to run the country. Obama had his own infomercial. sweet.
> Joe The Plumber is going to get a country music record deal out of this whole shenanigan situation.
> At the salvation store in Hawaii this girl was going to buy a tape. When she opened the tape she found 10 - $100 bills. She then turned in the money and got praised for being so honest.

Who Friggin Cares?:
> Bill Polman 's 19 year old son was arrested for resisting arrest, underage drinking, and having moon shine.

Music and Entertainment Report:
> 34 yr old actor Joaquin Phoenix is retireing. What shall we do?!
> Denise Richards' reality show has been granted a 2nd season.
Final Word: Billy Quargen talks about the orgional guitarist and origional bass players James and Darcy will ever be returning. "I can now say that they arent ever coming back. Period."

The sweetest girl Mrs. Jen Woody called in and told Woody that they are going out for his birthday whether he likes it or not. Jen has officially banned Woodys "Poopy Attitude" I love her!!!!

Dumbass Contest: Will Tony Know It? (Tony is a Retard)
#1. Brooke in San Jose - 0 for 2 No Win!
#2. Andrea in Santa Clara - 1 for 3 No Win!
#3. Mike in Oakland - 2 of 3 Winner!

Doug Benson is in the House!!!!
He was instantly pissed because the security guard is a retard. Doug is here ALL THE TIME but for some reason our idiot security guard insisted on holding him in the lobby for 10 minutes. What an ass. This ended in Menace going downstairs with his phone and asking to take his picture, Mr. Security guard flipped out. Hilarity. Anyways, Doug Benson is here!!!!

Be sure to Check out Doug Benson at Cobb's Tonight!
Thursday, Oct. 30 @ 8:00pm

What do you Hate/Love about Halloween?:
> 54% of parents wont allow their child to go trick or treating these days.

Things that kids hate:
- mints that you get after dinner
- smarties
- candy corn
- mounds bars
- circus peanuts
- malt balls
- Ju Ju bees

News Round 2:
> A doll of Obama was found at the University of Kentucky hanging in a tree.
What We Learned:
Ravey: If its marshmallow and its candy guys love it
Menace: Tony is frontin on his muppet knowledge
Greg: It doesn't have to be woodys birthday for Jen to smile like a donut
Tony: None of the props or Presidents are important but when it rains it sucks.
Woody: He'll never have a problem finding his favorite candy.
Katie: Shamwows are super absorbrent and Ravey makes kids whip out their junk for candy.
Tony's Just a Headline: "Walnut Fued Leads to Smashed Chairs.......Moseltoph"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You Gotta Fight! For Your Right! To Parrrrrrrrrrttyyyy!

I had possibly the most boring, dragging, and long class last night. Luckily I only have that class 1 day a week. This morning my alarm went off at 2:15 am, I'm not going to lie, I was a little excited because I still had some time to sleep. Love that!!! Anyways, I need some coffee so that I can give you guys the blog of all mother effing blogs.

Today's Intern: Jessica The Baconator Queen.

Hm, What should we say?!: Goooooooooooooooooood Morning! Starting the day with an Email: From Cindy - She is able to function now because of us. The Sharks Won last night! The people
who bitch about us can suck it. She thinks that Ravey needs to eat her words considering that
Ravey said that the Sharks would lose last night. Which means that the Sharks Won last night! Greg Gory likes dahhhht. They got hella lost. Greg loves San Jose but hates navigating around San Jose. Ravey has a navigation system, but no car, and these genius master minds decided to keep it in the trunk. We've been busting Madden's balls about not getting recognized, but Madden told Woody yesterday that people kept coming up to him at a concert saying, "Hey! You're Madden from Live105 I heard you're hella pissed that no one recognizes you." HAHA. Next time Ravey decides to get lippy, she can just remember that the Sharks have destroyed the Penguins the last 11 out of 13 games. Email from Jackie - Did we ever talk about Ravey's colon blow weekend? -- Ravey hasn't had a chance to make her colon blow but it will happen and we will keep you posted.
Emails from Our People:
> Alyssa - Was really disapointed to hear the smart remarks (cough Menace and Tony) about the "silver lining" in Jennifer Hudson's family murder. "maybe she'll lose wait" Tony then did a lot of digging and then called the listener a pig. Great Tony, good job.
> Hector - Woody you're an idiot. Mud butt is when you have the runs. What Woody described was Swamp Ass?? Negative comando. We had Mudd butt right, we are the Mud butt experts.
> Esmerelda - Her boyfriend Francisco loves the show. Can't wait to see us in San Jose at 300 Bowl on Friday from 6-10pm!

**Sean from Pleasant Hill calls in with some signal news that will piss Greg off. There is no static in the signal from Concord, its DEAD AIR. Nothing, Nada, Zip, Zero Sound, as if you turned your radio off. DAMMMMIT! We are going to try to get the Engineer on the phone to get this ish figured out.**

News with Greg:
> In Ohio a teenager was injured by a 53 year old man who shot him in the arm for trying to steal his McCain sign.
> Woody tore down an Obama sign and a "No on 8" sign yesterday. He justifies this action because last year he tried to hang a wreath and someone took it down.

Sports with a very dissapointed Ravey:
> Sharks beat the Penguins
> Celtics beat the Cavaleers
> Lakers beat the Trailblazers
> Charles Barkley is going to run for Gov. in Alambama in 2014

**Kevin in Hayward is super drunk and has a slight infatuation with me. He calls in to share his getting sprayed by a skunk story. This was hilarious**

Happy Happy Story: A dad and his kid were checking out on uzi and they were going to shoot some pumpkins. The dad went to get the camera and the kick from the uzi was too much and he got shot in the head. YAYYY.

New Term: Iphone-it-in : Someone who needs to bring their Iphone into everything. Want to go to dinner? Let me check my Iphone.....basically the other definition of this is "menace"
> These I phones are pretty risky. There are ways for people to get your information that you previously deleted.
Email from Ingred - How do other women feel about men who play with their phone while on dates instead of talking to them. 

10 Most Life Changing Gadgets:
10. Video Game Console
9. Microwave
8. Upright Vacuum Cleaner
3. Mp3 Player
2. Cell Phone
1. Computer

Pointless Listener Poll: What is your most life changing gadget?
Computer: 57.5%
Cell Phone: 32.9%
IPod: 6.2%
Digital Camera: 2.1%
GPS: 1.4%
Music and Entertainment Report:
> Linkin Park isn't going to take another trillion years to make another album. They should be back in the studio soon.
> The old MTV music videos will soon be on a special website.
> A sequel to Hairspray is in the works, but John Travolta ill not be in it.
> Greatest kids book ever "Walter the Farting Dog" is going to be turned into a movie.
> ABC will be the only network not featuring Obama tonight

Jonathon Cheechoo Calls In!:
The Sharks executed the Penguins. Woody wants to know if there is a class for pro-athletes to keep it vague when they talk. Greg wants to know if he is constantly trying to break his own record? Nope, just wants the Stanley Cup. How do the hockey games pull the hottest chicks?! Jonathon has no idea. He told us how it was a little strange how a girl asked him out during a meeting. Menace wants to know if Johnathon can do a triple lux. This is fun, Cheechoo is SUPER NICE!!!

Dumbass Contest: Drivers Ed Trivia
#1. Jay in San Jose - 2 outta 3 Winner!
Steven Jonathon Cheechoo Masters Jr.:
> Dead space rates 4 inflatable girlfriends
> The gear for Rockband does NOT work for the new guitar hero.
> New downloadable info for Xbox 360
Guess The State: 27 year old chick named Urmith was arrested for stealing toiletries. When the cops came she acted insane and derranged and attempted to attack the police with a well used bloody tampon. *gross*
#1. Mike in Pacifica - Florida Winner!!!!
What We Learned:
Ravey: Menace has nothing but food on his mind
Menace: areosal is an awesome gadget
Greg: Tonys idea of a sincere apology is calling you a pig
Tony: Would rather be tased, sprayed with pepper spray, and shot at than hit with a tampon
Katie: Everyone here is a mud but expert
Tony's Just a Headline: "Spicy Pork Sausage Found in Soiled Diapers"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I don't know what to call this blog.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Hey There Everybody!

Went to bed at 1 am, woke up at 4 am. Why I do this to myself, I have no idea. But I can't lie, I'm excited to be back.

Today's Intern: Jessica
What is Up Yall: Goood Mornin! New Orleans ruled. One of the venders was space....wait what? They pre-crunked the whole time, the crunked during, and post crunked. The Hand Grenade is the newest - most hardcore drink in New Orleans. It sounds gross, but apparently knocked the
 4 of them on their asses. Woody wants to add something to the ballad---Screw Encores. We know that they are coming back. Why cheer? Ravey was showing some hardcore irritation at how boring Woody is during shows. We heard some drunk Tony and Menace audio. Tony is all about "Washing a Bitch", and is a loud sloppy drunk all the way back to the hotel (or just in general) When they got back, Jen and Ravey bailed, this then results Woody and Menace double fisting these Hand Grenade drinks. They got HELLLLLLA wasted, and apparently Woody is a fighter when he's drunk. They sat in front of the hotel and started talking hella smack. When they got over the fighting concept, and decided to try to offend someone. Menace told a homeless lady that he wanted to "F her dog" Menace then got hexed. Haha. Menace needs to give his brain a rest. All he did was Twitter the whole damn time. This then led to Woody's story that was a US Army warning. Apparently twitter is for terro
rists. 8:00 am this morning we will announce the line-up for NSSN 2008. Get excited.

Who's Home State is it? (Guess the State with a twist)
Our story will come from one of the states we are f
rom. Woody: New Jersey
Tony: Missouri
Ravey: Pennsylvania
Greg and Menace: California
Some students are facing possible disciplinary action. They did a prank that ended in a girl being slapped in the face. This prank was called "Hit a Jew" day. So the prank was to walk around smacking Jewish kids.
Josh in Modesto - Guessed Missouri and Wins!!!!

News with Greggils:
> The "Anchorage Daily News" that is the biggest paper i
n Alaska endorced Obama.
> Last Tuesday, John McCain's brother called 911 while stuck in traffic to find out what was going on. Really?!?
> According to a new survey - about 50% of doctors give out placebo medications - to mentally help their patients.
> JC Gallenburg - just gave birth to triplets - JC is 56 - and it turns out that the kids are actually her grand kids. JC acted as a surrogate mother for her daughter and her husband. Creeeepy
Product announcement: Woody bought pancake batter that is ready-made. Its called "Batter Blaster" Helllla tastey.
Happy Happy Story Time: Last Wednesday, a 19 year old named Samantha and her friend were walking their dogs. Her dog got loose and got hit by a car. When Samantha went out to direct traffic around her dog until help got there. A 50 year old man then hit Samantha and killed her.
Do You Love "Pony" - Covered by the band FAR???? Get it HERE!

Dumbass Contest: What's the Position Menace?
#1. Vanessa in Sunnyvale - Winner!!!!! $250!! l
NSSN 2008 - December 11

5 Things a Guy should Never Admit
1) Conquest Number
2) Strip Club Experiences
3) Weirder Fantasies
4) Ex Girlfriends Stuff
5) Cheating Past
We added one. 6) Don't Call Your Shoe Guy
Menace stepped in a sand/mud puddle in New Orleans
 and THAT NIGHT he called his "Shoe Guy" to tell him that he needed new sneakers. Oh God Menace, I'm embarrassed for you right now. Just stop your crying.

Text Poll: Is Menace a Bitch?? text yes to 36105 (notice how I left "no" out of your text options)
Yes: 89.6%
No: 10.4%
News With Greg...Again:
> Police in Chicago are investigating a murder of Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother, and nephew. Her mom and brother were shot. The suspect is William Balfour.
This was a sad series of stories. We had some callers. Tony and Menace are A-holes.
> In Wisconsin a man got back at his room mate who wouldn't have sex with him, by peeing on her dog.
> In CA an officer has been arrested for stealing a dog and abandoning it about 15 miles away.

Nicki brought us cupcakes. She made us cupcakes. They are DELICIOUS. Ohhh my god I like daht and you have to check her out!!!!

What We Learned:
Ravey: Twitter is the cause of all evil
Menace: If you like clean shoes, you're a bitch
Greg: Menace finds humor in murdered people but recovering from dirty shoes is impossible
Tony: Wants batter blaster in his belly
Woody: Tony can wash a bitcc, but its not ok for Menace to wash his shoes.
Katie: Menace isn't the guy on the street hollering at girls, he's the one hollering at dogs.
Tony's Just a Headline: "Jamaica Puzzled by Theft of Beach"

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Last night The Woody Show took over Crogan's in The Creek. It was awesome and thanks to everyone who came out!!!

Today's Intern: Mike

Talk, Talk, and Some More Talk: Goooood Morning. What it do nephew, What it do nephew. We need to wake up. Mornings after the Suck It in 08' campaigns suckkkkk. Pre-Crunking took place long before the event. The car ride from Gregs (with Menace, Ravey, and Myself) was hilarious. There was a lot of yelling and attempts to not pee ourselves. We made $700 last night! Awesome! They busted me with my fake I.D. at the door. The problem was that I told the douche that I was 19 and he just kinda took it. People thought that I was Tony's wife, thanks to Woody. "Awww, congrats on the baby!" It was hilarious. Jen wants to name her future daughter Garcel. Yikes! We talked about some fat girl names. Debbie for starters, Woody says Natalie, Lisa is slutty, etc. Wendy's got all butt sore at us for giving them a crap load of FREE air time and getting people to try the Baconator. Shut up Wendy's. Sissys. Suck it hard and suck it raw. Prison officials in Florida- Web, who was in jail for having cocaine. During a search they had him lift his shirt
and they found marijuana and tobacco hiding in his fat folds.

News with Sir Crunks-a-lot:
> The teacher who got the fastest time at the Nike race but didn't win the race, finally got her prize. The story went all across the country and eventually Nike decided to give her the first place award along with the prize and they (Nike) decided to get rid of the "elite" group.
> A woman had her toilet clog up and flood. In the process she got pissed and was cursing in her own home. The off duty cop next door heard her, and got her arrested for disorderly conduct! Such B.S. anyways she filed a lawsuit and is now being paid $19,000 and the judge said that what she said was protected by free speech.
> Less than 2 weeks until the election. Obama is still in the lead and now McCain is starting to focus on Obama's tax plan and how it might actually hurt the middle class. Obama needs to shut up about Joe the Plumber.
> There is a vaccine is being recommended for smokers. This vaccine protects against bacterias that causes pneumococcal disease.
> Miss Teen Louisiana, Lindsey Evans, lost her crown because she "dine and dashed" and left her purse at the table which had marijuana in it. She was also arrested for possession. Dummmmmb bitch.

Happy Happy Story Time: This one is for Ravey. 77 year old guy was hanging out in a cemetery, just chillin, visiting where his parents were buried, when he was digging around a little bit. The tombstone then fell on him and he died. YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY.

Music and Entertainment Report with the Funniest Lady in the World:
> Best Buy confirmed that the Guns N' Roses album will be released Nov. 23
> Dr. Pepper is going to give everyone in America a free soda on the Guns N' Roses release date.
> The original line up of Janes Addiction will be performing tonight
> The tough economic times have extended to Wisteria lane. There is a new wardrobe guideline for certain sitcoms. There is now a price range for the clothing to be worn on TV.
Our buddy Ralphie May called in so I missed the rest of it. Cry about it.

Ralphie May is in the house....well kinda.
> We love this guy, he RULES.
> Ralphie will be at Pepperbelly's in Fairfield - 849 Texas Street.
Get Tickets Here!
- Friday, October 24 @ 8:00 pm
- Saturday, October 25 @ 9:30 pm
- Sunday, October 26 @ 8:00 pm
> We had some celebration about those stupid tree sitters getting the boot.
> "Gay people aren't ruining the sanctity of marriage, that was Brittney Spears."

Sexy Time Fun Facts:
> Maia Reitano is 99 years old and a virgin lookin for love. She turns 100 in January. She's NEVER had sex. "When I was younger and I thought I was missing out, but when I got older I just said no."
Greg said it would take $5 - 10 Million.

Sex Tips 1894:
1. Keep the quantity of sex as low as possible.
2. Don't show off too much of your body.
3. Once in bed the wife should turn off all the lights and not make any noise
4. A woman should lie as still as possible, movement can send sexual hints
5. Wise wives are forever on alert for denying.
6. Men obtain a major
7. Give little, Give seldom, Give grudgingly.
I missed a couple of these. Sorrrrrrrry

Dr. Drew, The Nicest Man Alive:
>Still loves doing Love Line, but does get frustrated. Woody wants to know why he hasn't been on Love Line and why Dr. Drew hates him. Is it a C-Block?? Woody is going to go on Love Line and tell these sluts whats up. There is a theory that came from a study done that claims that a man's penis has the wedged shape at the tip so that they can scoop out things that were left from the girls previous sexual experience. *gag* Guys have a scoop. Dr. Drew wanted to vomit after this.
> The new season of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew is going to be great. There are a lot of new people and a lot of family stories. Gary Busey, Tawny Kitaen, Nikki McKibbon, Amber Smith, Steve Adler, Sean Stewart, Jeff Conaway and Rodney King will be part of this season.
> Jesse in SF called in. He was addicted to heroin and Oxycontin for 4 years. He has now been sober for 9 months and said that the show really inspired him. Good Job and Congrats Jesse!!!!

Guess The State: Story #1 - A woman had sex with a man and fell asleep with him. Sometime during the night the man died and she stole his stuff out of the house instead of calling the police.
Line 3 - Rick in Orinda - Florida Winner!

News Round 2:
> A woman who waited 19 hours for treatment of a broken leg, never got to see a doctor, and got a bill for $152. She got billed because the nurse checked her vitals. WTF? Another guy had chest pains and also waited 19 hours, but its all good, because he went into cardiac arrest and died.
The End.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The Killers show got cancelled last night. Hella bummed. Miles wants to type here we go. "wah... :,(" Wow.... that was deep, thank you Miles. "you're welcome :P" ...Again, thank you for blessing us with your words of wisdom.

Today's Intern: Jessica, and she comes bearing Baconators. Sweeet.

Dum Dee Dum: Goooooooooooooooooood Morning. From sun up to sun down we have an exciting day. We have the Baconator challenge this morning and the SUCK IT IN 08' - CLICK FOR MORE INFO tonight! No Tony this morning. Mr. Mott is sick. He has pink eye which was super contagious, then last night Beth called Woody's house number, to talk to Jen, to have her yell at Woody so that Tony wouldn't have to go Walnut Creek and New Orleans. So now New Orleans is going to happen, Woody Show minus Greg. Menace might die this morning. 3 - 5 Baconators!? = Death. Ravey is the source of positive Chi. We will be playing the new Guns N' Roses in the 7:00 hour. Story from Nike Women's Marathon that was here in SF. There were over 20,000 people in this marathon, this 24 year old teacher named Erin ran this the fastest of all the women, but she didn't win. She ran 26.2 miles in 2 hours and 55 minutes. The girl who got first place finished in 3 hours and 6 minutes. WTF? The World Series game 1 is tonight. Who the hell is going to watch this? The Phillies came up with this sweeeeeeeeeet saying "Why can't us?" Good god. Email from Kevin - He sent us a link to this video we needed to hear. They were talking about Matt Stairs and how he loves to get "his ass hammered by guys, because there is no better feeling than to have that done." hahahaha.

Hella emails from the peeeeps about the remake of the Ginuwine's Pony which was awesome. Want the Song?

Click: Download "Pony" Here!!

News With The Man From The Creek:
> Some powder was sent through the mail, which is SOOOO 2001. And it was sent to an innocent person who works in a bank. Good God get a life. > The FBI was investigating the slutty Miley Cyrus picture hacking situation. They just searched a 19 year old's stuff because he was bragging about hacking her email. Idiot.
> At a store an employee put "Dumb Nigger" on a reciept. They did an "investigation" because there was hella stuff to look into. Why are people so stupid?????
> Tanker Truck explosion happened on 880 this morning. This is HUGE

The Baconators are so heavy and gross. I can't believe this.
> 7:48am it Starts!
> 7:52 he is almost done with 2 burgers. Jessssus
> 7:55 Menace finishes his 2nd burger.
> 8:05 Menace finishes his 3rd burger
> 8:15 Menace is about half way through his 4th burger.
> 8:22 Menace pukes

Music and Entertainment Report
> This was hard to follow with all the commotion. Once again, If you want the Music and Entertainment Report check it out at
Final Word: Stings wife who hooked up Madonna and Guy "They need to recapture their lives"

News with Greg:
> The "In Spot" is an email service that helps you tell people you've slept with that they might have an STD. They have automated messages that are hilarious.
> A mother who had an out of control daughter decided to reward her with cigarrettes for good behavior.

Got Game With Mr. Masters:
> Oct 14 the new PSP hit
> Fable 2 that came ou this week - has a couple bugs in it.
> Midnight Club which looks SICK, is a racing game that is based in LA. I want this game so bad.

What We Learned:
Ravey: All of Joey Chesnuts recirds are safe from the Whitemenace
Menace: IT guy lives at Ravey's house to keep her STD info emails going out.
Greg: Baconators are D-God-Damn-licious
Woody: Not only do Tony's curtains match his drapes, his pink eye matches his panties.
Katie: When a guy calls in and goes "dude put me on air! I just saw a tanker blow up" I shouldn't even question.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's dark and early. I'm getting excited for tomorrow!! I have a spelling bee against Menace today. If I lose, I'm going to kill myself.

Today's Intern: Sarah

What's Crappin-en??: We're crunkin it this morning again. It was so insensitive of us. Tis the season for cut backs and they are making them around here. Everyone at KFRC got let go yesterday and they took our talk radio and are putting them on FM as well. We were hoping to pick up their signal but that didn't happen. General Neck Nuts, (our general manager who has the deepest voice ever) asks if anyone has any questions. At this point Woody's hand rockets up and Neck Nuts says "Let the corpse cool Woody" (Woody's question was going to be if we can have their studio) That would RULE. That studio is SO nice. We're thinking a stripper pole and some signage would be a nice touch. Woody and Menace are going to go down to KFRC and look around as if they are looking at an apartment together. At the end of the meeting, Neck Nuts says that Woody might want to re-think the way he acts when something doesn't work. (hinting at Woody's little fit with the 3-hole punch and the broken CD player) Peter from Oakland calls in to say sorry to Ravey for almost running her over with his bread rack on Saturday. Ravey is a Butt Slut for Bread.

CROGAN'S - 1387 Locust st. Walnut Creek 6:00-8:00 pm

News With Greg Gory:
> Support is building for another economic stimulus plan.
> A family who had a "Yes on Prop 8" sign on their yard got their sign stolen. So they replaced it with a bigger "Yes on Prop 8" sign. This caused quite an uproar and the family has been receiving phone calls from both angles.
Don't forget to check out our Woody Show Stuff at:

Happy Happy Story: This one comes from Oregon - A 57 year old named Rodney and a 28 yr old were both driving on the same free way, one going east one going west. They both didn't seem to notice the Bull Elk standing in the middle of the road. They both struck the Elk on opposite ends at the exact same time and ripped the elk in half. Rodney's car went off the road and he died. HAVE A NICE DAY...YAYYYYYY.

Everyone on this show has a boner for stuff in slow motion.

Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> New CD from ACDC tomorrow
> The Strangers hits the shelves today
> LA Ink and Family Guy seasons hit today
> Metallica starts their Indoor arena tour this week
I missed the rest of it because the phones blew up. Get the rest of this crucial information at:

Dumbass Contest: Katie vs. Menace Spelling Bee....ohhhh crap.
I destroyed him. Suck on that Menace. You cry baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#1. Kyle who chose Me - Winner
#2. Herb got a prize out of pitty.
Words that Need to Die in a Fire:
- Cougar
- Uber
- Tween
- It is What It is
- Vegas Baby
- (my word didn't make it) - Shawty
- My Bad
- You Know
- Whatevs
- Moving Forward
- Preggers
- Thats tight
- Kewl
- Izzle Talk
- Thats how I roll
- Chillax
- Cool Bean
- Bling

News Round 2:
> Check it out. This guys fame just keeps on rolling.
> The TSA - Jeffery Goldburg put the TSA to the test - He went to the airport with a fake boarding pass, no id, and wearing a t-shirt with "Osama" on it. The airport allowed him to get on the plane to Washington D.C.

Caller 105 gets Bridge School Benefit Tickets!!!!! -Curtis in Cambell is our Winner! Good Job Curtis!!

Crap on Celebs -
> Can Madonna get any more annoying??? She works out 4 hours a day, which left no time for her sex life, she sleeps in a plastic suit to avoid aging, she allows the trainer to live with them, dairy isn't allowed in the house, I hate this bitch.
Crappy Birthdays:
> Jeremy Miller - 32
> Kerry Fisher -
> Judge Judy - 66
> Vanessa Marciel - 40
> Penny Marshall - 65
> Linda Lavin - 71
> Brandon Ralph - 29
> Trey Parker - 39
Porno Birthday - Name: Candy Apple, 279 Fine films including "Tranny Get Your Gun" - She is 32
What We Learned:
Woody: People hate what it do?! Really? For Reals? Well suck it.
Katie: Ravey is a Butt Slut for Bread
Tony's Just a Headline: "Nerhjla hjfleanje.....son of a bitch."

Monday, October 20, 2008

You're Gonna Go Farrrrrrrrrrrr Kid!

I had the weirdest thing happen last night. I got off work from the FABULOUS Trader Joe's at 12:00 am, went home, fell asleep pretty much right away, but had a dream that I had just gotten into bed, and as soon as I got in bed (in my dream) my alarm went up and it was 4:00am and time to get up. It blew. Hard.

Today's Intern: Jessica

So, What were you saying?: Gooood Morning. Radio Schmadio, It's all about the webcam. We talked about how baseball season is basically over. The Devil Rays are now just the Rays. It's not just slang. The word on the street is that putting the World Series on PPV would make more money than just having it on TV and gaining profit that way. Raiders actually won. The world is falling apart. We talked about corn hole and how gay it sounds. Woody went to a club, it was "Ammmmmazzinnggg." (not a dead to real story) Everyone is stoked for the Creek!!! :-) Madden is hella irritated that people never spot him. Wah. Greg and Woody are hella stressed about their halloween costumes....LIKE O.M.G. What are they going to do!? Menace's Baconator (Baconator = Six strips of hickory smoked bacon piled high atop two 1/4 lb.* patties of fresh, never frozen, beef. Complete with two slices of American cheese, mayo and ketchup for a mountain of mouth-watering taste.) challenge is coming this week. He needs to eat at least 3. Everyone except Woody and Ravey think that 3 is weak sauce. Sunny from Livermore calls in and tells us that he met Madden and that Madden seemed annoyed like it happens all the time. Come on Madden, you gotta be in favor of the peoples. As for the Woody Show -Ravey and Greg need Crunk Juice before they meet people, Tony, Woody, and Menace are ok with it.

Story Just for Ravey: An 89 year old woman got arrested, for stealing a football. Last Thursday, Edna (89 years old) found a ball on her yard. She picked it up and took it inside to teach the kids a lesson to keep their stuff off of her yard. The kids Mom called the cops and the cops came and arrested her and charged her with petty theft. Her court date is November 12. Suchhh crap.

News With The One And Only Greg Gory:
> Colin Powell got it....Obama. Surprise Surprise.
> A man kills his wife over Facebook because of a status change in her info. Dangerous.
> A Father took his son to an Islamic court and tried to have him imprisoned for being lazy, the father said that he wants the court to set him free. The judge sided with the father, they put the son in jail and he got 30 lashings with a cane.

Sports with Ravey;
> World Series is set - Rays and Phillies
> 49ers lost to the Giants - 4th straight loss
> Raiders won this weekend. Brett Farve sucked.
> Rams crushed the Cowboys
> Colts got crushed by the Green Bay Packers
> Bangles and Pistons are still winless
> Bears beat the Vikings
> Bills beat the Chargers
Who Friggin Cares: Angelina Jolie confirmed that.....Her and Brad......are going to adopt......another child.

Woody just beat the "Ish" out of the CD player with a hole puncher. That was hilarious. I hate this place.....Nothing works here......
Menace Baconator Challenge will be on Wednesday!!!

Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> Weekend Box Office - Despite having no good reviews at all, the video game adaptation Max Payne still managed to top the box office with $18 million. Beverly Hills Chihuahua, is still hanging strong at Number Two with $11.2 million, raising its overall total to $69 million. The Secret Life of Bees, debuted at Number Three with $11.1 million; while W., director Oliver Stone's fictionalized look at the life and career of President George W. Bush, opened at Number Four with $10.6 million and Eagle Eye rounded out the top five.
> Disney Keeping It in the Family - Rumors are swirling that Zac Efron will be starring alongside Johnny Depp in the fourth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Sources say that Zac was offered $10 million to appear in the Disney blockbuster. These sources also say that Efron was originally approached before Depp agreed to reprise his role as Captain Jack Sparrow. Disney is reportedly keen on grooming Efron as an eventual successor to Depp. Efron is in the third installment of Disney’s High School Musical—which comes to theaters this weekend.
> Brad Pitt and Billy Beane?!?! - Brad Pitt—who is currently filming Quentin Tarantino’s war movie Inglorious Bastards---has a pair of contrasting projects on deck. Pitt is considering a big-screen adaptation of Homer's The Odyssey with a futuristic outer space setting. Pitt previously starred in 2004's Troy, a more historically faithful version of Homer's The Iliad. He is also considering a project based on the baseball book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game. The book centers on the budget-conscious success of Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane.Big Ratings for the GOP
> Both Sarah Palin and John McCain generated some big numbers with their television appearances on Saturday Night Live and the Late Show with David Letterman. Sarah Palin appeared on Saturday Night Live this weekend, the actual numbers aren’t out yet—but early returns suggest it was the highest rated episode since Nancy Kerrigan appeared after being clubbed by Tonya Harding. Last Thursday's Late Show with David Letterman, during which John McCain apologized for abruptly canceling an earlier appearance, gave that show its biggest audience since Letterman and Oprah Winfrey's peace conference in December 2005.
> Mad Men and Terminator Some good news for a couple of shows that I am really into---Mad Men will be returning to AMC for a third season. A deal still needs to be worked out for the show’s creator Matthew Weiner, who is not under contract for a third season. Much to my astonishment, Fox has given a full-season order for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. That show has never performed up to expectations—but Fox ordered some scripts which apparently came in strong—so Fox ordered a full 22-episodes. Tonight on TV--- Terminator is on Fox tonight along with Prison Break. Dancing with the Stars, Samantha Who and Boston Legal are on ABC, CBS has their usual Monday Night line-up with Theory, Mother, Men, Week and CSI: Miami, Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill are on the CW, and Chuck, Heroes, and My Own Worst Enemy are on NBC.
The Final Word--- The final word comes from Pink who says that the Paris Hiltons and Jessica Simpsons of the world are still peeved at her for her songs Stupid Girls and So What. “Paris Hilton came up to me in a nightclub a couple of months back and she said, ‘I hope you realize that the person I seem to be in the press is really just an act and the real me is really smart.’ I said, ‘Just get over it. The song was like years ago. Quit bugging me.’

The Engineering guy just came in and yelled at me for Woody breaking the CD player. "He's never left me a note or anything, all he does is bitch about it on the air. The more he bitches, the slower it's going to get fixed." Well gee thanks Victor Mature.

Dumbass Contest - Name that Network
#1. Chris in Cambell - 2 outta 2! For Zeee Win!

Hate Mail:
> Evan - Wonders if there is anyone gayer than Miles the Intern. He wants to crush Miles without Fall Out Boy CD's.
> Theresa - She just started listening to the show. Found Menace's prom picture. She hates menace, this makes me laugh.
> David - Wants Woody or Greg to make Menace go home. He is intolerable lately. Wants to reach through the speaker and choke Menace out.

Stories that will put your bad day into perspective:
> This guy in Germany was forced to sell his yacht for $30. He did it on accident in an online auction, problem is that he forgot to set a minimum offer.
> A Woman in Florida told officials that her suspicion that her husband was cheating on her caused her to pour boiling hot water on his groin.
> Oregon - A Mother of 2 faces a long recovery after losing both of her arms digging fence posts using an auger. Her clothes got caught in it and both of her arms were severed.
> A lady had a 6 lb block of ice fall through her roof and hit her in the head.
> In New York, there was a black suit case in a park. When a park worker went to check it out, a leg popped out. When they opened it there was a 55 year old man, intact, inside that had $100,000 worth of heroin inside of him.

Lets do it again, News round 2:
I totally missed the segment because I had it out with "excuse me baby, I'll square you up" Craig. I've officially been squared up.

Guess The State: They had to evacuate the office of a State Representative because there was a package that was leaking an oily substance. Turns out after the was bacon.
#1. Rigo in San Jose - Ohio!! For The Win!!!
What We Learned:
Ravey: There are people blindly supporting Barak Obama even though he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Menace: He doesn't wanna be a Live 105 CD player
Greg: Ravey hung a clock on her wall featuring the creepy mug shot of a hard core douche.
Tony: Cheryl Jennings has seen Greg Gorys Hog
Woody: Nothing gets Ravey hornier than a story about Greg shaving down and oiling up.
Katie: I was sharked to find out that if I try to get kids to keep their balls out of my yard, I’ll get arrested.
Tony's Just A Headline: "FBI Nabs Gun-Wielding Ninja-Clad Bank Robber on Crutches"