Today's Intern: Jessica

What is Going On?: Gooooooooood Morning! We always try to share good deals with each other. At Macy's they are having a sale!! Woody got $2100 worth of bedding for only $400. Greg changes his sheets probably once every 4
to 6 weeks. This conversation got grosser and grosser. Airline passenger arrested at an airport in Phoenix because he opened the emergency door to get off while the rest of the people were
leaving through the regular door. A 72 year old man who had eyebrows who were so long that they required brushing. He started a Polio charity for the cutting of his eyebrows. 2 seven year old Indian girls were married to frogs last week. During the wedding the girls were dressed and the frogs were tied to decorated sticks. PETTTTAAAA?!?!? WHERE YOU AT HATERS!?!? Today is the chicken day! Since people thew such a fit, we found a slaughter house and chicken farmers who are going to let Tony play with their chickens and hold them.
News with Greg Gory:

> Obama was sworn in as our 44th president yesterday. Obama already screwed up. Obama kept interrupting. Roberts screwed up the oath and misplaced the word faithfully.
> There were 2,000,000 people there last night and not 1 arrest. Amazing.
> A couple of men were found in a bathtub size cooler bobbing around in the ocean after their fishing boat sank. They had been in that cooler for 25 days.
> An Alabama fire department got their jaws of life stolen the other night. Turns out the Jaws of life
cost $12,000! Why would someone steal that? What the hell?
Sports with Ravey:
> It took a long time for the Sharks to score last night. That
sent them into overtime in which they won 2 - 1 .
> Shark are off until after the allstar game
> The Thunder take on the Warriors tonight at 7:30
> 34% of people watching TV on Sunday were watching the AFC game where Woody and Ravey were.

Stupid Human Story: Authorities say Jason Charles Mielke and his dad were cleaning a muzzleloader found near a dumpster at the apartment complex where Jason lived. A sheriff's
investigation concluded that a breech plug became stuck in the muzzleloader as the two men were cleaning it. As the men used a
torch to heat the barrel around the plug to help release it, the weapon fired off a round, hitting Mielke in the abdomen and killing him.
Music and Entertainment Report:
> Tom Cruise is interested in turning the plane crash on the Hudson River into a movie.
> LOST returns for its 5th season
Final Word: Ralph Macchio talking about Jackie Chan in the new Karate Kid, "It feels good that some people are pretty angry about people trying to remake the Karate Kid."
Email From Our People:
> One of our listeners let us in on this: More people were killed at a Notorious screening than were killed in a plane crash in New York City.
Poll with the People: How Long Will It Take Tony To Kill A Whole Chicken?
A: 5 Minutes - 26.7%
B: 5-10 Minutes - 36%
C: 10-15 Minutes - 16.3%
D. More Than 15 Minutes - 21.1%
Barack Obama Has A Dirty Mouth?!?! - Check out
Dumbass Contest: Tony Kills A Whole Chicken!! (Because man, we hate us some

PETA douche bags)
#1. Derrick in San Jose - 2 minutes
#2. Red in SF - 7 minutes
#3. Paul in Sunnyvale - 10 minutes WINNER!! It
took Tony 26 minutes and 20 seconds to eat the whole chicken!!
#4. Josue in
Livermore - 3 minutes
Thats right, we're not killing a chicken, Tony is EATING a ROASTED stupid morons. F YOU TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F'ing Losers!!!! SO TAKE THAT PETA. KISS OUR ASSES. Thanks for spreading the word about our show so hard core! You guys got punked, because not only did you raise such hell about our show, but now people across our country have checked out our show and tuned in! Thank you PETA, you just got bitched.

Jail Stories:
>Last month a guy named Jason was arrested for trafficking stolen property. In his cell, they found drugs. They also found syringes, matches,
meth, cocaine, etc. How did he get it in there? Thats right, in his B-Hole!
>A girl took her friend in jail a huge burrito. In the burrito she put heroin and a needle. She was arrested and locked up with the rest of them.
> Police in Missouri said smelled marijuana while leaving their station. Turns out the kids next door to the police station were smoking pot. They went over there and arrested the 18 year olds. Smart guys, smoke next door to the police station....douche bags.
> A lady loaned her car to a guy who was going on a crack run. When she gave up the car, she left her 1 year old son in the back. When the guy got out to get the crack, he left the car running. Then another crack head steals it, ditches the kid, and traded the car for crack.
> A woman used part of a tampon to snort cocaine.
> A british lady was on a flight to Bancock and she was acting strange. When she was investigated they found she was smuggling 260 grams of black tar heroin in her happy place.
News Round 2:
> Obama is starting his first day today. They have already postponed the Guantanamo Bay Evacuation.
> Bart is raising its prices and this started a huge bart talk..
> A 72 year old man named Cristano was found dead in his nursing home after a fight with
another one of the residents. Basically the other old guy, Kenneth, beat Cristano to death.
Steve Masters is Here!!!:
> There is a Wii in the White House! Obama's favorite Wii game is Wii Bowling.
> Make sure to check out
- Street Fighter 4 (Feb 17th)
- GTA 4 Downloadable content (Feb 17th)
- Resident Evil 5 (March 15th)
Guess The State: Police are searching for a shoplifter who got hit by her own get away car TWICE. She robbed a TJ Max and stole several expensive purses. She ran out of the TJ Max went to get in the car and fell and got run over. She then got up jumped on the hood of the car, fell off, and got run over AGAIN.
#1. Peter in San Jose - Pennsylvania
#2. Robert in San Mateo - Ohio
#3. Kyle in Palo Alto - Florida WINNER!
Porno Birthday: Nicki Sterling has starred in 281 fine films including, "6 Degrees of Penatration" this slut is 41.
Justin from Pleasanton called in and shared the greatest link with us ever. Since we all hate PETA check this site out....
^^ Man I could just imagine peta people's faces when woody said it was a roasted chicken Tony was going to be eating. Man they are so stupid.
Kick ass blog Katie, always is. Love it!
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