P.S. I've forgotten how to blog, so bear with me.

Today's Intern: Jessicaaaaaaaaaaa!

More Blah Blah: Goooood Morning!! We started off the right way, Tony's mic wasn't on. We forgot how to do radio. Everyone looks the same, except everyone is fatter. Woody is back on his hard core diet, we call this "boring Woody". Granola and football don't go well together. Greg is the only person who will go to a football game and drink numerous little plastic cups of wine. We came to the conclusion that Ravey and Greg have already started the year off bitching. Greg is a technical retard, not that he's actually retarded, but that anything with technology with turn him into a retard. This turned into a lets all bash Greg session. One of Woody's resolutions is to be less negative...(yeah, goooood luck dude) We believe that Ravey is more brave than anyone who...poops in public. This next story is why.

Ravey's Disaster Story: So Ravey comes into her house, which she let people into while she wasn't home to fix the shower, which is why
she is so brave, and she wonders why she is slipping. She turns on her light, and to her sweet surprise, EVERYTHING, and we mean EVERYTHING was caked in DUST. Everything, the couches, wii, wii controllers, kitchen, EVERYTHING. So she called her maintenance guy, named Lucious, and called him basically everything that we'd get fired for saying on the air. They are going to clean it by today, or she is going to kill someone, litterally. More pictures HERE
Ask The Woody Show: This one comes from Kevin in Fremont: How many times a day does your girlfriend or wife call you? He's asking because he's been dating this girl for 5 mont
hs and she calls him 4 or 5 times a day to tell him everything that happens. Is she needy or what?
Ravey: Texting is a good thing.
Woody: Tell her that you're getting in trouble for the phone calls at work
Menace: Good morning text, lunch text, and talk after work.
They also brought up that it could be a trust issue and she's checking in on him. Hope that was some help Kevin.

Facebook Drama:
1) Some Australian couple owed $150,000 in a loan. They were ignoring it and the lawyers have been trying to serve them. Since the couple had their date of birth, email, friends, etc. on their Facebook, they got FACEBOOK
2) Some woman had a picture on her Facebook of her
breast feeding her baby. It was showing everything pretty much, so Facebook took it down. Facebook only responds to complaints so someone had to have complained. She got all pissed because her picture was taken down, and when she asked for an explanation and she didn't get one, she got even more pissed. This started a whole controversy. The woman's argument was that "why is it so wrong, it is very natural." This is where Menace said 2 of the smartest
things I've ever heard: 1) So is taking a crap, but no one needs to see it. and 2) If you're a mom, why the hell are you on Facebook anyways.

Story that reminded us of Tony: In Miami state troopers are looking for a place to take thousands of shoes that were just dumped. There were no signs of a crash, Workers using
a front end loader and a dump truck got them out of the
express way. The officer who found them is hoping someone will take them, because he doesn't want to take them to the dump. Hell, take them to Park Merced to Menace's house!
News with Greggels
> Obama and his wife Michelle moved to D.C. so their daughters could start school today at a private school. He was returning to D.C. after going home for the Holiday, he was "a little choked up" leaving home.
>A man got a letter from the I.R.S. saying that he owed a whole 5 cents. Then he got another letter from the I.R.S. saying that he'll get a refund of 4 cents. Apparently he needs to request the refund, which is total crap.
> A 79 year old man in Connecticut bought a lottery ticket, a short time after getting the ticket, he died of a heart attack. He hadn't known that the day he died he bought the $10,000
,000 winning ticket. His wife was so upset about his death that she almost threw it away, but she decided to take them to the store and she found out that she won.

Sports with Miss Ravey:
> Chargers beat the Colts 23 - 17
> Baltimore beat Miami
> Minnesota got beat by Philadelphia
> Warriors play in Utah tonight
> Sharks play tomorrow
Who Friggin Cares: This one is about Lindsay Lohan! YES! She now has her own line of leggings and her boutique. I hate her.
Music and Entertainment Report:
> Marly and Me was on top in the box office
> Will Smith's movies brought in the most revenue of the year
> Cold Play had the second highest selling album of the year

Wheel of Topics:
For, About, or Concerning Women:
> Doctors at a hospital in England says that they are seeing more stories of Penis crushings. More and more little boys are getting their junk slammed in the toilet seat, turning the toilet into a penis guillotine
> For the first time in history, the 3 generations of women, hate each other. This is called Queen Bee syndrome.
> A woman pulled into a Mc Donalds drive through while ignoring a cop who had his lights on with his siren. She thought that they were pulling her over because her license was revoked. She was arrested under suspect of drunk driving.
> A woman set fire to her boyfriends clothing and caused $150,000 of damage at a storage facility.
> There was a woman's magazine that had an article about the best "Way of Revenge" example: YouTube the sex videos, or hack the system and change his password to "assface" - This basically proves that women are the devil, this is horrible.
Dumbass Contest: Who Said It? -- A Playboy Bunny or a 9 Year Old Boy?
#1. Adrian in Hayward - 2 for 2 Winner!!
Random Story: We talked about Kathy Griffen and her flip out at the Count Down on CNN which was HILARIOUS. Check it out HERE.
10 Best TV Shows in 2008
10 . In Treatment
9. Dexter
8. Letterman
7. Fringe
6. Mad Men
5. Lost
4. The Shield
3. 30 Rock (Which in a really high pitched voice, Menace apologized for not liking dahht.)
2. Wire
1. Colbert Report

Pointless Listener Poll: What is your New Years Resolution?
Woody: Stop being so negative and to lose weight. Check this out
Tony: To stop smoking at some point in time
Ravey: Become a better emailer - She doesn't respond for days.
Menace: To become more time and money efficient
Katie: To get back in shape
A couple listeners called in and said: Stop smoking weed, stop playing World of Warcraft and get their life
straight, same as Woody - stop being so negative.
Speaking of losing weight: These elephants in NY lost all sorts of weight with some help of their trainers, who say no more jelly beans. Ricky Lake has also dropped some weight, she dropped 140 lbs.
News Round 2 with Greg Gory:
> Twitter scam! According to Twitter if you get an email saying that you have a direct message and it redirects you to a page that looks like Twitter, check the URL so you don't get your password hacked.
> There was a homeowner who lives in Massachusetts who thought it would be a good idea to use a blow torch to melt the ice on his back porch. This resulted in $30,000 damage
> The 88 year old woman who wouldn't give the football back and was arrested, yeah she is now suing the family who "owned the ball" for emotional distress from the numerous objects that are constantly flying into her backyard.
Crap on Celebrities:

> Early last Wednesday - Charles Barkley was arrested for a D.U.I. after running a stop sign. He was out partying hard core. When the got back to the station he said that he was in a hurry to pick up a girl, but he was going to drive around the corner and get a B.J. but since he had gotten one from her the week before and it was the best one in his life, he didn't want to ruin it- He also said he'll tattoo the cops name on his ass if it will help him get out of jail.
> Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Robinson's relationship has started off rocky. They had a HUGE screaming fight while hosting a party. This fight then ended in them punching each other.
> Tom Cruise claims that Scientology helped him get over his Dyslexia.
> A Heroin and Morphine overdose is what killed Dr. Dre's son.
Porno Birthday: Leena - has starred in 105 films including "Dranal Park", "Heinfeld", "Aint Aint Enough", She is 40
Tony's Just a Headline: "Man Who Snatched Wig Will Have To Pay" GETTTTING!!
Glad to have you back Katie, and everyone else! Keep the monster ruling blogs coming!
Where are the Tuesday and Wednesday blogs? :(
There were no shows I think. Apparently Woody is really sick with Laryngitis or something. My friends told me they just been playing random clips which what I assume would be podcasts.
I only listen via Justin.tv or live105 in afternoons so I do not know for sure.
Let's just hope Woody gets better, assuming he is sick, or that Katie wasn't fired.
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