Today's Intern: Laurennnn
Lots and Lots of Talking is about to occur: We played the wrong song to start the show. Woody has forgotten how to do his job and claimed its like "pooping backwards". Woody is tan and is
now Latino. We had some Mexico talk. Woody had a "Greg Moment" in Mexico. He turned into Mr. America. Woody claims that outside the resort is gheeeeeeeeeeeeettooooooo. The nicest thing that they had other than the Starbucks was the "Take me Drunk, I'm Home." T-Shirt. They swam with dolphins, took naps, drank, ate hellllllllla food, and just hung out. Ravey had a story and a half for us. Ravey had a fun sucking moment in St. Louis. After she drops Menace and Greg off at the airport, she realized she forgot to give baby Dean his card for his baptism. (By the way Menace didn't get Woody a wedding gift) Anyways, the hotel she stayed at sucked.
Nothing worked, never got what they asked for, it was a crappy situation. The staff at the hotel was rude as hell. Ravey then noticed the card she had gotten for Dean (which she left in the room) had been opened. Someone wanted to check to see if there was some cash in it. Before Dean's baptism Ravey took her ring off so that it wouldn't scratch the baby, when she came back it was gone. Menace thinks that we should have had the S.W.A.T. team up in that hotel. Hotel Lumiere 1-314 881-7777 call and ask where Ravey's ring is or just leave a comment at . Menace won the award of most drunk. Menace aka White Flavor Flaveeeee. Tony's hemeroid made an appearance on Tuesday and was incapacitated until Saturday. Overall everyone had a good time, which was the goal. Congrats again Woody and Jen!!!!!

We have taken over the Hotel Lumiere's phone line. Hilarity.
> unfortunately i missed some of it. Everyone who is calling hotel lumiere is calling me. I'm slightly pre occupied
> Shake Muhammed said that Mickey Mouse is one of Satans soldiers and that everything Mickey touches is made un-pure. That sucks, I hugged him as a child.
I just got yelled at (the bitch thought I was Ravey) for giving the hotel such horrible publicity.

Dumbass Contest: Are they Democrat or Republican?? Tony will give the name of former Presidents and you have to tell us what they were.
> #1. Curtis in Herculese - 0 for 2 no win.
> #2 Adrian in San Mateo- 2 for 2 For The Win!!
There was some McCain and Obama talk.
Woody was talking about how friggin sweet his Hotel for his Honeymoon was. Hot tub on the deck overlooking the ocean, huge bed, beautiful room, and an ocean that is warm. For some reason Tony still isn't sold. I am. That's for sure. Check it out.
**Phones are still blowing up about Hotel Lumiere**
Weird Fact from Mexico:
> Saw more boobs on his first day in Mexico than the rest of his time partying.

"It Seemed Like A Good Idea"
This conversation was about man-scaping. Woody shaved and turned his nuts red with infected hair follicles. Went to the Emergency Room for his little situation. haha. Plans on looking like an "over glown (grown) abandoned lot." It was driving him nuts....getting.
**The Lumiere has a script now. When you ask about Ravey's ring they say "We have contacted the authorities, and are conducting an investigation. Have a nice day."
8:27 AM we ceased fire on the Hotel Luniere because they finally called and are talking to Ravey as we speak. It only took 2 hours of listener torture. Good job you guys!!**
Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> Metallica's new cd sold nealy 500,000 in the first 4 days
> Martin of Coldplay told BBC radio that they are going to release and EP and have a new album by the end of 2009
> Colbert is going to have a new special called Colber Christmas
> Colbert is going to have a new special called Colber Christmas
> George Caralin is going to be honored by a line up of comics. They will be performing a tribute on Nov 10.
> Football is leading in the TV ratings
> New 90120 had a big drop off but is still in solid with the ratings
> New 90120 had a big drop off but is still in solid with the ratings
> Top 10 contestants are going to compete tonight on America's Got Talent.
Final Word: Lincoln Park, Chester Bennington "Wasn't happy with the music at the VMA's"
Update with Ravey's Ring: Someone from upper management called Ravey back and said that they have the dates and are filing a report about the ring. They will be following up with her.

> A couple of Louisiana Highschool Girls for leaving laxitive cup cakes in the Teachers Lounge, they are facing charges
Gots' Games with Stevie Masters:
> Ideas for a new GTA -- St. Louis style. Main goal is to get Ravey's ring, side missions like get through Woody's wedding reception without drinking, and get Gregs towels.
> Another game Idea -- A grooming game where the Wii remote is a shaving tool and it will teach you how to shave down there....
> A game for Woody, you get to be an air traffic controller called Air Traffic Chaos.
> Lamest video game ever -- Dream Day Wedding, Married in Manhattan. Turns you into a Wedding planner.
What we Learned:
Ravey-- Hard to tell who is the luckiest man alive-- 2 doctors one of which got to see his balls
Menace -- Woody isnt a landscaper
Greg-- Learned that shaving the apple bag makes them look like apples
Tony-- Greg knows what Menaces taint smells like
Woody-- He never knew about a 6 pillow hemeroid
Katie-- Coming back to after a week is like pooping backwards.
Tony's Just a Headline: Penis Argument Turns Bloody
1 comment:
Welcome Back! Awesome blog for first day back. Thanks for not putting a picture of Woody's chewed up fireballs on the blog, haha. Congrats Woody and Jen! Glad to have everyone back!
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