Today's Intern: Mike is in the Houseeeee

Talkity Talk Talk: Mitchell Brothers were super hot and they were very good to Menace and Tony. Promotions at the strip club beats the promotion at Live 105. Tony got pink eye at the strip club last night. Apparently Dave had a fit about the image that The Woody Show going to the Strip Club gave Live 105. Some girl claimed to know Menace, turns out Menace got wasted and decorated her Christmas tree. We're going to the Folsom Street Fair which is where guys make it rain in any way that they can. Gross. The Folsom Street Fair is an effing mess. The people who attend this are crazy. I can't believe the things I'm seeing in these pictures and hearing about it. I will never EVER go to that. There is a calander out there for Ravey. It's Naked Clowns. I really hope Tony was lying right now. About having the clowns ride in the limo with us. goddddd.
Woody hosts the show, Ravey is the beauty of the room, Menace is the man of many names, Greg is the main man, Tony has been off....well for the past 2 1/2 years, and Me...well...I answer the phones and apparently I want comments on this damn blog.

Random story: Some guy got fired and beat the ish out of his boss. Not much more to it....well I'm sure there were a few more details but I missed them....My badddd
Random fact I know you don't care about: I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far Kid song. It rocks the hell out of my world.

> Both McCain and Obama are post poning their campaign buyt innitially it was McCain's idea. This is an awesome thing because one of the two will be President. Take time to learn about what is going on. I do think that they have 2 hours for the debate though. Come on.
> We had a list of what could be done with $700,000,000,000. There was all sorts of exciting stuff
> A man was charged with battery for farting on an officer while being arrested. He loudly farted on the officer and waved it towards the cop.
> We had fart talk. Jen farted and it hung around. Tony farts and can taste it, Greg farts and blames it on the chair, and Menace's farts smell like the inside of a pumpkin. People pay a lot of money for that autumn smell....Menace we may be on to something here.
> Dan in Fremont is going to let Woody work and go up in a 437 ft. Crane. Absolute madness.
Cheri from Las Gatos won the VooDoo Tickets today!! New Orleans with The Woody Show Get Excited!!
> Email Subject: Greg is a little bitch. -- A lot of bitching about hippie-hate and a lot of Douche talking. --Sakora
-- Sakora is so right and Greg is busted. Greg personally took the hippies out of the tree's and he orchestrated the entire thing. Greg also stole the freedom of speech. He is going to do that by putting a ferret in her apartment and have it knaw out her voice box.
> Alex Johnson -- Greg uses no logic and he slants arguments in his favor. Greg is, again, a douche. Having to listen to Greg's opinions causes people to change the station.
-- Greg ripped this guy, called him the longest name I have ever heard. This guy is an idiot and even TONY made a point about this one. Alex Johnson go die in a fire.
Greg's Liberal Hall of Fame: Any one who is angry about the Berkeley Bowl not allowing them to sample food.
Woody and Tony just rapped to the Beastie Boys-- This should never occur again. Please. Thanks guys.
Music and Enterainment Report With Ravey:
> Singer M.I.A. came out of retirement. She pulled a Brett Farve
> Red Hot Chili Pepers are on a break. Thank God.
> McCain cancelled his appearance on David Letterman because he was working on the economic crisis
> Johnny Depp is on board for Pirates of the Carribean 4.
> The Office has some new stuff goin on. Check it out
Final Word: PETA wrote to Tom Cruz and Katie Holmes to be aware of the Armani things that are sent to them because it may contain bunny fur.
Sexy Time Fun Facts:
> A study found that 60% of men have nick named their junk.
Tony: Pee Wee Herman
Menace: Fat Boy Slim
Greg: The Leaning Tower of Pizza
Ravey: King Kong
Woody: Goliath
Katie: Russel the 1 eyed Wonder Muscle
Sexy Time Poll Question: What is the name that you have for your junk?
> Jim in Hayward named his PeePee: Coke Can Jim
> Morgan in Fremont: Named her Boobies: Bob and Boobette
> We had a bunch of weird ones. Strange people out there.
> We talked to Nadine and tried to name her vag and it ended up with people texting in names.
News with Greg:
> Yesterday authorities said that a juvinille and an adult who killed a highschooler to steal his money and his phone. Worthhhh it.
> Soon texting while driving will be illegal. They need to clear up the loop hole that they missed when they made the law the first time.
> Limochris calls in and we had some fun messing with Ravey. Love that guy.

Sports With Ravey:
> Rockies beat the Giants > Got wrapped up in Cookies from the Roastery. Dammit
> Monte Ellis got hurt on a Mo-Ped
> Sharks lost last night to the Ducks
Dumbass Contest -- Name that Drink:
#1 Peter in SF - 2 for 2 For the Win!!
This wasn't as long as we thought.
What We Learned:
Ravey: Bullies in the bay, they don't take your lunch but in the Bay they take your free speech.
Menace: Should never get so drunk so that you forget that you decorated a Christmas Tree
Greg: Bags of Caca are falling from the sky
Tony: Strip clubs are dirty and the Folsom Street Fair is holesom.
Woody: Tony will eat food at a strip club but wont go on a trip to Mexico because it's too dirty.
Katie: Tony loses his glasses all the time on account of all the girls trying to close them with their thighs
Tony's Just a Headline: " Many Antiques seen at an Old Folks Convention"
LOVE the blog Katie! Hella rules!
What would I do with $700 billion? I would use it to convince the entire Woody Show (you included Katie) to go to the Folsom Street festival!! Ha!
left a comment.
You are so luck-eeeeeee
I heard Woody telling people they should comment on your blog- so here I go. Seriously funny, you have the same effed up humor as the hosts. Good job, but could you post the actual e-mails from Greg's hate mail? I always miss that segment somehow. Also wear your rain poncho at the Folsom Street Fair.
doing a good job with the blog. better than uhhh whats her name that did it before. but they should give you more camara time.
Good job Katie, im lovin the blog, your doin a great job! Ill stalk you today HELLA! BWAHAHAH
oh the penis name generator left me with "Goliath" HAHA!!
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