Today's Intern: Sarah....WITH A H...Everyone got that!?!?! WITH AN H!!!!!!!!!!
Morning Jabberrring: This is a shorrrt week. Sweet. It may be short but there's lots to do!! Woody is sporting a sweet Obama (who is apparently Jamacian) shirt today. Hilarious. Greg saw
a lady with a shirt that says "My baby loves Barak" Really? Does it!? Anyways. Woody has a gay friend who dates WAY younger guys. He is actually dating a younger guy who he is bringing to the wedding. Not a big deal other than he is 43 and his boyfriend is 20. Jeeeeeeeeeesus. Menace's gay buddy is all about old men. Crazy. Tony slurps his coffee really loud. This led to a "Tony drives us crazy" talk. We talked about the weekend. Menace ate ish at a club...but no one saw him. Woody feels weird in a white t....he is also making everyone feel uncomfortable. Tony went gay for about
2 seconds when he critisized Woody's fashion sense. We talked about the strip club experiance. I'm officially going to beat Menace up at commercial break. We talked about Mi Casa, and how we can see the BEAUTIFUL view of San Mateo. Nicolas Cage will be calling in today. Woot Woot

Menace's wittle (actully HUGE) bruise-y from when he tripped at the club---->
News with Gregggg:
> Republican Nationial Convention got underway yesterday. The convention got cut off because of the hurricane. Bush will be speaking at the convention.
> Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant and intends to keep the child and
marry the father.
> Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant and intends to keep the child and

> Kimberly Jernagin(32) had an online relationship witha 52 year old man. When the relationship ended she started stalking him. She went to his work place and tried to kid nap him. She went to his house, with a tazer and she bound his dog with ductape and put it in the bathtub.
> Guy in his 20's put a metal nut on his juuuuunk to see if it woud stretch it. While it was on his junnnnnnnnnk he got arroused and it got stuck. To get it off the doctors had to cut away a piece of skin and drain blood from his junnnnnnnk. Gross.
> Guy in his 20's put a metal nut on his juuuuunk to see if it woud stretch it. While it was on his junnnnnnnnnk he got arroused and it got stuck. To get it off the doctors had to cut away a piece of skin and drain blood from his junnnnnnnk. Gross.
Sports with Ravels:
> Giants lost last 4
> A's looking forward to the end of the season, because they keep losing
> Raiders picked up Ashley Lelie from the 49ers
> Tom Brady plans to start season opener. He missed pre-season because of an injury.
> Williams sisters will be facing off tomorrow.
Taking callers for this Metallica Tickets...missed all sorts of ish.
Nicolas Cage calls in and filled us in on his new movie: Bangkok Dangerous. A hitman goes to do 3 more hits. He makes friends and falls in love. Eventually karma kicks in.-- He won't answer the McCain question. He won't answer whether he thinks white bitches are crazy. He doesn't think that anyone owns anything. Jeeeeesus.
Rate Us and Leave Some "The Woody Show Rocks" comments!
Dumbass Contest: Jew or Me
#1 Adam - Lafayette: No Win.
#2 Tony - San Mateo: For the Win!!
#3 Kathryn - SF: Also with the Win!!
#2 Tony - San Mateo: For the Win!!
#3 Kathryn - SF: Also with the Win!!
**Someone Effed us on the Ratings thing. We went from a 4.7 to a 4.6 because someone who hates our show took the time to: Go to the internet, type in, click The Woody Show link, Click the ratings button, click The Woody Show, Click the # 1, type a you guys suck comment, and close the box. Thanks for the time and effort fun sucker. **
Music and Entertainment:
> Labor Day was super slow in the world of Movies...Duh.
> The Promotion and Then She Found Me comes out on DVD today.
> Books arent for losers
> Jennifer Aniston will be on 30 Rock.
> Phelps, Bryant and 150 other olympic athletes will be on Oprah.
> Sheild returns for final season on FX tonight.
Final Word: Slash says the guy who leaked the song "Should have a book thrown at him"
Tony wouldn't shut up during this segment, this ended up in Greg yelling at him. Tony tries to defend himself, but that backfired. Only resulted in a shut down. Peace in the hood please.
Wheel of Topics:
> Spray Tans Suck.
> Alison Jones called police that her boyfriend had harrassed her. Allison was a nympho who would wake him up in the middle of the night for sex, so he slapped her.
> Alison Jones called police that her boyfriend had harrassed her. Allison was a nympho who would wake him up in the middle of the night for sex, so he slapped her.
> We covered som Nympho fun facts: you may be a nympho if you show a lot of the same characteristics that normal people show. They were super vague.
> 4 in 5 people can identify the black sheep in their family.
>Woody : His Uncle Johnny and his Aunt Carol with the 1000 dogs and cats.
> Menace: He is the black sheep of his family
> Tony: His Aunt Gloria was nuts -- Theres $20,000 burried in Florida, let us know if you find it.
> Greg: His cousin - moves every 2 weeks back in with his Mom. Has moved 30 times in the past 2 years. Craziness
> Tony: His Aunt Gloria was nuts -- Theres $20,000 burried in Florida, let us know if you find it.
> Greg: His cousin - moves every 2 weeks back in with his Mom. Has moved 30 times in the past 2 years. Craziness
> Ravey: Her first Cousin - got pregnant in HS did drugs, boyfriend was into Drugs--Stuck with this guy. Daughter injured her foot "Ghost Riding the Whip" haha...
> Katie: My Aunt is the black sheep - She's crazy and she's off in Ohio somewhere...
> Had some callers: Druggies, People who were in Jail, married jews, ospers, all sorts of stuff.
News Round Dos:
> People were dissapointed that Hurricane Gustaf wasn't as big as interpretated. It wasn't as
bad as everyone thought. wah. It came as a catagory 2 storm. Hurricane Ike is on its way.
> Dust storm caused some people at the Burning Man Festival to leave early....DAHHHH THE HORROR!!!
> #1 and #2 things to have around--bottled water and poptarts

> Dust storm caused some people at the Burning Man Festival to leave early....DAHHHH THE HORROR!!!
> #1 and #2 things to have around--bottled water and poptarts
> 33 yr old was arrested out of a Modesto Denny's after trying to amputate his arm. He was on Cocaine and got frantic thinking he had injected air into his veins.
Text Contest: 1053 Person to text AVP will get tickets. ( apparently AVP is too complicated)
Guess the State *Win Tickets to the AVP CROCS PRO BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOUR**: When cops arrested 19 yr old, they found a debit card in his pocket. When the cops asked him he had a great excuse....they weren't his pants. He found the pants in his Van.
#1: Monica - Gilroy: Wisconsin. No Win.
#1: Monica - Gilroy: Wisconsin. No Win.
#2: DeeDee - San Jose: Florida. For the Win!!!
> Diddy is talking politics (oh god) : He has beef with McCain for chosing Sarah as his running mate. God this guy is an idiot.
> Helen Mirren she is talking date rape in an interview in GQ Mag. Apparently it doesn't count unless the girl says no at the last second. hahahaha dumb biiiiiiiiiiioooooooootch.
> Helen Mirren she is talking date rape in an interview in GQ Mag. Apparently it doesn't count unless the girl says no at the last second. hahahaha dumb biiiiiiiiiiioooooooootch.
Porno Birthday: Lanny Barbie has stared in 103 fine films such as "Rear Ended" and "Bar Busted Deep Thrusted" Lanny is 27 (Ravey for the Win)
What We Learned:
> Ravey: Nicolas Cage is a millionare that owns Nothing.
> Woody: Cheers and Fraiser are crap, but The Hills is awesome

> Menace: Denny's is still awesome if you want to cut off your arm
> Tony: Katie has a beautiful panoramic view of something
>Katie: A majority of our listeners are black sheep and Greg is going to kill Tony very VERY soon.
Tony's just a headline: "99 cent Store Changed Prices"
Can somebody figure out why Justin.TV isn't loading anymore videos =(
Podcasts do not cut it, I need my 4 hours of raw Wood-y footage.
you're right. My bad. It's been fixed. Good catch mr geoff
Katie does a good job on the blog but becomes boring during the day now on the chat, and even shrugged me off early talking to her....
AND I WOKE UP TOO DAMN EARLY! its a good thing too, now i have even more reason to hate on menace for stealing strip club cherries..... JERK!
good job on the blog, for a non blogger your doing SWELL!!! HAHAHA
Awesome Job on the Blog! Wow you even make corrections, sweet! Now if only starts to work, I can get my full woody show fill for the day!
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