Today's Intern: Sam

in Berkeley. We saw Critical Mass for the first time on Friday
as well.
These dumb douche bags on bikes hold up the streets. We had
some Muhammed talk, which seems to be Tony's specialty. A man was fined for driving a motorized cooler while drunk. We were excited about the motorized cooler.
Mother Effin Brian is a "Content Supervisor" which means he is in control of the dump button.
Emails from the People:

> Chris in Stockton - hates the Music on the show.
> Rachel in Fremont - She plays games with guys for free drinks. Menace thinks its effed up.
> Rachel in Fremont - She plays games with guys for free drinks. Menace thinks its effed up.
> Aaron is sick of girls who wear wonder bra's and things that
make them look better than they really look.
Women are using a lot of trickery. Bra-stuffers.....
Happy Happy Story Time:
From Indiana, a family goes to church, afterwards they were all in the parking lot when a 4 y
ear old got hit and run over by a mini van that her grandfather was driving.
News With Greg:
> Pumpkins are going to be super expensive due to early rain and a dry August.
> Woody got the IPhone.
> Brett Farve only had 6 touch down passes
Dumbass Contest: Woody Show Password.
#1: David in Foster City - Team Menace/Woody For The Win!!
#2: Patrick in Alamo - Team Ravey/Greg

Bad Days:
> A guy got in an accident while pulling up to his house, the wife ran outside to make sure he was ok but she left the stove on. The house burned down due to her leaving the stove on. The cops then wrote him a ticket for failing to yeild.
> Dude got hit by a train and then
was going to get cited for
Music and Entertainment Report:
> Paul Newman Died last night
> Shilah Douche has the #1 in the box office with Eagle eye.
> Shows on Thursday nights have had huge drops in ratings
*The phones blew up here, sorry but I missed the rest of it.*
Top Ten Worst Songs to hit the Charts: from
1. James Blunt - You're Beautiful

2. Los Del Rio - Makarahna
3. Spice Girls - Wanna Be
4. Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out.
5. Daniel Powter - Bad Day
6. Right Said Fred - I'm too Sexy
7. Backstreet Boys - I Want it That Way
8. Bobby McFarren - Don't Worry Be Happy
9. Prince - Bat Dance
10. Rick Ashley - Never gonna give you up
News Round Two:
> A Hazing incident, stuck an apple pie box up some 6th grade kids area where the sun doesn't shine.
> Iowa department of Public health, A lady who makes her coffee every night before she goes to bed, found a dead bat in her coffee filter.
Guess the State: a 40 year old man made a bet with his friends about whether his 1
5 year old son would have sex with a woman.
#1. Joe in Morgan Hill- Florida for the win!!
**We had some massive talk about Suck It in 08' in San Jose!!**

What We Learned:
Woody: Woody knows his inches because he's into 2 and a half man
Tony: Menace will soon be wearing a girdle
Menace: Greg is goign to stew all day about losing password
Katie: Boob pads known as Chicken Breasts
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