Today's Intern: Sarrrrahhhhhh is herrrreee-ah. I've missed her. I'm excited that she's here.
We're going to talk the hell out of this morning: Greg didn't watch Dancing With The Stars.
Woody took a nap for the first time in forever yesterday but couldn't sleep after. This is why I don't take naps. There was dream talk. Woody dreams he's getting bit by bugs, Menace and the falling dreams, Tony gets sick and better in his sleep, and Menace burritos himself then has to pee. A guy in Wyoming died and in his obituary it said that he didn't get his wish, to get hit by a beer truck on a liqueur run for a date. Butt News: There is a 3 ply roll of tp out there. it will debut this week. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET. It's ultra soft. Greg needed some of this to solve his mudd butt last night. Woody looks in to this quite a bit. People with hairy butts sweat and then it starts all over. There was some colonoscopy talk. Loving this topic, the callers are very graphic and I'm trying to eat a croissant.

Friday is our first stop for the SUCK IT IN 08' campaign. Falafel drive in in San Jose 5-7pm.
MAJOR HEADLINE!!!!! -- Tony knew that Ravey was on her period. *GasP*
> The damn tree sitters are going to have to pay a giant fine. GOOD!!!!! They want $10,000 each from the tree sitters.
> More hippie news. Portland, OR police arrested a girl who was nude inline skating and had some construction workers call and complain.
> Another story from Portland, OR-- A girl was getting her car towed. The guy who was towing it was there and she got all of her friends to surround him and start threatening him. He then locked himself in his truck and called 911 which is when the girl covered his car with gasoline and lit it on fire. Crazy bitch.
> Another story from Portland, OR-- A girl was getting her car towed. The guy who was towing it was there and she got all of her friends to surround him and start threatening him. He then locked himself in his truck and called 911 which is when the girl covered his car with gasoline and lit it on fire. Crazy bitch.
Sports With Ravey:
> Chargers won their first game of the season last night against the Jets
> Packers Al Harris has a torn spleen
> A's beat the Rangers in an 11 inning game last night
Dumbass Contest: Rock Band, Race Horse, or Porno Movie
#1. Rob in Nappa -- 0 for 2 No Win!
#2. Carlos in San Jose -- 0 for 2 No Win!
#3. Mike in San Jose -- 2 for 2 Winner!!!
> Sun Glasses at Night
> Pervy Dudes
> Guys in Convertables
> Guys in Tall tees
> Dude in shorts in HELLA cold weather
> Dog Tags w/o any type of military service
> Guys who tan so much they are orange
> Guys who go to the club dressed the same
Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> Travis Barker and DJ AM still are in care for their burns. Travis Barker dialed 911 and they
have an audio clip. It is so sad and scarey.
> Sex in the City the Movie is out on DVD today
> Emmy broadcast on Sunday had the lowest viewers .
> New episodes of Privledged and House tonight
> Tonight is the second night of Dancing with the Stars
Final Word: Dane Cook - He is trying to buy the building where he was evicted from (for doggie pooping problems). He's mad because he thinks that being kicked out it will jinx his career. douche bag.
Happy Happy Story Time:
Arizona -- Last Friday a police officer competed in a boxing match against a fire fighter for charity. The police officer was way out matched and ended up dying.
Sausage was Said!!!: Steve in Rohnert Park will be coming on the trip with us!! Luck-eeeeeeee!!
Hella News with Greg:
> They are searching a senators son in the investigation of the hacking of Palin's email.
> An 11 year old stole his foster mom's car. He crashed into a bunch of stuff. Stupid kid.
> Some more stabbing on bus talk. Menace may be doing a bus interview...hopefully that isn't the cause for the next bus stabbing...that'd be a shame.
So it would be sweet if Woody was going to drive a Backhoe to San Jose...With a police escort. And we're douche bags for wanting to take a limo.
It's official. The new Killers song makes me feel like I'm in Abercrombie surrounded by a bunch of 15 year old sluts. I can't wait for the show ban and unfortunately it can't come soon enough.
Go figure, The Woody Show talked Music....yeah....we talked Music. So all you people who say we don't do enough music stuff can suck it.

During commercial Woody played some "water games" with Greg while in the Bathroom. Hilarious
Emails from the Peeps:
> Crazy man Stan- Calls us Gay Lords, Thinks we suck but especially Woody and Ravey.
> Terrance - The signal in the East bay is horrible.....No ish. Where have you been??
> Chris - Has a problem with us saying "retards" would rather us say "idiots"....Really?
> Joyce - Likes the Show, wants Greg to bleach his head because of the sharing of towels with Menace.
What we Learned:
Ravey: The show has never been more disagreeable when it comes to music
Menace: Craig is officially the biggest douche bag in the bay.
Greg: Woody and Ravey take extreme pleasure in making callers sad
Tony: Colon cleansing is much more fun with friends.
Woody: He had like 6 and I didn't hear them. I suck. Sorry
Katie: When a listener requests sensitivity for the word retard, Tony likes to clarify by saying. We don’t mean retards like big tongues and rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Tony's Just a Headline: " Self Crucifiction claimed bad for your health "
1 comment:
Hooray for Justin.TV
Bring the whole 4+ hour show back please! Its been almost a month....
Oh and GJ Katie for updating the blog everyday for those who are unable to listen to the show in the early mornings.
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