I was convinced that I could go 5 days straight with 3-4 hours of sleep a night. OH god was I wrong! Anyways, the guy who invented caffiene is amazing! Let's get this party started.
Today's Intern: Miss Andrea

We talked about how Menace and I went to McDonalds. My friend is hott, but back off you can't have her, you creepers.
--Funniest Sleep Train Commercial Ever--
News With Greg Gory:
> It is still unknown if McCain is going to cancel his campaign.
> According to new CBS 5 pole -- people in the bay area want the law of gay marriage to be left alone: Prop 8 would eliminate gay marriage.> A man in Germany was unable to reach an orgasm during a $44 oral. He is blaming her for taking his $$ even though he didn't orgasm.
Sports with Miss Ravey:
> Woody show brought their good luck to the Giants....they lost
> Mets came up with a big win against the Cubs> Minesota Twins finished off a sweep last night> Steve Young is about to be the 11th player to have his # retired from the SF 49ers
> Upset in College football - USC lost to Oregan state last night
> Sharks play the Ducks in a pre season game tonight

Who Friggin Cares:> Amish population in the US has nearly doubled> They have an average of 6 children per family.
Dumbass Contest: First lines from songs you're sick of.
#1. Josh in Pinole - 0 for 2 No Win!
#2. Sean in SF - 0 for 2 No Win!
#3. Derrick in Hayward - 1 out of 3 No Win!
#4. Bruce in Manteca - 2 for 2 for the WIN!!! Good Job Bruce!
Everyone is excited about the Friday Song Challenge again. This week is Cheesy 80's
> Some tragic gun stories
> A kin
> A kin
dergardener went around and was poking other kids with a needle
Who Knew:
8 Food Myths Busted
1. Certain Foods Can Burn Fat? False
2. 6 small meals better than 3 square meals. False
3. Fresh Fruit and Veggies are more nutritious than if Frozen. False4. Decaf coffee has no caffiene False
5. Margarine better than Butter? False
6. Bananas are fattening? False
7. Cravings are your body's way of telling you that you need something. False
8. Cooking veggies will cook the vitamins right out and destroy the nutrients. False
8 Food Myths Busted
1. Certain Foods Can Burn Fat? False
2. 6 small meals better than 3 square meals. False
3. Fresh Fruit and Veggies are more nutritious than if Frozen. False4. Decaf coffee has no caffiene False
5. Margarine better than Butter? False
6. Bananas are fattening? False
7. Cravings are your body's way of telling you that you need something. False
8. Cooking veggies will cook the vitamins right out and destroy the nutrients. False

> An estimated 5-10% of girls age 18-35 have dark / black on their face, chest, stomach, back, etc.> Only 2-5% of kids are actually gifted.
Ravey's Music and Entertainment Report:
> Sheila Douche - Eagle Eye is in Theatre Today. Unintentionally funny and completely retarded
> Choke, who sent everyone anal beads, comes out today
> Kid Rock will be launching his own beer next year.
> Steven Tyler is filing a lawsuit against 20 Jane Does for impersonating him on the intern
> I missed the rest of it.

> I missed the rest of it.

Random Stories:
> Police in Oakalahoma city, stopped because there was a 3 year old carrying a baby bottle filled with beer.
A lot of booze talk and there is crazy ammounts of callers. Sorry I missed some of it
> A girl drank 6 different types of Alcohol and her face swelled up to the size of a soccer ball and the doctor said it may never go down.
A lot of booze talk and there is crazy ammounts of callers. Sorry I missed some of it
> A girl drank 6 different types of Alcohol and her face swelled up to the size of a soccer ball and the doctor said it may never go down.
Pointless Poll: Drunk Dialing VS. Drunk Texting
> Drunk Dialing is worse but a lot of people feel that drunk texting sucks too.
Chris in Pacifica has won to go to New Orleans! Good Job Chris!
News Round 2:
> San Francisco is still continuing with the Cigarette Ban
> Some guy got his pee pee amputated without his concent.
Jan Wahl is in the Hizzzz-ouse!
> Greg is super hott. Jan wants to do him.
> There was some sex talk with Jan.....*Crickets*........uhhhhh....yeah
> Burn after Reading aparently ruled.
> New Mean Girls, Grease, and Naked Gun will be coming to DVD
> Serena Williams - 27
> Wiloford Brimley - 74
> Hillary Duff - 21
> Mark Hamill - 57
> T.I. - 28
PORNO BIRTHDAY: Missy - 400 fine films such as: Anal Jepardy and Say Aloha to My A-Hole-a. She is 41

> Drunk Dialing is worse but a lot of people feel that drunk texting sucks too.
Chris in Pacifica has won to go to New Orleans! Good Job Chris!

News Round 2:
> San Francisco is still continuing with the Cigarette Ban
> Some guy got his pee pee amputated without his concent.
Jan Wahl is in the Hizzzz-ouse!
> Greg is super hott. Jan wants to do him.
> There was some sex talk with Jan.....*Crickets*........uhhhhh....yeah
> Burn after Reading aparently ruled.
> New Mean Girls, Grease, and Naked Gun will be coming to DVD
> Serena Williams - 27
> Wiloford Brimley - 74
> Hillary Duff - 21
> Mark Hamill - 57
> T.I. - 28
PORNO BIRTHDAY: Missy - 400 fine films such as: Anal Jepardy and Say Aloha to My A-Hole-a. She is 41

The Friday Song Challenge:
Woody: Milli Vanilli - Girl You Know It's True
Tony: Peter Setara - Glory of Love
Ravey: Journey - Anywhere You Want It For the win!!!
Greg: Level 42 - No idea what the songs called
Menace: Huey Louis - Hip to be Square
Woody: Milli Vanilli - Girl You Know It's True
Tony: Peter Setara - Glory of Love
Ravey: Journey - Anywhere You Want It For the win!!!
Greg: Level 42 - No idea what the songs called
Menace: Huey Louis - Hip to be Square
What We Learned:
Ravey: Can continue to eat the hell out of bananas
Menace: You should never go to the doctor because you might lose your penis
Greg: Learned that you can crunk it up with a 4 year old
Tony: Menace thinks girls are icky
Woody: Learned that the answer to the chicken or the egg
Katie: They are going to have fun with Chris in Pacifica.
Ravey: Can continue to eat the hell out of bananas
Menace: You should never go to the doctor because you might lose your penis
Greg: Learned that you can crunk it up with a 4 year old
Tony: Menace thinks girls are icky
Woody: Learned that the answer to the chicken or the egg
Katie: They are going to have fun with Chris in Pacifica.
1 comment:
what were the OTHER songs that woody almost picked on today's show but didn't? Sorry Woody but I thought those cheesey 80's songs both ruled much better than the one you picked. I was sad Woody turned those down!
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