Today's Intern: Miss Lauren from Sac Town
Talking Early in Zee Morninggg: Some music talk, the opening song we played put Tony in a fabulous mood. We also learned that Tony should never take up a career in rap. Menace was up all night with stomach pains. :-( Woody says that Tony can buy a place by Yerba Buena Island
for $200,000. The catch is?? No bedroom or closets and it's about the size of 7 ping pong tables. Good investment Tony....go for it. The only people who would buy that are A. Someone who is only there to sleep, and nothing else. B. Someone who is having an affair. Some dude with a dog named Elvis who is a pampered "bioootch", threw him a $10,000 BARKmitzvah. Really???? Greg has dog shoes for Rex. Ravey has no patience for people who baby talk their dogs to cross the street. Jim from Sunnyvale calls in and tells us about how when he was in construction a man asked him to build a 4 Bedroom dog house to match his ranch style
home. People never cease to amaze me. The guy who was going to do the "Miss Sister" contest came out and said that he had no intention of "putting nuns on the cat walk." and that the pageant is off. I personally was excited to see that there were actually hot nuns in existence. damn. We also realized that Ravey wouldn't dyke out with a hot nun anyways....they are already married to Jesus. The search for the IPhone continues. Apparently Apple was paying actors to stand in line for the Iphone. This seemed to break Menace's heart. We also learned that Apple signed up with Madden and Jared--Bummmer. Top Signs that you are in San Francisco- 1) All stores are out of Lighter fluid and American flags 2) Streets are filled with people shaking who got hit by Prius' 3) There is a man getting beat up for putting paper in the glass only bin

4) Nothing is getting done 5) People are scooping leftovers into Al Gore bags. (not getting this last one)
News Comin at Cha -
> All eyes were on Hillary last night at the Democratic National Convention. She endorsed ish. She also released her delagates to him. McCain was condemed by Bob Casey for his plan for off shore drilling. It was basically a McCain slam fest. Hillary's key quote with her soothing delivery--"No Way. No How. No McCain." This quote is going to be Gregs new tattoo. I hate this woman. Greg has also released his idea for the invention of the "Yes We Will" alarm clock. Sales pitch--"It Could Wake the Dead!"

> All eyes were on Hillary last night at the Democratic National Convention. She endorsed ish. She also released her delagates to him. McCain was condemed by Bob Casey for his plan for off shore drilling. It was basically a McCain slam fest. Hillary's key quote with her soothing delivery--"No Way. No How. No McCain." This quote is going to be Gregs new tattoo. I hate this woman. Greg has also released his idea for the invention of the "Yes We Will" alarm clock. Sales pitch--"It Could Wake the Dead!"
> In Herald, TX--Teachers are now allowed to carry guns.
> Campus Security noticed a stumbling 18 yr old who when they breathalyzed him he blew a .063 and claimed that it was because he was kissing a girl. Idiot. He was cited for underage consumption. The new thing is the breast test-- in which the girl will be motor boated and if the officer can still breath, she gets a ticket for having small boobage, BUT if the officer can not get air, she will be sent on her way.
Sports with Ravey-
> Colorado Rockies didn't have any problem beating the Giants last night
> A's haven't won back to back games in almost 2 months
> Baseball Historic event tomorrow night--Instant replay will be utalized for boundary calls. There goes the sanctitiy of Baseball
> Michael Strayhand decided to stay retired after the request to join the Giants
> LPGA is going to require its golf members to learn English by the end of 2009 or else
> LPGA is going to require its golf members to learn English by the end of 2009 or else
**Tony shares a story-- In the office last week while Disturbed song was on, Tony changed the lyrics turning it into the Bacon song. Ravey is now on board.**
Who Friggin Cares:
> One of the largest and most photographed stone arches in Arches National Park in Utah has collapsed. Ravey was the only one dreaming of visiting this place.
Emails from our Peeps:
> Mother Effin Brian - Uhh, recently got a full time job working with the.. uhhh.... morning show on 98 Rock. Its nothing glamorous but gives him what he needs.
**Congrats Brian!!**
**Congrats Brian!!**
> Eric - Menace needs to STFU and wants to kick Menace in the face.
> Lydia from Ireland - Listens to the show everyday. Listens through ITunes. Thinks LIVE 105 has a cool vibe.
> Christian - Can't find our bios on the web page. Which we don't have, because no one cares.
> Wesley - Reguarding the email from Jim about the kid thing. Thinks we're great and has stayed with us in the mornings. Thinks Jims a douche and that he is the problem with our kids.
> David Titsworth - Heeee'ssss Baaaaackkkkkk. - To Tony. Thinks that Tony is all about the money and that Greg and Tony are whats wrong with this country. This guy also emailed Greg asking for a job at LIVE 105...... For reals....
> David Titsworth - Heeee'ssss Baaaaackkkkkk. - To Tony. Thinks that Tony is all about the money and that Greg and Tony are whats wrong with this country. This guy also emailed Greg asking for a job at LIVE 105...... For reals....
$$Remember kids....Money is just a concept.$$

**Played heads or Tails--Tony is Heads because he's brilliant and Tails is Menace beause he's an Ass***
#1: Chris in Modesto- Chose egg 3 for Tony. It was hardboiled No Win.
#2: Blake in San Jose- Chose egg 1 for Menace. It was hardboiled. No Win
#3: Brooke in San Jose - Chose egg 4 for Tony. It was hardboiled. No Win
#4: Zack in San Jose- Chose egg 2 for Menace. It was Raw. Winner!!
**Menace's new nickname- "Egg Whitemenace" GETTTTTTING.***
Who Knew?!?!
> New York has the kinkiest women and Florida has the kinkiest guys.
> New York has the kinkiest women and Florida has the kinkiest guys.
> A group called Fight Crime - says that 60% of boys who were considered bullies are convicted of at least one crime by age 24.
> There are more than 1,000,000 people with SRED (Sleep Related Eating Disorder). This is when people basically sleep eat. If they can't find food they will eat anything - ex. glue, paper, cat food. etc.
> According to a survey - 3% of people watch TV in the bathroom. 15% (we think 90%) of people talk on the phone while doing the doodie. People are 1.5 times more likely to fold their TP rather
than crinkle it.

> Tony uses a poof/lufa/girlie man shower tool. To be exact it is the Axe Poof.
> 3 in 4 people are adament that TP must come out "over the top" of the roll as apposed to the "underside" of the roll.
> 1 in 3 people are cremated.
> In order for the population to continue to grow, women need to have 2.1 kids a piece. Hispanic women are the ones most likely to have the 2.1 kids.
> Now you can buy a mobile microwave for your car. It plugs into the cigarette lighter and it's a "meal on the move" Sounds HELLLLLLA safe.
> Survey took place in England - The average woman will spend an average of 3,276 hours getting ready to go out.
Music and Entertainment Report:
> MCR posted an update on their myspace about new material- Searching for a new sound
> Ozzy is the subject of a new documentary made by his son Jack who is trying to make his dad look more real than the reality show did.
> Sad News- E has cancelled Denise Richards "It's Complicated" after 1 season.
> MTV having trouble with The Hills. 4th season premiere dropped off 26%
> Greatest American Dogs on CBS
> Hella Coverage of the DNC
>Final Word: Kid Rock talks Politics. "At the end of the day, I'm good at writing songs and singing. What I'm not educated in is the field of political science and me trying to influence people on who to vote for would be irrisponsible"
--Check out Menace Smashing an Egg on His Face!! Hilarious!!!!--
> The Woody Show has a boss who calls meetings for NO REASON. For instance: Meeting Part 1. They are having a meeting today about how the weather is useless and needs to be dropped off the show. Really?? Part 2. Regarding "News and Sports" Dave wants to know why we call it "News and Sports"...because thats what it is? Oh and the sports is WAYYY to "Sports-y"
**Callers wondering if Dave's last name is Titsworth**
> Stories of Supervisors who don't do anything but pretend to do something when the "Big Man Boss" is around, bosses who send out wayyy too many emails, bosses who are computer illiterate, and bosses that sleep and watch movies on the job.
**Greg did the fastest Traffic and *****er report ever. " Weather-hot, Traffic-Crashes."**
Since "News and Sports" is too "News-y and Sports-y", what should we call it??
> Spews and Norts
> Media Talk and Athletic Activities
> Media Talk and Athletic Activities
> Make it a symbol that no one knows what it means
> Stuff and things
>Death and Jock straps
> Nizzy and the Spizzy
> N and S
*Nizzy and Spizzy is getting the most votes*
Nizzy with Greg-zy:
> Tony turned into a black woman
> Judge ok'd the Sports center in Berkeley. Woo Get those people out of those tree's. Kill them after or during the act please.

> Nancy Kates arrived at Oakland Airport. The metal detectors kept going off. It was the underwire on her bra. She had 2 options: 1. Allow a pat down from a female officer 2. Forget the flight. She suggested that she go to the bathroom and take the bra off. She did so, went through the detector, it didn't go off, but by the time all of this was said and done, she had missed her flight.
-Jackie talk- I missed some because I was downstairs getting Masters, but I did hear Ravey say that it is for sure that Jackie will be moving up in the Boyfriend Department. -
Got Game with Steve Masters: There are some sweet new games. A swimming game for the Wii. Mario Kart for Wii is awesome! Gears of War II out on November 7th. Marbel Ultimate Alliance is out in Summer 09. For Spore you can go and create your little creature for free! NHL 09 will be out September 9. The show learned about the Red Ring of Death on the X Box. DC vs. Mortal Combat will be out this November.
::Check out the Got Game Website::
> Dr. Dre's son Andre was found dead by his mother. Mom called paramedics after she found him in his bed and was not responsive. Nothing has been determined as to cause of death
> Since Brad and Angelina are living in France they are eligable for $2600 child support.
> Desperate housewives stars Nicollette Sheridan and Michael Bolton called off their engagement.
Crappy Birthdays:
> Pee Wee Herman -56
> Sarah Chalk - 32
> Jimmy Pop - 36
> Chandra Wilson - 38
> Sergent Slaughter - 60
Porno Birthday: Harry Reems stars in 199 fine films - 61 mother effers.
What We Learned:
Woody: Learned that he may have been tricked by the phone industry and to not pick egg #2
Tony: Ravey was late for a flight due to boobage
Ravey: Only 15% of people will admit to talking on the phone during tinkles
Greg: Learned some math- If you add Nizzy, Spizzy, Norts, and Torts you get a Powerhouse report.
Menace: Thinks the show is high if they actually think that Apple hired people to stand in line
Katie: $$ is only a Concept.
Tony's Just A Headline: Racoon's Crime Spree Ends With Capture in Atlanta
AWESOME job on the blog! This is so great and detailed and very well written! Looking forward to reading these on a daily basis again! You're awesome, cute and a total potato sack girl!
aaaahhh i just heard there was a new blog out. finally! i loved the old one and i'm loving this one too. i dont get to always watch/listen to the show so i love this thing. keep it up katie!
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